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  1. herb larkins pictures. thanks for being a guardian angel. Billy E is also a North Texas graduate.Thats him next to herb in some of the pictures. You can see the TV herb bought.thanks gomean green for letting me post this here. The final count of money donated was about $3,000. Over 45 states,9 countries had guardian angels that gave to Herb. The state of Texas had the most.
  2. Euss..sory i messed up the response.I'll get herbs pictures up in a few days.How's lew? lol god that is funny.My daughter is getting married down in austin on may 27th.Couldn't invite lew and many of my NT boys. But Robbie G a good friend of Lew will be there.Not sure if you knew Robbie G.He teaches in Garland. I feel bad about not inviting so many of my friends that still live down there but we can have only 150 people and my daughter has been teaching in austin for almost 5 yrs now.Plus the 4 yrs at UT.So she has a big list of her own friends.Plus her husband is from Corpus.. The pictures of herb are pretty powerful.I'm amazed that so few people here never heard of the larkins story. I look back on my days at NT with great memories.Met my wife dribbling a basketball imitating Pistol Pete outside of kerr hall one summer.1st date was to lake Dallas...she was in bruce hall. no AC.it was so hot that summer.I had to go to summer school because i failed Dr Lott's anatomy class.If i didn't go to summer school i would of never met my wife.I failed on purpose..lol Now 35 yrs later,have 4 kids and my oldest is getting married. I'll find out about Lew at the wedding.Can't believe he doesn't come here in gomeangreen..I'll tell Robby to tell him.take care..and thanks for believing in the begining...i did a pretty poor job explaining about herb and some questioned me. but that all worked out..
  3. I will try to get the pictures here posted.I have to have my son do it.Since I'm paying $16,000 a yr for him at East Carolina Univ and his major is computers..he'll do it Herb called me Sunday nite.Again he thanks everyone.I have to write Billy and get more info.Herb hasn't got out of his bed since Jan.He has these sores he's fighting and there from the inside.They come and take x-rays of him and the doctor is watching them closely. He said the TV and sound system are great.He still hasn't mounted it on the wall yet.There was a problem with his wall or the brakets they sent. I look at these pictures of him and sometimes cannot comprehend the incident that happened in Denton,Tx in 1970.I'm a 19 yr old kid at the time and never could imagine something like this could happen.It's 35 or 36 yrs later and when I look at the pictures of him out in his neighborhood in Queens everything seems so nice. He wants to thank everyone but doesn't know how to.He said a day has not gone by where his eyes don't water up thinking of those days back in decemeber and january when these letters started arriving. I looked at Billy E in the backround of those pictures.he is the true hero of this story. He has been at Herbs side since the day of the accident.He was only at North Texas on a b-ball scholarship because of Herb.Billy like me married a Texan and came back to live in NY.His two sons are lawyers in NYC and his wife has now been striken with multiple sclerosis and in a wheel chair. Like Billy said a month or two ago to me..the 2 most important people in my life other them my kids are in wheelchairs. Billy graduated from North Texas and is currently the highest nonjudicial employee in the NYC Court System.Only the judges have more props them him.He has taken care of Herb with the help of herbs mother. So when you look at that guy behind Herb its hard to believe the friendship and love of those two that has never stopped.In this day and age when so many terrible things are happening in the headlines around the world it's nice to know about a small story in Queens,NY that has effected someones life. You all here that became guardians are a chapter in both Herb and Billy's life.I know many of you give me a lot of credit by doing this.And i do apprecaite it but like i said a 1,000 times..all i was...was the messenger. GoMeangreen and the other places that let me post Herb's story were the stamps that sent the message.You people that stuck a few dollars in an envelope blindly and sent them to him are the heroes. Calvin Coolidge once said " No person was ever honored for what he recieved.Honor has been the reward for what he gave" _ Over $3,000 was sent to Herb.The pitures will show you his flat screen TV
