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  1. I love how you think know so much about me, SUMG. Am I to assume that you are Rick Villareal's new toady, following me around the board? Will you ferret out my cell phone number and give it to Rick like his last toady? We had a nice little talk in the spring when he finally used it. He never took up my offer for lunch, though, like he said he would. He's a busy man. I understand. What good would it do to talk to you on the phone or even in person! It's obvious that your a paranoid psycho. Maybe you can go one step further than his last toady and stake out my house, see what my personal habits are. Peep through the window at my wife...try to give candy to my kids...sift through my garbage cans out back. Perhaps you could peek into my mail box to make sure everything was addressed to me and not Kenny Evans. Since you're probably in a same sex relationship no one wants to peep through your window. You could tailgate me all the way up 380 to the remaining UNT home games, just to make sure I'm there. You could sit right behind me...maybe lick the salt off the peanut shells I discard or eat the ice out of my drink when I'm finished with it or waggle some M&Ms off my kids. No one wants to do that....You should be barred from the games. And, just think, you'd be doing all of this just because I have a different opinion about the direction of my alma mater's football program than you do. Your opinion is different alright....it's insane as always....but as the old saying from François-Marie Arouet goes "I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" Just funnin with you Lonnie. You have every right to say what you feel...that's what forums are for. I do think as others do that one more year then the honeymoon is over.
  2. Charley Brown is being moved back to DE where he belongs...with his speed and size theres no telling how big an impact he will make...maybe all sunbelt?
  3. and your an a-hole no matter where you were born!
  4. lol....you don't need to be a gypsy or have a crystal ball to know we are NOT going to a bowl game this year....but all you need to be to think we are is an eternal optimist and thats not a bad thing. I just don't want to hear from these same people who think we have that chance to go to a bowl game to start whining about the coaches when we don't....we got to give these guys all our support and give them time to get new people for their system
  5. Threads like this just keep setting us up for a fall.....lets just support the team and the coaches and let them know if we lose it's ok because we know better things are ahead. Let's face facts, we are NOT going to a bowl game this year.
  6. lol....thats not a tidbit thats just a tid
  7. LMAO...the rumor on the Sports Buzz here in Tulsa is that Houston Nutt is going to be the Cowboys head coach. But don't worry....not to many texans committed suicide when Jerry hired Switzer. Check out the razorbacks forums...these guys are bigger rumor mongers than Sooner fans are..
  8. Ditto your comments.....I believe Charley will be a great fit with Coach Dodges system...I can see him being a bigger better version of Mills. Charley has great hands and is very fast. I'm too old for skipping ahead in time but I can't wait for August 07
  9. I agree completely.....if we can get him GREAT...if not and we can can get Dodge I think he will be a great fit and generate excitement also.
  10. Harbaugh all the way!!!!! If we can get him he would bring immediate excitement with the football players and fans. I already know the players are very excited about the posiblity of Harbaugh being their head coach and they're not excited about the possiblity of Dodge (I talk directly with some of our best players). Harbaugh knows how to motivate and he knows how to run an offense to score points. He is a very tough competitor (remember when Jim Kelly questioned his toughness on the NFL today show because he sat out a game due to an injury? Harbaugh found him and punched his lights out.) (that doesn't mean he's another RF either ). As far as recruiting, This guy would be able to recruit the entire United States. Hell he's already a millionair, if he didn't have the budget to recruit he would problably use his own money for travleing. He may be able to compete with the Big 12 for some of the blue chip players in Texas too because of who he is and our new facilities and the excitement he will bring to the table. Look guys (and gals) this dude lives eats and breathes footall. he doens't have other adgendas like maybe our former coach had. This guy would have ONE goal and thats to win championships...not to just win the Sun Belch conference but win all the way. And isn't that what all you guys have been wanting? someone with an attitude that skys the limit, not, as DD put it on the local radio here in Tulsa it's really tough with our budget to compete, so if we win the Sun Belch and go to the Rauncholla bowl we should be happy little children .
  11. He may not be able to write another article after RF breaks both his arms for questioning his play calling
  12. you did a fantastic job...thanks!!!!
  13. Indeed she does!!
  14. I can name one coach that is NOT like these jack A#*es....Steve Kragthorpe is one of the nicest guys in college football. He Recruited both of my nephews so I got to meet him and be at several games, camps, practice, his office ect...he hired coaches such as Matt Wells who all promote a positive Christian attitude. You will not hear the filthy talk like you do at NT practices or games or meetings. I'm not saying that kind of talk is totaly wrong...probably 95% of coaches in D1 use this technique and probably 99 or 100% use it in the NFL. I'm just saying that you can be a positive motivator with a christian bases and still be a winner....just look at TU's record and where they are at today. They just came off a big time bowl game from last year in which they won and they will probably do it again this year. I heard the brodcast of the TU NT game on the TU radio network and I could not believe the crap they were saying about NT's program. They said we were a good fit in the conference we were in and we were just where we needed to be. Bull Sh*t. Earlier in the week before the TU game DD did a great interview on our local sports radio show 1430 the buzz in Tulsa. He said how tough it is running a program with such a limited budget which is true. But NT's budget is just as big as TU's and NT has facilities that blow TU away now. And I can I assure you they are not supported with donations or local support from Tulsa any better than NT and Denton/Dallas area. They are a private school with emphasis on their Engineering and law programs not Athletics. I don't know if firing DD is the answer but I think he needs to clean house on his offesive coaching staff if they can't put together a game plan any better than the one against TU and MT. That was just pathetic. The defense played well in the TU game until the second half when they gave up because the offense was 3 and out every time they touched the ball. And taking Woody out makes no sense either except to save his life from taking such a pounding evertime he stepped back in the pocket. It IS the COACHES responsibilty to have the players motivated and ready to play. Sorry Shaft but you can't blame the players on this subject. The coaches proved they could do it for one game when we played SMU. But that isn't good enough. They have to do it every week, at least to be competitive or be held accountable.
  15. be carefull what you say about RF...he might come looking for you!
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