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Everything posted by Microxot

  1. D-FENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED D-FENCE!
  2. TURNOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Every time I go back to pick up some NT gear, It seems that the University book store has either closed early or has less and less in the type of clothing/Fan gear that I want. Almost everytime I head over to Voertmans and they are open and have exactly what I want (or didn't know I wanted). I was there last week and finally able to pick up my <sarcasm>Baylor's</sarcasm> Battle Flag for my house! Burl
  4. Im listening to the game on 88.1. Question, the guy who is announcing. Is he from The Ticket? He sounds very familiar. I so wish I was at the game... GO Mean Green!!!!
  5. Why? Also, I think more alum would participate more if we actually got info from Talons. In the past 14 years, I think I received a TOTAL of 6 newsletters/emails. Im not expecting a weekly minutes, but 2 or 3 emails/newsletters a semester would be nice (expecially fall semester). Does Talons have a website anymore? I know it has been on and off (and changed locations) in the past. Burleigh '92
  6. What a load of crap. Marching band is not hard. If you've played the music enough and know how to count to 4 you can march. It is pretty sad when most high school bands are dressed up to play at every games and parades, yet UNT wouldn't do it at a high profile game.
  7. I agree with the complaints about the NT band. Those of you who were there should write a letter to the NT Daily. Hopefully one of them will be printed. Hell they are still writing about that #*&% Squirrell.
  8. Televised or on the radio somewhere?
  9. 2 Questions. 1. Where can one find a 3 x 5 (or 5 x 7) NT Battle Flag? 2. Does anyone know of an NT bicycle jersey?
  10. Geeze, This absurdity gets worse. It even showed up on here: http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/wfaa...l.5097e6ab.html I love nature too but I am not going to sit around and morn for a skinny treeborn rabbit with a genetic mutation because it fufilled it's lot in nature - being food for carnivores. It wasn't some domesticated animal nor was it someone's pet. People, this is a @#$#$@# squirrel, a furry rodent, a tree rat. It doesn't need a colletion or worshipers/fans/society to sway public opinion for some "squirrel rights" movement. Just think, a few parents are paying good money for their kids to go to college and get into squirrel organizations. Want a cause? join greenpeace, join the Sierra club, at lease understand nature and the natural order of things. Hell, even PETA has a better agenda than this stupidity. It is crap like this that gives NT a bad rap.
  11. How about an option for "none of the above"? I tried listening to the Ticket, but got tired of the amature sound and feel. yes somethings that have useful sports information, but most of time they sound like they are doing what they can to fill dead air. Russ Martin is better, but after listening to his show for a few weeks, it is all repeat of the same jokes and antics. I'll listen to him for a few days and then take a week or two off.
  12. And here I was thinking this thread was going to be about things like: Brand an eagle on Bevo. Paint the tower green. etc...
  13. DISTURBING BEER NEWS Yesterday, University scientists released the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer. Men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption. The theory is that beer contains female hormones (hops contain phytoeostrogens) and that by drinking enough beer, men turn into women. To test the theory, 100 men were fed 8 pints of beer each within a 1 hour period. It was then observed that 100% of the test subjects: 1. Gained weight 2. Talked excessively without making sense 3. Became overly emotional 4. Couldn't drive 5. Failed to think rationally 6. Argued over nothing 7. Had to sit down while urinating 8. Refused to apologize when obviously wrong No further testing was considered necessary.
  14. I was Eppy during the 92 basketball season.
  15. Hopefully we can get OUR battle flag on TV. Anybody going to the game that has one (RICK?!?!?) please wave it as much as possible!
  16. Anybody know what channel that is on DirectTV? Nevermind, I found the game being shown on 620, 624, 630,634, 636,637,638,642,643,645,647,649,651,652,654. HOPEFULLy one of those channels is part of my package (crossing my fingers). Burl
  17. Will this game be on any channel? If not, will it be live on KNTU? Thanks
  18. What I find funny is not so much that they think we are below them, but the fact that they think they are in the same league as UT, aTm, TT, or DUKE... I tell you, it took me a few minutes to stop the uncontrollable laughter. Boy, If I need another good laugh or a pick me up on a bad day, I know I can go to their link. Back in 80's SMU did have one of the best professional football team in college.
  19. I go in there from time to time and haven't seen anything. Where in the store are you finding this? (maybe Im just blinded by the TV's and elecronics section) Burl
  20. burleigh@burleigh.net
  21. when should we expect the refunds of the excess money?
  22. Sorry, I am not trying to be difficult. I'll go with what is made, but I at least wanted to put my preference out there and see if it might be better. If not, no biggie. Burl
  23. excuse my poor skills with paint but this is kinda of what I had in mind (maybe with "mean green" a little smaller a bit more down.
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