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Everything posted by UNTBill

  1. If RV had waited until the end of the season to make the annoucement, wouldn't that have been recruiting suicide? Wow, ole George really knows the nuances of college football.
  2. Is losingest a word ?
  3. I'll second that.
  4. Damn. shaft, that's the most thoughtful response that I, for one, have ever seen you offer. I take back anyting bad I've ever said about you. Go mean green, dude----We are on the same page ("GMG") when it really matters.
  5. Harry, with all due respect, calling, shooting them an E-mail, etc. isn't going to do any good. They don't give a rats ass what we think. We, the alumni and people who care, must contact the people responsible for appointing our present BOR. Employ the political process, change the BOR if Academics and Athletics are not treated equally. If the members of this board are in agreement with this, then we should appoint an ambassador to lobby the State Legislature and rally for change.
  6. Fans in the stands. Not drunks in the tailgate lot. Butts in the seats is the only barameter.
  7. Wow, VE, I don't know what to say. My whole post was about the present BOR's reluctance to fully embrace athletics. By your response, it seems you feel that this board is this best BOW we've had since the 70's. If this is the best BOR since the 70's why would you say it's not whether to keep or fire DD, it's keep or lose football. I just don't understand what you are trying to say.
  8. If you want to carry it. It's OK with me. I don't know if you're fit or not but why don't you just wear it on your head. Please, tell us, wise one, what exactly are the issues that the program is facing today?
  9. Top of the BOTTOM, why should we aspire to THAT! By the way, how did you understand what Arkstfan said that is pertinent to your post. I sure didn't.
  10. It is important to know how the UNT BOR has been given omnipotent power over all aspects of the University. I believe, that the BOR has been instrumental in promoting UNT Law School (Dallas). Setting up a campus in the southern sector of Dallas, etc. All good things. However, I don't believe they have shown any real commitment to promote UNT athletics. Now, if we believe, as Alumni and supporters of the University of North Texas, that the BOR should embrace academics and athletics equally, (insert all of Plumm's posts here) we should do something. I think the BOR is appointed by the Governor. If I am wrong, I'm sure someone will let me know. If what I believe is right, we owe it amongst ourselves, to investigate the process involved in appointing board members as well as the process to remove them. Understanding this process will enable us to have a voice (vote) in the appointment of the BOR. If this power entrusted to the Governor is a result of an Act ratified by our State Representatives. Then we have the power to change that power. (By vote) After all, don't the powers that be rely on votes to be re-elected. It seems as though from what I have read on this board that the BOR has successfully sequestered RV, forced out, our hero, Dr. Pohl and consistently failed to adequately promote UNT athletics. I know, that everyone wants coach Dickey to be replaced, as he should, but the problems run much deeper than that. (insert Plumm's posts here, also) The BOR has to be investigated to ensure that their commitment to academics and athletics is equally allocated or they must go!!!!!!!!! Quoner, this is not sarcasm.
  11. 1. ?green 2. It should be. Does anybody really ask permission in this world. Just do it!!!!! 3. Yes. The Board asked for input (from the students) probally anticipating the result. 4. Why should I or anyone else try to convince the students. It is the parents that pay, for the most part, the tuition. It is you that should understand the big picture. Grab yourself, get a grip and try to comperhend the real world. Geez if a $50.00 increase in student activitiy fees is going to put you in the poor house let me know and I will lend you a dime!!!!!
  12. Why does everyone think that this is such a big buy out. It is not. DD's buyout approximately $400,000.00, student activity fee raised by$20.00/yr x 32,000 students = $640,000.00. Argue that!!!!!!!!!
  13. Notice the last line of my post, "UNT can do what ever it wants with respect to athletics"
  14. Good post! You are not alone. I, too enjoy the games. Win or lose. Of course, I prefer wins.
  15. OK. I'll bite. Not a bad idea. I really wouldn't mind if UNT retained DD and hired a really, really, really good OC, one that had total and complete control over the offense. But, I really don't see that happening. Aside from that, I think that DD's buyout is about $400,000.00. Then again, that doesn't really matter. If the student activity fee was raised by $100.00 x 32,000 students that would equal $3,200,000.00. Maybe, just raise the activity fee by $50.00 per year (to help the finacially challenge parents) and bingo UNT can do whatever it wants with respect to athletics.
  16. Consider it done!
  17. Never mind. Posted way too early. Brain fart. Forgot ULM is a belt team.
  18. ULM up by 7 and driving.
  19. Yeah!!!! What he said.
  20. Are you Big Dawg's brother, roonmate, lover, etc. I would venture a guess that it is possible that we are all stupid. However, I think, the real culprip here is you. Did you actually read what you typed, and then had no thoughts with respect to edit. Perhaps, you will be able to tell us what the the real problems are, here, was, were, will be, will be again, etc.
  21. I feel your pain brotha!!!! If I remember correctly, DD "It's such an honor to be on the same field with these guys". (this years Texas game) This BS has got to stop.
  22. Looks like we need help in many different catagories. Mainly, what I see, is a break down in assignments or a knowledge of where the players should be on the field during any given play. Either the coaches are unable to articulate this or the players are unable to comprehend. I'm leaning towards the coaches. If the coaches told Muzzy to try to follow the bouncing ball, catch it, and save one our two yards of field position instead of letting it find the endzone or at least retaining possession on the three or four yard line. Then, I would not lean towards the coaches, I would, absolutely, blame them for not understanding the basics of the game. Sorry, Big Dawg, I should have checked with you before I submitted this post!
  23. I have to respectfully disagree. Even without a reliable Oline, he seemed to run very well against ASU. He'd slide to the side, avoiding defenders and breaking tackles, very effectively. (from my perspective) Give JMo decent blocking and he will perform as before!!!!!
  24. As much as we would like to win out, I just don't see that happening. The players, I'm sure will give it the 'ole college try" not so sure about the coaches.
  25. Congratulations ASU. Great win!!! Looks like your QB is the real deal. Beat the MUTs and enjoy your stay in the Big Easy.
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