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Everything posted by pogWo4life

  1. NE Oklahoma isn't that Carrie Underwoods Alma Matter?
  2. Guys and mean green nation: Dallas WW Samuell high is my Alma Matter I cannot even begin to tell you guys how happy I am for Dwaylon to be coming to Mean Green Country, he started at QB at Samuell Soph, Jr, and Sr seasons. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=149575634 I have already put in a friend request for him on myspace and I sent him the myspace links to the mean green fansite, and I sent a link to his myspace page to Riley Dodge, Patrick Cobbs, and Beau Davidson. guys lets make him feel welcome in mean green land.
  3. can anyone help? William Quinn
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/PAUL-BLAKE-NECESSARY-R...oQQcmdZViewItem cool
  5. Is there going to be food?
  6. Can "alumni" and graduates come and not just students
  7. I mean one with the basketball team If so me and a friend would like to attend
  8. Okay we are now ahead of SMU,TCU, and Tech. Come on Mean Green Nation, dont let me down Show my favorite radio Station what we are made of
  9. check it out www.klty.com Hey at least we're not last
  10. food provided or bring your own Meat?
  11. Does anyone know if there is a coach's show tonight When and where? Will
  12. If anyone here is on myspace: come check out my page; www.myspace.com/wquinn_pogWo4life some unt stuff, but also other sports and music I like too Will
  13. Had a lot of fun today. Funny seeing Chris Hurd chewing those guys out on the sideline. Will
  14. Season Ticket Holder. Went and purchased them today at the athletic office.
  15. Hey guys I havent been on here that much lately, but here I am. I need some help if anyone can I have a myspace page now and what I want to do is to have a mean green football background on the layout of it. anyone have any ideas I'm going to add some North Texas stuff underneath "sports" later on. Will www.myspace.com/wquinn_pogWo4life
  16. good for Hank, he will still be around
  17. I have that already, I got it stiched to a white beanie hat. Looks prettty cool. I'll wear it to a game one day
  18. Hey guys I am trying to create an "all time" North Texas team on my game and I need your help in what players to put on there. Any ideas? I have the uniforms created on there allready.
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