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Everything posted by tonyhuntoon

  1. Please this was UT-PB!!! NAIA SCHOOL! This is like a decent high school varsity team taking on a freshman team, and then trying to compare dunks. Why was this game even played. Doesn't help either team.
  2. Like I said in a previous post, and was attacked by everybody, North Texas basketball games are boring. The atmosphere, songs (like Fly Like an Eagle), the way they sell tickets at a table at the front gate, incredibly bush league. I would think that in 19 years, that NT would improve upon their gametime processes just a bit. Again, "if you always do, what you've always done, you will always get what you always got." I bet you that SMU doesn't sell their tickets the way we do at the front gates. If they did, they wouldn't be able to accomadate 3500 people a night. I would love to get a hold of the promotions and ticket sales of this university. Now let the blindly faithful begin their attacks.
  3. I will personally contribute $50.
  4. I agree about NYC. There is more to the state than NYC. That is why everybody in UpState refers to NYC'ers as those stupid "DownStaters"! Especially when Saratoga Race Course opens up. Besides those "Yankees" made Dallas better.
  5. "e-bone": Go back and read the post. Quote: Good energetic game; Stadium looked great, first class. If you are going to comment at least read the post. Ideas to make it better? I have bushels full. I gave two of them about 5 posts ago. I only wish they would give me the keys to the promotional component of NT athletics, man it would be great! One of the first things I would do is BRING BACK THE WORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. It would be cool if there were some visuals to get the fans into it. I think it would be funny if they would recreate the old Eppy from the '80s. The one that looked like a Duck. ANd the only time he would appear is if it was RALLY TIME! Like the rally monkeys of the Ca. Angels. The announcer could yell out it's rally time, play the rally clap, and the odd bird could trot across the floor with a baseball bat. I remember the guy that was the mascot back in '86 was really funny and got the crowd into it. Even got a technical foul once. Then along the same lines, get one of those goofy skeleton costumes. Put it on some 7 year old. When the game is in the bag, have him trot across the floor. No announcement. Nothing. But everybody would know what it means. Can you imagine the roar that would get? These are my two goofy suggestions.
  7. I understand. Wouldn't it be great if all of the students there got behind the teams like you? The student sections would never be empty. Keep up the good work. And get rid of that picture, notice I use a horse!
  8. '92? Why the name calling? I'm a MORON now because I don't agree with you, and I should go home? Maybe you should check out your picture under your I.D. Kind of makes me want to consider the source. Know what I mean? A true freshman can run a team pretty well. Check out Dee Brown and Deron Williams of Illinois when they were freshman. Outstanding. Ever hear of Carmelo Anthony? Go back and read my original post. I am not talking about the team, I am talking about the presentation!
  9. OK. I will bet you $30 they won't even place in the upper tier of the conference. How can you ever make something better if you don't question how you CAN make it better??? Shouldn't you ALWAYS be asking the question how can we do this better? I just don't think anybody over the last 20 years has actually asked that question at NT. With a great music school like NT don't you think we can find something better to play than "Fly Like An Eagle" year after year? That song was actually in my dreams I heard it so much last night. Face the facts, if the crowds are the same as they were in '86, and the school is twice the size, shouldn't somebody answer the question why? How can the product be improved, and why hasn't it been improved? Why aren't more people coming to games? Why is the guy that hasn't been to a BBall game in 8 years, a guy that loves BBall and his school, can go to a game and be absolutely bored out of his mind? It just seems to me that nobody at the game was really doing anything to add anything to the atmosphere of the game. People have to have fun to keep coming back to events. Plain and simple. I hate to say it, went to the OU/A&M game this year, and I can't wait to go back. Why? Because I had fun. I enjoyed the experience. The things that were going on besides the game added to the game. You ever watch a Duke or Indiana game on TV??? Makes you want to check it out in person sometime, right? NT doesn't have that, and as much as it pains me to say it, probably never will because people like the ones on this board that are attacking my opinions want to accept the status quo. They treat every question about a "product" like it's a personal affront. If you never ask for better you never will get better. Because of that it will NEVER be better. On another note, what happened to the old Championship flags that used to fly at the stadium?
