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Baby Arm!

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Everything posted by Baby Arm!

  1. T Boone is a business genius. When he donated 200+ million to Oklahoma State, he pulled the cash out of his investment company BP Capital, TB get's a huge tax deduction for the donation to OSU, but the donation comes with the stipulation that OSU invest the 200+ million back into BP Capital. So TB's company retains the assets, TB gets the tax deduction, OSU gets the divedends/returns on the principal. All it really cost TB is the future returns on the principal. ....genius!
  2. tick, tock, tick, tock.....Hear that Mr. Federline? That's the sound of the wanning seconds on your 15 minutes of fame.
  3. See above for further evidence of the wussification of America. When will it stop??
  4. Looks like I'll be able to make the game, but wont have time for the all day tailgate party I usually throw. I try and make it by the GMG tent before the game.
  5. Is anybody tailgating Saturday? I gotta admit Im having doubts about going to the game, especially if it rains. Just wondering what the tempature of the board was.
  6. You're going to be disappointed
  7. Well we did beat SMU.... How did A-State do against the ponies???
  8. Good find and thanks for the heads up. I am going to out of town and thought I'd miss it.
  9. My "off" weekend is busier than normal.....spending time with the gf. State Fair on Saturday and a family birthday party that night. Church then the Cowboy game on Sunday (as ususual) Thank goodness my job gives me 4 day weekends so I have a day each to gear up and wind down on weekends like these.
  10. Last saturday while stopping at the Kroger on University to buy 'supplies' for the tailgate festivities I found sitting in the beer aisle a heavy duty, green cooler. Forest green, adorned with North Texas workmarks and Son of worm logos on all sides and inside the cover. iT WAS SO COOL!!! It took me about 2 seconds to put it in my cart. I didn't see a price but I don't care how much it was. It would be mine, oh yes it would be mine! I go to check out and after the price check the store manager comes up to me and tells me the cooler isn't for sale It's part of the floor display set up by Busch beer. I tried to make a deal. Told the guy it's sold just name the price. No dice
  11. The late great Gordon Wood (who knew a thing or two about winning football games) always said that after a win a good coach should give all the credit to his players. After a loss, the coach should take all the blame and accept all the responsibility. It may not be true, there may be players or assistants that made mistakes or had a bad game, but a good coach doesn't pass the buck. The head coach should blame it on poor coaching on his part and stand up and accept all the responsibility/blame.
  12. Bowling Green State University of the MAC is in Bowling Green OHIO, Western Kentucky Univesity of the Sun Belt is in Bowling Green KENTUCKY. Everyone got that straight now???
  13. "My people will show up if there's punch and pie!"-- Eric Cartman
  14. Talent and Coaching Although we may have some very talented young men we don't have enough. Lack of talent is attributed to the coaching staff, poor recruiting leads to lack of depth
  15. Agree, Fly Like An Eagle needs to die a death similar to that of the albino squirl. although, being disembowled by a bird of prey may be a bit harsh, Let's just not play it SO much.
  16. Didn't notice the 2009
  17. Watching these touching videos helps to remind us to keep football in perspective Son of a Champion Son of a Champion part II- Update
  18. That looks awesome but wondering why you include WKU on a football theme?
  19. Why cant we blame the players?..... Because you can't fire the team, we can only fire the coaches.
  20. I've heard Simon had issues with Helwig over lack of facilities and the number of body bag games Helwig would schedule to fund the program. Both areas that have been addressed by RV. Just something to consider.
  21. It may be hard to get that info since it's a violation of NCAA rules for fans and/or boosters to talk to prospects
  22. Tailgating Tips For Mean Green Fans Courtesy: University of North Texas Release: 09/28/2006 Game Day At North Texas Courtesy: University of North Texas DENTON (9/28/06) - The North Texas Athletic department is looking forward to another festive Game Day at North Texas tailgating atmosphere this Saturday when the Mean Green hosts Middle Tennessee . To enhance the game day experience for all fans we have developed the following tailgating tips. For additional information please visit MeanGreenSports.com and click on Game Day @ North Texas ! PARKING The majority of the parking around the stadium is reserved for Mean Green Club Members who purchase season tickets and are issued an appropriate parking pass. Parking in the Blue Lot (located between Fouts Field and the Super Pit) is available for non Mean Green Club members at a cost of $10 per game. We have implemented festival parking in this Lot , which means that patrons are directed where to park and not given the opportunity to choose a specific parking spot. If you wish to park next to friends and family it is suggested that you enter the lot together. Tailgating space is considered to be behind the vehicle in the aisle immediately adjacent to parking space. Parking is very limited in this area so fans are encouraged to arrive early. A parking space is not guaranteed and re-entry is not permitted. Recreational Vehicles will be permitted in the Orange lot for Mean Green Club members as arranged with their donation and must park at the direction of attendants. Non Mean Green Club Members will be permitted to park in the orange lot with a $50 per game fee and must also park at the direction of the attendants. RV overflow parking is available in the red lot. BEVERAGES We are trying to re-emphasize that Kegs are not permitted in the tailgating areas or on campus for that matter, neither are beer bongs, and other binge drinking related paraphernalia. The legal drinking age is 21 or older, consumption of alcohol by minors is illegal, and it is illegal to provide alcohol to minors. The University reminds all fans to not drink and drive. Please choose a designated driver before you consume any alcoholic beverages. PLEASE DO NOTS Please no glass bottles, firearms, weapons, distribution of materials, or selling of raffles without prior athletic department permission. No apparel, souvenirs, food, or beverage may be sold without appropriate permission by North Texas Athletics and the University of North Texas . No advertising vehicles permitted without prior approved permission of North Texas Athletics. BE RESPECTFUL Fans are encouraged to bag their trash and place in the appropriate receptacles. Please be courteous and respectful of other tailgaters including visiting fans as we work to present a conducive atmosphere for a great day of college football festivities. GET IN THE GAME Fans are also encouraged to secure their valuables 30 minutes prior to kickoff and make their way into the seating areas of Fouts Field to enjoy the Green Brigade Pregame Extravaganza. Tailgating during the game is strongly discouraged
  23. MUTS has an Ahab-esque fixation on us. We are their great white whale.
  24. I still don't see why some have a problem with Bobby Ray as chairman of the BOR. I guess it stems from DD's contract but in reality Bobby Ray is the most pro-athletic BOR chairman we've had in years!! Look at all the money, (including a loan approved by the BOR) that has gone into athletic facilities during his term. I assure if the chairman of the BOR was anti-athletics none of the stuff on Bonnie Brae would have been built. and btw, I've seen Bobby Ray come to games, I know for a fact that for each New Orleans Bowl he and his wife made the trip along with an old fraternity brother (Once a Phi Kap, Always a Phi Kap!) but I've also seen him be one of few who attend scrimages during spring football drills! I never saw Lee Jackson at a scrimage, heck I've never even seen Norval Pohl at a scrimmage Now tell me that guy isn't a fan. (not saying Pohl, Jackson haven't attended, but I've never seen it)
  25. UNT- 17 MUTS -3 Attendance- 21,000 (announced/tickets sold), 17,500 butts in seats
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