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Everything posted by MeanGreenEngineer

  1. Well this thread is teetering on lock down status, lets go ahead and push it over the edge. The "Center for Immigration Reform" is sub organization of the "Federation for American Immigration Reform", both have been called hate groups by such civil rights groups as the Southern Poverty Law Center. Their founder John Tanton also formed Social Contract Press, which prints such fine white supremacist literature as "The Camp of Saints", let us have some excepts: Tanton was forced to resign from another group, US English when his memo stating that the real role of the group was to defend the US from threat of high hispanic birthrates: FAIR has accepted millions of dollars in donations from other hate groups, such as the Pioneer Fund, an organization with the self claimed goal of Racial Betterment, and which mainly uses their money to fund Eugenics studies, including William B Shockley: FAIR was criticized by several human rights organizations when it travelled to Belgium to meet with the leaders of Vlaams Blok, a political party so racist that it was out lawed by the Belgians. The group called for the expulsion of all "Paper Belgians", aka naturalized citizens who did not have "Belgian Blood". Tanton's next group, WITAN, was used to put out such memos as this: I mean, forget the fact that electoral turnout rate in most latin american countries is far high than the US, they are lacking in public involvement. Forget the fact most in latin american countries, especially Mexico, churches have less protection than they do in the US, all those dirty brown people want to tear down the seperation between church and state and put the pope in charge of america! I don't think you are a racist FFR, but you need to be careful who you listen to, just because some organization has a nice sounding name, doesn't mean they aren't white supremacists at heart.
  2. So lets see, we've raised 6 million dollars in seven years, at this rate we should be able to bond the stadium out in... let me get my slide rule out... 2024?
  3. From outside the gates...
  4. How could they? All the practices are closed! The only thing open is the last scrimmage. I don't understand that at all.
  5. So, let me get this straight. If we ask the students to pay a huge fee increase, whether they go to games or not, then it is JUST and RIGHT and the ONLY PROPER THING TO DO to get this university to the athletic glory it deserves. But if we ask the actual ticket buyers, the ones who derive the most pleasure and pride in football, to pay more, then its WRONG, TOO EARLY, and TOO SOON? Interesting.
  6. Johnny Cash WEEPS in heaven every time beerman mentions his name. That is a fact.
  7. If Beerman only knew of JD's hair trigger temper and his extensive fire arms collection...
  8. Let's drink another beer.....
  9. I have a couple of things to say. First, I strongly believe that the first amendment safe guards the others, I own enough weapons to make my neighbors worried, and I am constantly preaching about the benefits of fire arm ownership, but even I think this is a little sketchy. If I hadn't heard the phone call, I would be more likely to think that the guy was worried that they might come back to his house, where his daughter and grand daughter lived, but I did hear the phone call. And he sounded like he really, REALLY wanted to shoot two robbers, regardless of wether or not they were a threat to him. And really, in Texas, thats the main criteria. Certain things are considered to be an imminent threat to your life, someone being in your house is one of those. Someone being in your neighbors house, unless you are asked to watch over it, isn't. Also, Horn knew that his neighbors were on vacation, so it's not like he thought there was a threat to their life. That being said, I am not sure he should go to jail, but the legislature or judiciary probably need to define this some how. Second, all you people who keep harping on ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are creepy xenophobes. Implying that it is more ok to shoot these guys because they are illegal immigrants is just a half creepy step away from implying it's ok to shoot illegal immigrants on sight. Something also tells me there wouldn't be this mindset if they had been illegal irish.
  10. That we started construction without enough money raised. Then it had to stay half constructed for a while. Then the regents had to bail us out.
  11. I see you forgot the athletic center fiasco already.
  12. That timeline is insane. They must have a vendor in mind.
  13. Vito is showing some STUNNINGLY big cojones here. He is a beat writer, calling out the coaches of the team he is covering. Anyone remember when Tim MacMahon called out the offensive line and their coaches a few years ago? Weeks later he was "promoted" to covering area high school for the Morning News.
  14. I guess he just thought you were intelligent enough to realize most does not equal all.
  15. Does it bother anyone else that, according to Vito's story, Dodge refused to bring Mendoza out, but they will make players face the press and have to take the blame?
