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Everything posted by SpaceMonkey

  1. No one cares what his opinion was or is on the issue. If he thinks it thats fine. To say it in public is completely different story. Would you be proud of your father or son saying such things? Would you say "good work son, keep up the good thinking"?
  2. Thanks e-96. I was about to quote him and go find my numbers, but you saved me the trouble. Euless, no one is saying that Mid-Majors are always better. But you should be careful not make yourself sound dumb by saying that they aren't ever successfull. Clearly, some have been.
  3. So you've basically just said that you don't want to hear about a huge part of skill as a quarterback, since you don't want to hear about his horrible throwing motion? Interesting approach. maybe "extremely" was a slight overstatement. But not by much. Reggies bad games have almost always come against very good ranked opponents. Are you talking about the same Vince Young who had to be benched for his performance against Missouri last year? I think so. Let's face it, Vince Young has created the most hype out of anyone in the country off of two well played games. And the Ohio State game was not really all that "great" by him. They are lucky he only threw to interceptions. Look at the clip sof everytime he is sacked....he's waving the ball around in the air as if its a white flag. He completed, two (that I recall) maybe three or four very good passes. Even Meager had 4 well thrown passes this last week. VY was also sacked 3 times. He threw for as many TD's (2) as he threw picks. And that was against a defense that was not supposed to have a great secondary. He had no choice but to throw the ball. No one runs on those LBs. The rest of his career he has been just above good. You're right...Reggie can't win a big game. I mean as a true freshman he only stepped into a game against #1 ranked Oklahoma in roughly the third quarter and had 16 carries for 89 yards, went 8 of 13 for 191, one of which happened to be a 61 yd TD strike. But was that his only TD? No, he had 4. Last year he ran for 84 yds with 14 completions for 210 yds and no picks despite an ugly loss at Utah (a BCS bowl winning team that year). His seasons stats last year are largely equal to and better than in many areas, Young's. Young outgained him on the ground, but he has to run more because his passing game stinks. Plus, not to mention Texas is just a better team. A lesser QB on a much better team will almost always outperform a more talented QB on a worse team. I give VY the nod over Reggie because he's a better runner. By that I mean that he commits to taking a lane, and goes for it. Reggie dances around too much. But, Reggie is faster, and a much much much better passer. I'm not Aggie-ing it up, I'm just lookin at the numbers. The VY hype is a product of recent games against good teams. If the Rose Bowl was in VY's fish year, he wouldn't have all this hype. All that said.....I'm very disappointed in the way the A&M coaches have brought Reggie along. By a lot of accounts they've wasted him and his talent. Like I said, I'd rather have a classy coach who does well and run a good program than a piece of crap who wins a ton of games or even a nat'l championship. Seems to me Baylor has such an erection for finally being able to compete and even win games that they no longer care about being honorable. Its sad that building talent at a program can cause people to put blinders over their morals. You missed the part of my statements about morris where I said he's a good coach. If you agree with this, and you seem to think that you're a coaching genius, then my knowledge of coaching is no worse than yours. But the problem here is that I wasn't talking about football or coaching. I'm not referring to his secondary coverage, or the passing routes he has his recievers running. I'm talking about the dumb crap that spews out of his mouth everytime you put a mic in front of him. If a tie game is like "showering with your sister" (a truly classy statement I think we'd all agree), then how must GMo feel about losing in overtime to team they he was vastly out playing? I bet it hurts pretty bad. I'd give DD the nod over GMo right now. He's having a bad year, but thats all Baylor or UNT was experiencing before DD or GMo. Once GMo starts winning more than 2 conference games per year, let alone 4 straight conference titles, then you can whip it out and comepare size.