  10. Exactly the reaction I thought I would get. Don't like the message, shoot the messenger. Oh blind people, when will you see? Let's get our facts straight though. C. Washington played for UTA the following year. And he did pull the scholarship of every player. All of them. That is one reason why I stopped supporting the team, and was severly disappointed in an athletic director that supported the decision. If you don't believe me go and do the research if it is that important to you. For the record I graduated in '86. Went back and got my teaching certificate in '95. It's surprising how much the basketball program hasn't changed. They sell tickets the same way, the aisles still get clogged up because the ushers refuse to tell people to find a seat, the crowd size is the same, and the entertainment value of the game is totally related to what's on the floor. What can I say? It was boring. I honestly could have found a better place to spend $30. I told my wife I would have preferred buying pizza and beer for several friends and watch OU fry CU. Sorry. It's the way the old saying goes: "if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you always got." I also have to admit I haven't been to a NT football game in 4 years. But that has never stopped me from trudging to a sports bar, spending $60 on beer and snacks to catch them on a feed at a local sports bar. Now that was fun and was never boring. About the NY reference, NY is a great place. The rudeness that you suggested is incredibly overexaggerated, kind of like the Texan friendliness. About 95% of the people I have met up here are extremely nice and will totally go out of their way to help you in anyway. Just because you don't like what I am saying doesn't give you a license to show your ignorance and indict a whole region of people. Do yourself a favor and step outside of the borders of Texas. You might find that it isn't a big, cold, scary place afterall.
  11. Just because I haven't been to a game in a long while doesn't mean my opinion isn't valid. Besides, when I was in school and years after I got out, I went to EVERY STINKING GAME! So don't even begin to discount an opinion because I am not some blind sheep that goes to every game regardless of a coach that ran the program into the ground. Why did I not support the Trilli cast? I thought it was incredibly unfair that the guy came in and pulled the scholarship of EVERY PLAYER ON THE TEAM! Do you remember that or were you not aware then? Set this program back years. Kind of like a self imposed death penalty. Or in Trilli's introduction press conference him and his wife kept on flashing the HOOK EM HORNS sign! Do you remember or were you not AWARE then? Oh, and by the way, I live in UpState NY and have for the last 4+ years. I took the time out of my schedule here visiting family and friends to catch a game for the first time in the JJ era. There are alot better things for me to do then trudge up to Denton to catch two so-so basketball teams play. So before you get on your soapbox and start slamming people's opinions "because they haven't been to a game in a while", think again jerk.
  12. Haven't been to a basketball game since the beginning of the Trilli era. Good energetic game, poor free throw shooting, on offense they need to learn how to stay in motion. Way too much standing around on the offensive end. 1. Stadium looked great. Especially the new scoreboards. Looks first class. 2. The seats were very uncomfortable and too tight. Take out those oversized armrests and they wouldn't be so tight. And I am a skinny guy. 3. The music was awful. They were playing that stupid Steve Miller song when I graduated in '86. Can't they find something else to play? 4. The song leaders were weak. And I mean REALLY WEAK. They all dance like Ashlee Simpson. 5. The cheerleaders, um, what cheerleaders. Do something to bring some life into the arena, ANYTHING!
  13. If you want a killer burger go to Lewisville and the Texas Hamburger Factory. 407 exit.
  14. something I found on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=2729649281
  15. If I remember correctly the State Club paid for those two banners! NT '86
  16. just love seeing smart asses get busted!
  17. George Will put it appropriately several weeks ago. "If not now, when?" Are we going to wait until the fanatics take out one of our large cities with a nuclear device? These same fanatics will be the ones out there dancing the "Where was George?" theme. People like this need to realize that the world is not a nice place. There are people that want to kill you because of the simple fact that you are an American. Those of you who don't think bio-terrorism isn't possible should go pick up a copy of a book called "Germs". This book is just damn frightening. After reading it, I remembered a Stephen King book I read many years ago called "The Stand". At one point the book bothered me so much I had to put it down for several weeks before I picked it up again. The reason it was so frightening was the fact that, out of all of the King books, this one could possibly happen. This is why ALL TERRORISTS must die. They are the Hitlers of our time.
  18. I know you guys don't want to hear this, but the hardest job in sports is Basketball Official. I know I wouldn't want to do it.
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