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Everything posted by 06WideOutsRideOut

  1. Yeah Im extremely tired of this excuse too... Im waiting to hear, "We lost b/c I called ANOTHER draw on 3rd and long..."
  2. Yeah I have to say Ive seen no potential in Daniel, hell if any of us threw a couple of blind bombs one of them would hit the mark. No one here can say that Matt didnt have a phenomenal game coming in as a TRUE FRESHMAN (hint hint, also unexperienced) But I hate to bust all yalls bubbles but matt will not start the rest of the season. for some reason or another DD loves Meager... Yes DD needs to go. Isnt there a petition or something started we can sign?
  3. OK let me ask you this UNT86, right, a fan doesnt reserve the right to "abuse"(heckle) when they buy a ticket BUT. As a PAID, EMPLOYED, person, a coach is supposed to be PROFESSIONAL enough to ignore the stuff from the crowd, that is part of being professional and classy. Look at games where players and coaches are heckled WAY worse than "you are being outcoached" Hell, that is said half the time on ESPN!!! Should Chris Berman be strangled??? thank you.
  4. Thanks for welcoming me guys. Yeah Dickey cant go all the sudden due to the fact that hes turned this program around a complete 180. Ramon yes, dickey not yet... lets see how it goes next year.
  5. There is no possible way this can be excused, D1 coaches SHOULD be able to do as college and professional do; ignore the fans. that simple. i would expect this in high school or something. he needs to lose his job this time around.
  6. I agree with both tony and euless. I used to absolutely love dickey, but this last year ive been wondering whats goin on in his head, play calling, the j-mo cobbs in the same backfield issue, and just plain on some calls. -j-mo and cobbs are not at 100% health, BUT theyre both playing so why the hell not in the same backfield. -RAMON FLANAGAN SHOULD BE GONE! this is unexcusable! and not the first time. Made us look like a circus show. im sure it had everybody laughing. -also about the 2 minutes to go fiasco. yall said it best. -i think its a bit political, like high school football. why not try some younger guys going into the spring??? kellen haynes threw for 4000 yards and 40 tds at a 4A high school in his senior season! hell give SOMEBODY a chance so you know what youve got to work on in the spring. my 2 cents thanks
  7. Agreed, I think Daniel is an awesome dude, cool as hell. But yeah alot of the passes are very short yardage, very short. Any time its thrown up(seems like a prayer), its picked, thrown into 2x coverage, or not within 7 yards of the reciever. -Byerly back next year could be nice, Ive seen and heard good things about him.
  8. Agreed FFR, as a friend of Mighty Quinn's, def. true. Great player, cool as hell, and a classy guy. Good thing we got him around for next year.
  9. Yeah we will be lucky to get 15,000. Especially when we have really unprofessional stuff like what happenend with RF and that fan, thats real classy for a D1 coach. Makes us look like a laughing stock of the Nation. Its usually between a coach and the OPPOSING teams fans... The big issue someone mentioned about starting with new freshman at orientation is simple. We have these loser frat guys that go to all the new students and tell them "we only tailgate and leave" < pathetic. so these pretty much high school students are easy to manipulate when nascent on campus.
  10. Now that Meangreensports.com is charging for press conferences, the few people that want to watch them have to pay ridiculous amounts of money, and they say theyre trying to increase fan base?! Thats ridiculous. Can someone post the press conferences tonight or 2mrw, and so on? -Thanks Im new to the boards. -Kyle
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