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Everything posted by UNTBill

  1. I agree. Something that DD and Staff were not capable of doing.
  2. I was just thinking about posting something similar to this. Now, that is not necessary. Very well written, and I completely agree.
  3. I agree. At the very least a campus wide try out would generate interest in the upcoming season. Just might put some extra butts in the seats next year.
  4. Just put it on my screen. Looks great. Thanks Zeke!!
  5. I would love to see any assistant coach hired that had a previous connection with NT. Former players especially, they bleed green. Keep Andy Brewster!!!!!
  6. You got it, dude!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Me too, exicited that is---we had 5 UNT'ers in our group.
  8. Allen ran the same no-huddle offense. It didn't work too well for them.
  9. I talked to several Carrol fans that said they were happy for us and happy for TD. Another University of North Texas fan that I went with actually talked a Carrol fan into buying season tickets.
  10. My son and I may go. Are the "Mean Green" congregating in the blue lot, if so where in the blue lot. E,W,N, or S?
  11. Thanks. I just thought they were called "cajones."
  12. What are "juevos"?
  13. 2 years max. He should be able to coach the players (DD's ? recruits) that we have. I believe we have talent with the current players. If the new coach can't recognize and coach the talent we currently have, then we should let him go and hire another coach. NO more coaches that intend to make UNT their retirement plan. How can anyone, speculate, to offer a new hire a 4 to 5 year contract. What if this coach perceives his situation at UNT to be the worse situation in any D1 football program, he knows he works here everyday. What if he calls us fockers? The University (RV) should have ample opportunity to evaluate a coach in a 2 year period. If he's not a good fit, let him go!
  14. Alum Fall 81'
  15. Welcome aboard, AJR. Alot of us would like to see Dodge as the next coach of UNT.
  16. YEAH!!!! My sentiments exactly!!! Hire the guy from Texas.
  17. Must have been some kind of a Freudian slip. I guess.
  18. I agree. Shut it down. This site should take a break every once in a while. Of course just until the week before Todd Dodge coaches his last high school football game. Re-activate it the day before TD is named the new HC of UNT. HIRE TODD DODGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Granted. However; rumor, speculation, inuendo, sarcasm, fabrication, insinuation, meaningless banter, Quoner and Shaft (no pun intended) are all part of the message board experience. Isn't it fun? Now my two cents------HIRE DODGE.
  20. Thanks for the info, Rick. I, for one, would really, for all the previously posted reasons, like to see Dodge on the UNT sidelines next year!!!!!
  21. Asked and Answered---"If you build it they will come"
  22. I don't think Todd Dodge would even have to recruit. He would just bring the whole team with him.
  23. So, Mean Green Students "the younger generation", don't know how to spell, who's fault is that. While, I would agree it is "lame" to correct posters spelling, because we all know that typos do occur, it is also lame to give the "younger generation" a pass. Don't they teach spelling in grade school?
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