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Everything posted by UNTBill

  1. Why in the "Hades" would you play and then still play a soft zone against a good passing team. On almost every pass play the defensive player is no where near the receiver.
  2. I have been wondering the same thing myself. I guess it just makes too much sense.
  3. I just bought tickets to the Tulsa Game. I asked "How many Mean Green fans have bought tickets?" Response. "Only 45" I hope that most fans are procrastinators and many more than that will attend. Does UNT provide a bus for students that want to attend?
  4. My son and I are going. My other family members decided to sit this one out. Does anyone know if this game will be televised? Bill
  5. Yes it would, and I believe he will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN
  6. Section 13 Row 7 Seats 1,2,3,4,5,6 GO MEAN GREEN
  7. I may be wrong but isn't the Texas--OU game played around noon. If so, that would be plenty of time to do both.
  8. I attended the spring scrimmage and was equally encouraged by (IMO) overall improvement. I would like to attend a practice if I can fit one in with my work schedule. What day or time would you recommend? Is there a summer scrimmage?
  9. Thanks. Actually, I kept looking for something reasonable because with 6 people some of the hotels wanted me to get 2 rooms. I found a room at the Roadway Inn within in a block from the stadium. The costs with tax etc. was under $100. I just hope the rooms are clean. My wife always travels with her own pillow, maybe this time we'll pack some linen just in case. PS As of July 19 they still had rooms left.
  10. My wife and I are taking 4 kids with us to the game in Austin and I am having trouble finding a hotel under $125 a night and within walking distance to the stadium. Any help out there?
  11. Interesting. I was at the gym the other day and a patron was wearing a Texas State t-shirt. The first one I'd ever seen. Then driving home a kid on a bike was wearing one too. Later that same evening, at the grocery store, I saw a lady wearing one. Coincedence, or just good marketing.
  12. I just spoke with the ticket office--you can order the Texas tickets now if you wish. He said they are $50.00 each. The ticket office said only season ticket holders can order the Texas tickets now. They will be made available to the public in about a month.
  13. What a great idea!! Thanks for the info. We plan on bringing 6 to Austin for the game. A train would be a nice change of pace rather than driving. We would be interested in joining other Mean Green fans on the train ride. Before booking reservations I will await further developments
  14. No. I too had that impression. For the most part his passes were crisp, on target and he didn't seem to hold the ball too long before delivering the pass. Unless I missed something I only saw him throw one bad pass.
  15. I am not sure I will be able to attend the event, but would be glad to contribute to the cost. Where would you like me to send a check?
  16. Just curious. What happened to Eric Pegrim? (sp) I thought he was interested in coaching the running backs? Woundn't he be a better hire from a recruiting standpoint?
  17. I wish Darrell the best, and a speedy recovery. I just wish he had said our Mean Green instead of "your"
  18. Oh, yeah, I forgot. My wifes grandmother graduated from UNT, with a degree in nutrition or something like that.
  19. My brother and I are both graduates. My kids (both 14 yrs old) will be attending and hopefully graduating from UNT. My niece, wanted to go the UNT, she has been the starting point guard for her HS basketball team since she was a freshman. She is in her junior year and captian of the team. Other schools (colleges) have already taken an interest in her BB abilities but she has received no interest from UNT, so I guess she will go elsewhere.
  20. At least with some of the 300 lbers our OL and DL won't look so small on the field.
  21. I guess some of our coaches do get job offers from other D1 schools.
  22. I don't think I would be safe for anyone to kick my dog. I just get a little agitated when a student posts about apathy, I've seen apathy at NT for over 25 years. Anyway thanks for setting the record straight.
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