  4. Could be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Controversial is one thing. So is a "sky is falling" thread. Speaking ill of the deceased is quite another. Especially a good kid like AS. The fact you chose to relate your comment with what anyone else was saying is just as dumb as you actually deciding to say it. Its not like he was in prison for murdering and eating people, I could care less what anyone says about those sorts of individuals. But maybe his family reads these boards. Maybe his friends do. I doubt you can tell me you've never driven even 1 mile or even less after having a bit too much to drink? If you post things like that about other people I have doubts that you regularly exercise such rational thought and good judgement. Its not just about drinking and driving, but the point is that we all do dumb things from time to time, or make mistakes. You and your family are lucky yours haven't caused you serious injury or death. Show some respect for those who have had those tragedies.
  5. oh you have a boyfriend? I withdraw my support.
  6. I'd say Utah is pretty darn good example over the last couple years. Other schools such as Boise State have amassed impressive records and been ranked occasionally in the top 10 and consistently in the top 25 over the last few years too. Boise State is not in a BCS conferece. Neither is TCU and they just beat OU this season (after stepping up to a better conference), and 4 or 5 years ago were playing gangbuster football. People thought TCU might be the first non-BCS team to make the BCS back then. The list goes on and on. There's always a surprise team who ends up having a great season either due to surprise recruiting, an inexplicably inspired team, they catch all the breaks, etc. There's no reason to think UNT can't be one of those teams. I mean it was just 2 or 3 years ago that people were yammering that we ought to switch to C-USA, or Midwest. In fact, I still sort of think that switching conferences will help our recruiting as much or more than any other incentive that has been listed on this board in the last few days.
  7. Yes we do have a fullback. When I was watching the game there was a point where I began developing my game plan involving a FB and then asked myself why he wasn't in there. Then on the next play there was a lone back set and I thought "That guy is too fat to be Cobbs.....is that the FB" sure enough it was. Check the participation report, we had a FB in the game at atleast one point. #37 James Mitchell. No team goes without recruiting someone who can play FB. A lot of teams also recruit LBs who become FBs or the other way around. So worst case you have a LB do it. They are used to putting hits on people anyways, the jobs aren't too different. Frankly if that FB is smart he'd transfer, doesn't look like DD is going to use his ass anyways.
  8. Gotta keep trying until he gets them. His chances there are much greater than 25 yards out and further.
  9. Yeah but this ain't America. This is the UNT board and for someone to make comments like that about their own is as far below classy and acceptable as you can get.
  10. Thats the same question a lot of people are posing to Stoops and OU about why Bhomar didn't see reps last year.
  11. Good post and accurate analysis of the D, E-96
  12. UNT girl - #2 is exactly what I was thinking. Short passes, 8 yards or so, enough to catch and get a first down. Then move to the deep ball. You're right, he's not the leader of the team right now, but he needs to be, which why I pose the question about how to get him confident and taking the reigns.
  13. What will it take to get Meager inspired and get his confidence level up? And don't say winning.
  14. I'd like to have someone who wants a more "creative" game plan define their use of the word creative. If you mean using trick plays like flea flickers and circumstantial plays like reverses and such then tell us how often you want to see those. I'm good with doing those once or twice per game depending on the talent level of everyone involved, and it was a good call to have JQ throw that pass (even though he might as well have been throwing a bean bag) but there's a reason no successfull team builds a game plan around such plays, because they only work in the right moment.
  15. Did the mods delete the thread with the tasteless comment about A. Smith? Did they also suspend or ban Shaft? I can't find that thread anymore. If they did then huge thumbs up. Thats quality control right there.
  16. Sorry but I'll take a relaxed DD who wins 4 conference titles in a row over Guy Morris anyday. HE and his mouth have shown over the last 2 years why he's a good coach but total moron unworthy of respect for anything but getting his team ready. I had respect for him at first but after he started getting an inflated ego and running his yapper I have since turned on him. I look for coaches who coach well, but have class also. There's plenty of people like Gary Barnett out there, but the ones who make you proud of your school and make everyone else think you run a good program are the gems. Morris is a complete moron.
