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Everything posted by greensleeves

  1. To be honest, they could do away with the whole flag corps and I would never miss it and probably never notice it. I did like it when they had a guy in the flag corps a few years back. But if we are going to have a flag corps, good grief, they should be toting around GREEN flags. (or white). And the band should be wearing a different outfit--the capes, feathers, etc. need to go by the wayside.
  2. I thought Rick's letter was perfect. It had just the right touch of letting them know the article just really didn't belong on the paper (which it didn't) without being too high-handed. And I know a little bit about the NT Daily. I worked on staff there for a semester back in the 1980's in the John Vahlencamp days. I feel like I earned the right to say what I want to about the paper, although folks felt free to criticize us all the time. Part of working there is taking the heat for what you put out. It's a great learning experience. When I worked there, I felt like I could write whatever I wanted to. We got paid, but no one ever told us we couldn't run an article we wanted to. This was in the pre-historic days before they opened it up to classified advertising. The staff changes every semester, but I thought it was a good college newspaper. You learn a lot from working there. I wonder if they still have "Slash".
  3. Thanks Bandgeek
  4. Is there anyone out there familiar with the UNT marching band? The Green Brigade? I need some information. My niece got a scholarship to a junior college for band. She plays the clarinet. I'd like her to give UNT a try next year. Do they give band scholarships? I don't think she plans to be a music major, it's more of a way to pay for school.
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