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meangreen11 last won the day on May 11 2022

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  1. Where is Cougar douche? Our QB is looking great!!
  2. The new QB looks fantastic!!!
  3. I think I see Cassidy on the sidelines!
  4. 😂
  5. Very impressive win!
  6. We do have a lot of business grads out here now.
  7. Bowls have been phenomenal
  8. I am sick but I have two coming with my tix
  9. Won’t happen but at least the new Chancellor knows how to run a business and it eliminating a lot of waste that was promulgated by past regimes. Hearing good things about the new president as well.
  10. Yes and he asked us to respect his decision.
  11. Totally and they also can’t compete academically either.
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