  17. You've clearly been to a grand total of 1 A&M game in your life. You've also clearly seen a grand total of 1 game featuring Reg. McNeal. Go watch a highlight film. He's the most talented multidimensional QB in the nation. He just had a extremely unusual terrible game. We've all had them. Plus, any QB who leads his team like he did in under 3 minutes to win the game is not overrated.
  18. Well, I've only ever been fortunate enough to have the free time to go to one game. That was when I was a student there and living in Denton. I wasn't even paying attention or looking for one and for some reason I remember seeing an ATM. I can't say I'd find it unreasonable to think Fouts would have one if a grocery store (a place that takes any form of payment ever known to man) has one, or if you can find an ATM at the place that does your dry cleaning. I'm also amazed that any of us has been involved in such a lengthy debate about the availabilty and use of ATMs.
  19. I wonder what DD's imagination is telling him about when and how he'll be fired if this crap continues.
  20. If it was as easy as you seem to think it is then they wouldn't have ATMs anywhere else. A lot of it depends on who you bank with and where you're coming from too. Aside from that point, I find it extremely surprising that no enterprising individual wanted to set up an ATM in that stadium for the game in the first place. Hell, I'll gladly put up a table and sit there and be your personal ATM teller if it means I get $1.50 off each transaction. I'm not saying she couldn't have stopped at the bank or anywhere else. I'm just defending a girl who wanted some cash and was very surprised that there were no ATMs. You can't tell me you've never been somewhere and wanted cash and thought "No ATM? What country am I in?"
  21. I wouldn't have assumed they would take cards either. In fact, when I saw the sign for credit/debit lines at A&M I thought "oh sweet". That being said....someone has to start it. Whether it was cash only in the good old days and everyone knew it, fact is that times now virtually dictate that if you don't take debit/credit you're stubborn or just out of date (or occasionally skirting tax laws). I'm not saying it should be expected for the lines to take cards, but expecting an ATM is definately not unreasonable.
  22. I call mild...no wait, make that MAJOR BS on that. You don't think that recruits get super jacked up about playing at the Horseshoe or playing at Kyle Field? I know for a fact that there are many recruits who go down to A&M who are only giving that school half ass consideration and when they hear that crowd and see that place they all of the sudden put A&M right at the top of their list. Athleetic Centers and Academic Centers help, but stadiums are a HUGE part. Otherwise every school in the nation would have a soccer field with goal posts and folding chairs. And how many top DIA prospects do you think are drooling over the new international learning center at whatever university they choose?
  23. ATMs wouldn't cost consumers anything. In fact it would probably gain revenue for UNT. They would either charge a $1 fee for using the ATM or Wells Fargo or whatever bank would do a 4 month ATM contract with them in which the bank would pay the Univ for the right to put an ATM on site.
  24. AMEN. Anyone who thinks the offense needs to be more imaginative, here's your chance to get on the band wagon of change. Someone email DD and/or Flannigan and tell them to put a FB in the game for at least 5-10 carries. There's a reason that top 10 teams with a great running back often use a fullback too.
  25. So much harping on the O Line. Why? What makes you think they're terrible? Is it sacks? UNT has allowed 11 sacks for loss of 90 yards this year. Offense has 409 yds rushing and 384 yds passing. Troy had just as many sacks as UNT did. So does their OLine stink too? USC has allowed 5 sacks for loss of 29 yards this year. No need to quote their offensive stats. Texas has allowed 5 for loss of 35 yards. Same as USC here. These seem like they are way better than UNT's stats, but also consider that both of those teams have yet to play a real opponent with te exception of Ohio State (a game where most of their sacks came from) and missouri for TX and Ariz. State for USC. UNT has been playing teams equal or above their caliber all season. But let's then compare sack stats with Virginia Tech, a team who many think is 2nd best in the nation. VT has allowed 13 sack for loss of 74 yards. And is still able to garner 833 yds rushing and 947 yds passing. And they are in the ACC, the best conference in college football. Two positives: Maurice Holman is going to be a stud. NT has their first two Red Zone posessions after going 10 quarters without one. They scored on both.
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