Tippet is a great coach - but I think they want to get away from dump-and-chase hockey for good and realized that Tippett wasn't going to mesh with that. The team isn't big enough to beat people up consistently and Tippett never found that offensive balance after his first season. Nieuwy knew Tippett from Team Canada events, so I don't think it was an angry affair - just a change of direction. Maybe his mustache started making unreasonable demands to trade Turco and reacquire Mike Smith? As for Crawford, he just flamed out so spectacularly in LA, but did have previous success. He just spent a year on HNIC, so maybe that will clear his head and get him to stop cussing like a mad man every time his team draws a penalty. If you ever stayed up and watched the Stars play in LA, he had some great tantrums. On the plus side, he will get a goalie coach and start holding Turco, Modano and a few others more accountable for working hard between games, which could either pay off or blow up spectacularly, so that will be fun. And dude, I know you are a big hockey fan, but you know Carbo got the axe in March, right? He was coaching a portion of the Russian Mafia, but he completely lost his team early on in the season and had no clue how to get them back. I think he coaches here some day, but it might be better to wait until his old buddies are off the roster.