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NT Drummer

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    Sugar Land, TX

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  1. I'm planning to go to the ULL game; Lafayette is closer to Houston than Denton is. There are plenty of Cajuns around here - Houston even has a chain of restaurants called Ragin Cajun. You might even say that home games are road games to me, so maybe I should have answered 7 instead of 1?!
  2. A Ball State Letterman? http://www.bsu.edu/news/letterman * Even though I live a mile away from Clements H.S., I have no connection to Kyle Hoke or his family.
  3. It may not be a full-fledged "Eatery", but don't forget about NY Subway (Sub-hub?).
  4. If you search Google news for "andrew smith jr. football camp", you get lots of hits. This one is particularly interesting: Bay City - The Tribune - Smith football camp May 23 Glad to see AA & PC honoring Andrew.
  5. I would like to read a story about a guy who signs an NFL contract, and then goes to work his regular shift at Whataburger.. JohnDenver, I take it you'd like that too...
  6. I grew up in Stony Brook, across LI sound from where you are now. As they say, "I got to Texas as quick as I could". I don't have any guns - yet...
  7. Why don't we all buy houses in the Denia neighborhood and take over their group? Not only would we stop their opposition to everything, we'd be in walking distance of the stadium! I'm only half-joking...
  8. I disagree. I own a 1989 Honda Civic with almost 168,000 miles that was assembled in their Ohio plant. The only thing that will prevent me from keeping that car forever is that my mechanic says that parts are getting harder to obtain. I see a lot of this generation Civics on the road. I hardly ever see any other manufacturer's vehicles of that era on the road, not even Toyota Corollas.
  9. Somewhat related: Maggard retiring as UH athletics director The article itself isn't much, it's the comments: That led me to look for the article about UH's stadium from Monday: UH thinking bigger picture on Robertson upgrade plan
  10. Thanks, Lifer. I had seen the article in print, but had forgotten to go find it online to post. Did we "miss the boat" when we were in the N.O. bowl back in 2001-2004? Not entirely. It brought me back - I had been disassociated from NT for years until 2001, and now I'm a MG Club member. Yes, much more could have been done. But we can't look back, we have to look forward.
  11. Other - A new, more regional conference consisting of schools currently in CUSA, Sunbelt, & WAC.
  12. Mystery Donors Give $45M to Colleges Never mind UNT, none of them are in TX...
  13. Celis was resurrected by a Michigan brewer a few years ago. The last I looked, Spec's Liquor in Houston (a chain owned by NT alums) has it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celis
  14. My understanding is that this decrease in the withholding percentage is NOT a tax cut and NOT a rebate; the tax rates haven't changed. If so, that means a lot of people will be underwithheld, and will need to write a check to the IRS come April 15, 2010. We'll see how much they like doing that. Can anyone confirm this? The extra $15 or so per week certainly doesn't change my spending habits.
  15. I like pie.
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