That cartoon is pretty funny. I agree that the whole core system thing is a rip considering all that you dont get with it. As for games, the NBA Live 06 looks sweet. Its not a perfect game but its damned good and to me, shows off some of the best graphics out of all the launch titles. Call of Duty 2, Ridge Racer, Quake 4 and Condemned are all worth taking a look at. I was very disapointed in Madden, so dont waste your money. The last press releases that I have been able to find say that both Sony and Nintendo are releasing in 06. But as with many things in life that could change. I would guess that Sony is going to take a look at how well the 360 sells at the 400 dollar price before making a final pice tag. I think that the price will probably be about the same. Anything much higher than that would price themselves right out of the market and Sony is to smart for that. Oh and btw, the 360 has the biggest freaking power cord i have ever seen!