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  1. Huge pickup for UNT!! he has to be the first 4 star we have had in a long time!!
  2. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1057663134/university-of-north-texas-mean-green?ref=hp_rv-1&pro=1
  3. I wish they still made "starter" type jackets still, or a leather type jacket.
  4. https://tecmo-bowl.com/products/university-of-north-texas-tecmo-bowl-shirt
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  5. ASU__Jeff, were you there when you guys beat Michigan?
  6. 2022 we could have 7 actual home games!!
  7. For a bowl opponent is out of the question?
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Neat-Old-1982-HelmetHat-Caps-Print-Ad-MEAN-JOE-GREENE-Steelers-HOFer-/261245220854?pt=US_Football_Fan_Shop&hash=item3cd36db7f6#viTabs_0
  9. http://www.oyosports.com/Football/Dallas-Cowboys/Dallas-Cowboys-Lance-Dunbar_1#.VE7uvlc3V2I
  10. I like the Armed Forces bowl but I rather play Army, if possible.
  11. http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc272194/m1/ The final moments of Tennessee in 1975
  12. downloading it off of youtube then spiltting it into 2 halves so they can each fit onto a dvd. hair pulling joy
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