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Baby Arm!

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Everything posted by Baby Arm!

  1. the " North Texassus InviTAAAAAAATion" game
  2. I see what you did there. Well played sir. Well played.
  3. Ummm Ok, .....not that there is anythign wrong with that.
  4. My favorite 30 for 30 docs: 10. Four Days in October 9. Winning Time - Reggie Miller vs. New York Knicks 8. The House of Steinbrenner 7. The Best that never was- Marucs DuPree 6. The Legend of Jimmy the Greek 5. Silly Little Game 4. The U 3. Pony Excess 2. The Band Played On 1. Small Potatoes: Who really killed the USFL.
  5. Im confused. Don't you always say the eagle is no longer our mascot?????
  6. I see what you did there. Well played sir. Well played.
  7. People make a lot of the death penalty and it's effect on SMU's program but I dont think it alone is was what killed the SMU program for 20 years. Eventhough I think the penalties are harher than what SMU got, I think PSU will not see the impact on it's football program that SMU did and they will rebound quickly. They are still a member of the B1G and will be in a major conference playing in front of 100,000 at Beaver Stadium. Ticket sales alone is a huge revenue stream that they will keep. In SMU case the dealth penalty effects were aggrivated by the break up of the Southwest Conference. SMU was relagated to the WAC and found itself outside of a major conference and playing in a 20,000 seat refurbished Ownby Stadium which the couldn't fill. SMU alumni had to go from a team contending for a national championship to percieved minor leauge. Also, the city of Dallas has never embraced SMU like western PA embraces Penn State. PSU will retain their local support while SMU lost of what little support they had. I believe the breakup of the SWC and SMU's internal changes toward athletics had more to do with the programs extended downfall than the death penalty did.
  8. He likes us! He really, really likes us!!!
  9. and burgers only cost a dime, for an extra nickel Hayden Fry would personally flip your bugers and serve them to you on fine china.
  10. SIAP, According to this site our opening game will be on ESPNU Sat Sept 1 North Texas @ LSU 6:00 PM http://www.lsufootba.../tvschedule.htm Click here to view the article
  11. That's WAY to much to read on a message board!
  12. Since it seems the "Death Penalty" is off the table, and these are "unprecedented" penalties may include post season, television bans, scholarship reductions, and allowing current players to transfer without penalty. Perhaps as part of this they will also ban Penn State from haveing home games for a year or two? That wont punish other schools by losing a home game's revenue. People often forget that the death penalty given to SMU only shut the program down for one year. The second year they were allowed road games only. It was SMU's choice not to field a team at all the second year.
  13. I still think the roof looks like a giant toilet seat. Just sayin...
  14. Nerver started. He wasn't scheduled to start the job until the fall.
  15. FIU pic looks like it came from an ad for an apartment complex
  16. UTSA is getting it done! They are using new and creative ways to sell tickets. They had a lot of local business and local leaders willing to make a financial committment to the program, but UTSA staff said don't give us donations, let us sell you blocks of tickets instead. It was a win/win. UTSA got both the money and the sales numbers. This is how the guy with the KFC franchises got the tickets to give away with his chicken.
  17. I don't buy the economic argument for a minute, but I also don't have a problem with public financing of stadiums. Why, because that's how the game is played if you want a pro football team in your town. It's the price to be paid. An election was held and the voters agreed they are willing to pay to have a pro team in their town. It's their choice. Just like they agree to tax themselves to pay for parks, museums, concert halls, etc, and any number of things that add to the quality of life for the residents of that town. I just wish cities would be honest and say they believe having a pro sports team adds to the quality of life in their city and they are willing to pay for it. Stop with all the ecomomic BS,
  18. Why did Grimmace from McD's make the cover?????
  19. Q: What happens when a team wins a BCS National Championship?. A: 1) They get a nice crystal football trophy, 2) They get to travel to the White House and meet the President, 3) They get to open the next season at home against North Texas.
  20. "My wife said I couldnt go, so I gave her a piece of my mind"-- John F Kennedy
  21. Im trying to figure out what message it sends and why it's wrong?
  22. Why the eagle? According to Stebo the eagle isn't our mascot anymore.....
  23. Sure wish they could make a stop down in this part of the state
  24. Wisconsin wasnt ranked in the top 6 at the end of the season.
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