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About untgeorge

  • Birthday 07/25/1936

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  • Home
    Dallas Texas
  • Interests
    Golf Basketball UNT sports

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Community Answers

  1. Hasn't played for either team since April 25. I still wonder if he is injured. The Dominican league team's season is over.
  2. Got my curiousity up. He is shown on the roster of Caneros de la Romano in the Dominican Republic. He is shown on the roster but has not had a number assigned and apparently has not played in any of the team's 20 games. Maybe he was injured, who knows.
  3. Last I looked Tony was on the roster of a team in the Dominican Republic. At that time there was a link on the Puerto Rican team site to the DR team; look under "former players".
  4. I would vote for the Whitaker etc teams as best. The 75-76 team probably had more talent but did not play defense, for instance giving up more than 100 pts 4 times and 90 or more than 90 pts 4 more times.
  5. Without a doubt.
  6. Well, MeanGreen93-98, WVU runs a 3-3 and they agree with you, calling theirs DE NT DE on their two-deep. Neither of the two NTs shown on their 2 deep is as much as 300 lbs. Not the big massive guys the textbooks say you need. Thanks for Rick and Harry for the nice words.
  7. Replying to MeanGreen 93-98: Arizona 2 deep shows the position descriptions as NT, DT, DE. It is my understanding that is normal for a 3-3.
  8. Arizona runs a 3-3 with 288 lb NT, backed up by an even smaller guy, 247 lbs. The other DT is 277. Not saying this is what we should do, just saying there may be ways around the old axiom about the big guy in the middle.
  9. UNT pretty much lost the moneyed element in the city of Denton when he scheduled games in Dallas. Let's not make that mistake again.
  10. We used the pistol at times the last two seasons.
  11. That quote has to do with a contract for the basketball league to be formed by the 7 catholic schools leaving the BE. At those prices, they will have no trouble attracting 5 more teams.
  12. I know the dates. And I know that "commitments" doesn't mean we have them. We have them when they sign. So who has signed and who will be available for spring training?
  13. Who on this list has signed and will be available for spring training?
  14. What scuttled the UT to PAC-16 deal was that UT insisted on having its Longhorn Network and the PAC- said no. Neither side would give. The LHR is also what drove A&M and Missouri to the SEC.
  15. You are suggesting he made the choice all by himself in August after spending all summer practicing with the team at UNT? In August which means after most of what might have been his options no longer had scholarships open? Are you sure?
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