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Everything posted by mitchmaher

  1. Hey Everybody, It's been a long time, but thought you all might enjoy this. I know I enjoy sharing the news!! Mitch Maher, pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Katy, TX, and author of www.clarifyingthebible.com, recorded a hole in one at Monday's Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Ray Dorr Golf Classic held at Pebble Creek Country Club in Bryan, TX. In doing so, the pastor won a 2011 Toyota Venza donated by Atkinson Toyota of Bryan. On the 17th hole, playing 199 yards downwind, Maher hit a 5-iron that landed about 20 feet short and rolled into the hole. "This is such a blessing. My wife and I have often wondered what we would do if my 1999 Mazda broke down. Well, now we don't have to find out!" What's more, this won't even be the most exciting event of the Maher's week, as Tara Maher will deliver by C-Section their third girl this Saturday morning. http://www.theeagle.com/local/Scoring-a-new-car http://www.kbtx.com/local/headlines/Golfer_Wins_Car_at_College_Station_Golf_Tournament_122474034.html This post has been promoted to an article
  2. Hey Everybody, It's been a long time, but thought you all might enjoy this. I know I enjoy sharing the news!! Mitch Maher, pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Katy, TX, and author of www.clarifyingthebible.com, recorded a hole in one at Monday's Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Ray Dorr Golf Classic held at Pebble Creek Country Club in Bryan, TX. In doing so, the pastor won a 2011 Toyota Venza donated by Atkinson Toyota of Bryan. On the 17th hole, playing 199 yards downwind, Maher hit a 5-iron that landed about 20 feet short and rolled into the hole. "This is such a blessing. My wife and I have often wondered what we would do if my 1999 Mazda broke down. Well, now we don't have to find out!" What's more, this won't even be the most exciting event of the Maher's week, as Tara Maher will deliver by C-Section their third girl this Saturday morning. http://www.theeagle.com/local/Scoring-a-new-car http://www.kbtx.com/local/headlines/Golfer_Wins_Car_at_College_Station_Golf_Tournament_122474034.html
  3. No one is more disappointed in how things worked out in Louisville than coach. He's enjoying life back in Tulsa—they've got lots of great friends in that area. Will get back into coaching at the right time for the right opportunity. Mitch Maher
  4. During the summers of 1989 and and 1990 I worked in the warehouse at a place called Magnatron. Who was the fella who ran the operation in the back? The great Steve Ulmer, the QB of the Plano team that beat Highland Park in 1977. Needless to say, we talked a lot of football those summers. Mitch Maher
  5. The Year: 1977 The Teams: Plano vs. Highland Park The Setting: Class 4A Quarterfinal Playoff Game at Texas Stadium The Highland Park Scots had rolled through the opposition all year long in class 4A, the largest division at the time, while the Plano Wildcats opened the 1977 season with a 25-13 loss to South Garland and later were tied by Sherman 14-14. Though the Wildcats had posted a 10-1-1 record coming into this game it seemed every victory was a hard fought contest. The trend for both teams continued in this game and the Scots looked to be well on their way to a state championship as they dominated play into the fourth quarter and led 28-0 before Plano began to mount a comeback. Plano used a returned fumble recovery for a touchdown and a throwback pass to the quarterback to score with seconds left. Disdaining the extra point the Wildcats went for two and ran it in to complete an amazing comeback over Highland Park, 29-28. Plano survived a 3-0 defensive slugfest the following week against Odessa Permian and won the state title againt Port Neches-Groves, 13-10 at Texas Stadium the following week before the largest crowd to ever attend a Texas high school playoff game (49,953). Mitch Maher
  6. Hey UNTLifer, I stepped down from Fellowship Bible Church of Jonesboro, AR back in May 2008. Came on as the Lead Pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Katy in August 2008. Take care, Mitch Maher
  7. Hey Rick, Appreciate it. I was in town for the ribbon cutting and the Army game. Thought my move to Katy last year would allow me to be around more often, but it just didn't work out as I hoped this fall. Take care, Mitch Maher
  8. http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/archives...-no-decisi.html Mitch Maher
  9. Hey Brett, That's pretty cool. Hope all is well. Mitch Maher
  10. Hey GMoney, Actually I didn't. I was redshirted for the first three games. After the third, a terrible loss to Nevada Reno, I was told I was going to compete with Wendel (spelling?) the following week. They said they would grade every play and every throw. The winner would start. So, I won the competition that week, and my first start was against Southwest Missouri at home. I played fairly well, and we tied them. Wish I could have played that well the rest of the season! Mitch Maher
  11. Hey Everybody, It's hard to remember that far back! But, I can tell you that our team wasn't very good, and I was WORSE. Honestly, vast improvements began when Coach Dodge came along my sophomore and junior seasons. Give Riley some time to develop. He will only get better and better. Also, it's not all about the physical tools, though he's got them—it's about leadership and competitive fire. I like to think those two led to my improvement throughout my career. Riley's got them both and will keep pushing himself and his teammates to greater feats. P.S. Having said all of that, I will be looking to hire someone a la Tonya Harding's crew if he gets too close to my records!! Take care, and let's go Mean Green. Mitch Maher
  12. Hey Jim, David Brown going down early did not help at all. They came out strong in the 2nd half though. My numbers were something like 240 yards passing if the first half... 37 in the second. Yikes! Mitch Maher
  13. Make that Boise loss 24-20. Frustrating indeed. Mitch Maher
  14. Hey oldguystudent. Thanks so much for your response. My wife and I both agree you sound like a nice guy. She even said, "He sounds smart." I won't go that far... just kidding. Hopeful for Coach Dodge and the rest of the crew. Yes, most all of the coaches are good friends of mine (Coach Dodge was a groomsman in my wedding), so I have an even greater vested interest in their success. Will they get it turned around and winning the Sun Belt again? Of course, that remains to be seen. But, I do believe they are trying to do what's right, are working hard, know their football, and will make some good progress this year and, hopefully, the years to come. Again, I'm also hopeful that those on gomeangreen (and throughout the blogosphere, for that matter) will take to signing their names at the bottom of their posts. Doing so is good for the soul... and may even be good for North Texas Football! Take care, Mitch Maher
  15. oldguystudent seems to be referring to my resignation from Fellowship Bible Church in Jonesboro, AR that took place in May 2008. The difference, it seems to me, is that after six years of good, hard work, I left Fellowship at the height of its strength. We had a built a solid church with solid staff, excellent leadership teams, and great people. The church was not going through hardship at all, but was actually as strong as it had ever been. So, I do not feel like I left my buddies on staff, the great Elder Team we had assembled, nor any of the people in our church during a difficult time. It seems to me Vizza had done this, and I'm just glad I didn't. While oldguystudent brought up a good point for me to ponder as I consider Vizza's departure, I don't think the circumstances are the same. Mitch Maher P.S. I still kills me that everybody has their code-names on this thing. Can you all start posting your names please, especially as you rip Coach Dodge and the rest (or even take a poke at me). I'm uneasy with Vizza's decision and don't agree with it. If he reads this (and I'm pretty sure he won't), at least he won't have to wonder who I am.