  16. I read the Navy board after the game and they were pretty funny, especially when they were losing. Here are some of my favorite posts: * After a stop by the Navy defense late in the first half: How did we hold them? Jesus is coming! AHHHHHHH * 13 seconds remain. Hopefully they'll only score twice. * A PRAYER FROM THE CHAPLAIN (Father Devine style) Lord, thank you for our offense Lord, please help our defense Lord, please make sudden gusts of wind each time NT passes Thank you Oh Lord * I am glad this is an away game. Otherwise we would have killed all the plebes in the push up designated company by the end of this game! LOL * OK, Brock Stickler is a GREAT Texas FB name. * I'm seriously thinking of writing the SECNAV and Congress to request defensive funds for FY08 and FY09. * Navy Football... It's why I drink. * Navy Football....It's why I'm drunk!!!! * must ... find ... Jack Daniel's * kingandsaint wrote: “Navy did not cover the spread!!!!” I Think I'll drink another have. * This game qualifies as football pornography.
  17. The knock on Navy's offense have been, for years, that 1) they couldn't come back from a big deficit, 2) they couldn't score quickly. Well last night navy did pretty well coming back from an 18 point deficit, and they had scoring drives of: 3:03, :07, 2:28, :30, 2:52, 2:51, :11, 4:33, 1:08, 1:02, :00 and :00.
  18. Yes, Hip Hop turned people into drug dealing thugs just like Rock N' Roll turned people into reefer smoking sex fiends and Heavy Metal turned me and my friends into baby sacrificing satanists. Why is it people have to search for scape goats?
  19. Dodge might as well LEARN that lesson now. I've heard Dodge cuss at a game before. The cussing isn't an issue, the issue is the insubordination. Let's all stop pretending the cussing is the issue.
  20. I know they SHOULDN'T but they do, and lets face it's much less of a problem when its UNT football compared to say... habeas corpus. But since it DOES happen, let's make sure our coach knows how to play the game. Just like NCAA football in the first place, it shouldn't be about WINNING, it should be about GRADUATING. And for the most part, fans really don't care about that.
  21. You challenge is accepted Sir. Have you second contact mine. I guess FFR will be mine since he is the only guy agreeing with me.
  22. No. My HSO is that if Vito knew Dodge better, he would stick up for him. Right now he is just reporting the story. Just like you would be more likely to stick up for a friend than a total stranger. This is a straight he said she said situation. There is no real empirical proof to be discovered here. Public opinion will go along way to determining if this is a big hit to the program or nothing. If there was 3 or 4 editorials out there right now defending Dodge, then the public reaction/opinion would be different. And right now its "wow, is the coach at your school a racist? Because I heard on the news that...." And why aren't they out there? The media doesn't KNOW Dodge well enough to say "This is crazy." If you believe the HARVARD MEDICAL PRACTICE STUDY then doctors kill more people than... well a lot.
  23. All you have to do is watch a little cable news and see that what ever oath a media person may/may not take isn't as strong as the Hippocratic. Also, if doctors didnt have opinions and biases drug reps wouldn't exist. SARCASM: Besides, doctors are more art than science, 100 years we'll look back at modern medicine and find most of it at the same level as cupping or balancing humors. Who said Vito is doing anythign wrong. He just reported a story. If he had a better relationship with Dodge he would KNOW him better and his BIAS would probably make him feel more comfortable standing up for him.
  24. You must not watch Fox News or CNN. It's human nature to have an opinion and therefore a BIAS. In this day and age the job of a college head coach should also include the responsibility of shaping that opinion and bias. Knowing several members of the media, there isn't a reporter alive who wouldn't trade inside information for the benefit of a doubt. It, of course, is going to make the news. But the tone in the articles, sportscasts, radio shows could be very different that they are now.
  25. Years ago, when the team was winning conference titles left and right and Dickey was universally loved (don't try and deny it now, it happened, just like those terrible clothes you wore back in high school), I told several of my fellow fans. "Dickey isn't making enough effort to win over the fans, all is well and good now, but as soon as he starts losing, he is not going to have to cushion to fall back on, and he is going to get run out on a rail." Of course, I was laughed at, Coach Dickey was the savior of North Texas football, he was going to be a legend, if only we could keep Kansas State away from him. You all know what happened next. Now, back to the subject of this post. When Coach Dodge was hired here. I was very concerned with his attitude toward the media. Again, I told several fellow fans "Dodge isn't making enough effort to win over the media, in fact, he's pushing them away. All is well and good now, but when things go bad, he is going to have no cushion to fall back on, and the media are not going to have his back." If right now, the media knew Coach Dodge like they knew Coach Dickey, this wouldn't be a big story. They don't know him that well, they aren't welcomed to hang around the program, they aren't worked with, they are not going to KNOW Coach Dodge well enough to stick there necks out and defend him. It's too late for damage control on this, but I hope a major effort is made by the coaching staff to bring the media into the welcoming bosom of the program.
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