i entered north texas as a freshman in 1961.during the past 44 soon to be 45 years of eagle football the following changes have occured : 1] 2 name changes. in fact, if memory serves, we could have been''texas state" had if not been for frank erwin, chair of u.t.'s board of regents. i think their basketball arena is named after him. 2]5 presidents, at least 4 logos, 3 nicknames, and every shade of green imaginable. 3] 9 head football coaches, 21 winning seasons, and 4 bowl games. 4] we had 7 winning seasons in the 60's, 4 in the 70's ,5 in the 80's, 2 in the 90's, and 3 of 5 season's pluse 4 bowl games this decade. 5] regardless of whether we are the eagles, mean green eagles, or just mean green one thing has never changed; our alumni are the" lean green" when it comes to giving. unless we can change this attitude we are going to have a hard time upgrading our facilities hence our athletic program. it boils down to"what do you want, what do you need, and what are you willing to pay for?"