  16. Glad I didn't leave after rough freshman and sophomore seasons. Glad I continued to work hard, persevere, and lead. I left UNT with my head held high, as well. Mitch Maher
  17. Obviously, Troy's a good buddy of mine... we still keep in touch. You ought to see his face when people talk of Tajh being his son! Take care, Mitch Maher
  18. Hey GreenBat, No. Remember, Coach Dodge had left after the 93 season. All Go was a play that everybody has in their playbook—everybody go deep! Right Thunder was the formation. Trips to the left. Tight end to the right. Empty back field with the running back split out to the right. Take care, Mitch Maher
  19. Hey Everybody, A couple of thoughts on the SFA game: 1. I wouldn't actually call it a "hail mary." Right Thunder—All Go. They were in a 3-deep look. I believed Luis could beat the linebacker over the top of him, but I knew I'd have to get the safety in the middle of the field to take a false step. Thankfully, I had good protection and was able to make a pump-fake to my left. The safety did bite, giving a better shot at hitting Luis. At the end of the play 3 defenders—the linebacker chasing Luis, the safety in the middle of the field who had taken a false step, and the corner on the right side of the field—all converged around Luis, but he was able to bring it down. It was awesome. 2. Also, tempers were so hot after the game... especially since the flag was not thrown on the guy grabbing onto David Brown... that our center, Brad Smith, popped off to the referee... he might have even bumped him a bit. Anyway, the SLC made Brad sit out the following game—the win over Nichols to clinch the SLC Championship. I love thinking about those days. Mitch Maher
  20. Hey Everybody, If I'm not mistaken, that helmet was only worn in 1994—my senior year. I may be wrong, but I believe the next year they added color to the Eagle. Take care, Mitch Maher
  21. Hello from Jonesboro, 1. Ridge Riders—Take a look at a topographical map of the state of Arkansas. The Ozarks cover the west side of the state and the east side is FLAT farmland... except for Crowley's Ridge that runs through the northeast corner. Jonesboro sits on Crowley's Ridge. 2. Express Train—Jonesboro is a city of trains. They come through here all the time. 3. Red Wolves—I'm sure this will be the one. The players seem to like this one best... for obvious reasons, given the other options. 4. The favorite I heard—noting the whole train theme—was Engines. A nice play off their current name, the Indians. Take care, everybody, Mitch Maher
  22. Hey Everybody, For what it's worth, here are my stats from my freshman year. 162 attempts, 82 completions, 8 INTs, 6 TDs, 731 yds, 50 % completion Vizza is going to be great next year. And, the competition from Riley will heat up the battle and make them both better. UNT will be excellent at QB for the next several years. Take care, Mitch Maher
  23. Hey Fellas, That was absolutely awesome. Hope all of you are doing well. Mitch Maher
  24. Hey Everyone, Those of you who say Brett Vito has no decision over the placement of a story are correct. I knew that from the start and that's why you'll notice my email was addressed first to Todd Jorgenson, the Sports Editor at the DRC and the one who does have the decision-making ability. I included Brett on the email because he was the author of the story and possibly included in the discussions of placement. Anyway, after Brett posted the "reason" for placing the story on Page 4—volleyball day at the Chronicle—I followed up with Todd to see if that was indeed the reason and if he expected us to believe that. Here is his response. You'll notice he did not like the tone of my email (it's another email that I did not post on gmg.com). His point is well taken. I was not happy about the "volleyball day at the Chronicle" answer and my tone could have been better. Mitch: Brett is correct. It was my call in terms of the layout of our Saturday section, and I stand by what we did. From the tone of your e-mail, I don't think a well-reasoned argument would sway your opinion about the situation, so I won't go into great detail. But there are a number of factors that go into page design each night, and several different readership interests to which we must cater. Whatever choices were made, it wouldn't have pleased everyone. Such is the nature of the business. I appreciate your feedback. Todd I've been trying to do my part is defense of Coach Dodge, pushing the DRC to give the best possible coverage for him. I'm backing off, though, and hopeful that both Todd and Brett will do better this week. Take care, Mitch Maher
  25. Too bad the baseless allegations by the players didn't coincide with high school volleyball games. The story would have gotten buried and Coach Dodge wouldn't be in this mess! Right. Mitch Maher
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