Fine, you broke me down. Just be gentle with me, because I poured my heart into this. 10. Vanessa Carlton: Be Not Nobody. Seriously the chick can PLAY - and that Thousand Miles song set the soundtrack for many a romantic Sunday night. 9. Nobeu Uematsu: Final Fantasy IX People call it the most disappointing game in the franchise, but when one of those little muppet things casts a spell and you hear the score rise, you will blow it all over your original PS 8. Madonna: Music. Madge plus serious dance beats. Yes please - it's my gay fever dream! 7. N'Sync: Celebrity. Cover filled the spank tank for years 6. Destiny's Child: Survivor. Pop anthems and behind the scenes drama because only one could sing? It was like Dreamgirls before Broadway realized we need more movie adaptions. 5. Enrique Iglesias: Escape. no one gives them an credit for being at the height of his powers when he was putting every hot starlet possible into his videos. Plus the music was so infectious that it cued my own personal Latin explosion, if you know what I mean. (Seriously, I got engaged to a Hispanic girl). 4. Vertical Horizon: Everything you Want. 'Nuff said. 3. Creed. Higher. Love them or hate them, you can't deny that this band taught you to be a better role model and father. I know my dad started touching me a lot more after he got into this band. 2. Faith Hill: Breathe. Not because of her music, but just to know that her mouth had touched Tim McGraw made everything she sang instantly more sexy. 1. Josh Groban: Josh Groban. His voice will send you to heaven - even if you're Jewish!