  4. This is what Billy sent me today.These are all the cities and states that you guys contributed to Herbs Christmas suprise...Pretty awesome display of great people.Again cannot thank you guys enough.Herb has his new TV finally.Still not on the wall mounts yet.He is going to take a picture of himself and the TV.I'll call him this week and get the most recent update.Over 40 states,Canada,Japan,Iraq,Germany....unreal Over 232 guardians.. You all don't really know how much you touched another human being.Herb will write soon and when you see what you have given him...all of you earned a wing or two in heaven...Thank you all so much...thanks for letting me post this here.Herb Larkins was a North Texas student when this accident happened in the mens gym.Think there are more guardian angel texans then any other state.thank you again.. Guardian Angel’s WITHIN THE UNITED STATES STATE CITIES ALABAMA Montgomery (2), Birmingham (4) ARKANSAS Little Rock, Bentonville ARIZONA Phoenix (3) CALIFORNIA San Diego (4), San Jose, Longbeach, Santa Ana (2), Petaluma, Fresno, Yreka, Elk Grove COLORADO Denver (3) CONNECTICUT Hartford, Jewett City, Stamford (2), Southern Conn. (2), FLORIDA Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Bay County, Ft. Lauderdale, South Fl.(2), North Bay, Miami, Mid-Florida, Orlando, North Fl., Ft. Myers GEORGIA Macon (2), Villa, Atlanta ILLINOIS Champaign, Carol Stream (4), Bloomington, Palatine, Rockford, Chicago INDIANA Uarmil, Munster, Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne IOWA Des Moines (2), Waterloo KANSAS Hays (2) KENTUCKY Ashland, Bowling Green (2), South Central, Paducah LOUISIANA Shreveport MARYLAND Baltimore (4), Woodstock MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex-Essex (2), Springfield, Mansfield, North West Boston, Brockton, Central MICHIGAN Birmingham, Grand Rapids, Detroit (3) MINNESOTA Duluth, Minneapolis (2), Detroit Lakes MISSISSIPPI Jackson, Gulfport MISSOURI Girardeau, St. Louis, Mid Missouri, Kansas City (4) NEVADA Reno (2), Las Vegas NEW HAMPSHIRE Portsmouth STATE CITIES NEW JERSEY South Jersey, Kearny (2), Newark, Piscataway, E. Brunswick NEW YORK Alabany (7), Syracuse, Rochester (3), Buffalo (4), Mid Hudson (2), Brooklyn (3), Queens (2), New York (3) NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte (2), Piedmont Triad (2), Kingston, Raleigh (2), Shelby, Rural Hall OHIO Cincinnati, Columbus (3), Youngstown, Lima (2), Akron, Dayton OKLAHOMA Tulsa (4), Oklahoma City (2) OREGON Portland (2) PENNSYLVANIA Scranton (2) Philadelphia (4), Pittsburg, Lehigh Valley (2), Wilkes-Barre (3), Harrisburg RHODE ISLAND New Castle, Providence SOUTH CAROLINA Greenville SOUTH DAKOTA Pierre TENNESSEE Knoxville (3), Memphis, Chattanooga, Nashville, Lebanon TEXAS Dallas (4), Addison, Houston (3), North Houston (2), Ft. Worth (6), North Texas (3), Austin (3), East Texas (2), Texarkana, Waco (2), Greenville, Pongview VIRGINIA Alexandria, Roanoke WASHINGTON Black Diamond WEST VIRGINIA Beckley WISCONSIN Madison (4), Oshkosh OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES CANADA (4) IRAQ - ARMY POST EUROPE - DEUTCHE JAPAN - INATSU TOTALS: IN THE U.S.A. 225 OUTSIDE U.S.A. 007 Grand Total 232 (Guardian Angel’s responded)
  5. The total is 3351.18 and he said he has a few envelopes at his house. I will stop by tomorrow and let you know how we did. He did not call to say that the wall mounts has arrived. I did get a e-mail from your friend and he said he will get back to me as soon as he get more information. -----Original Message----- Thats Billy E's e-mail to me yest.But Herb called last nite.The wall mounts are coming around Jan 18th.QVC is giving him some money back because of the delay.He did set the TV up in his living room for now.He cannot believe the clarity and picture.Billy today will show him some of the features and how they are trying to hook up his voice controls.But for now his attendents or mother turn it on and off.He is putting the TV in his bedroom.He said he watched the Knicks the other nite and felt he was at the Garden. With the $3350 and hypervion's $1,000 for the computer..it is a miracle for him. Another little side note is that I'm talking to Herb a lot.I've always called him maybe 2 or 3 times a month the past 30 yrs.I know I'm guilty somewhat and there are no real excuses I can give.But with what has happened now its so nice talking to him weekly. Again, I cannot thank you all that became a "guardian angel" for him.We all go on with our dailey lives,driving to work,working,coming home,etc.Herb sits in an appartment on Elder Ave 95% of the time.For 30 yrs...and every minut of his day is a little better because of you all. Herb wants to thank all of you personally.Once he gets his computer will figure out something.Again thank you all here in gomeangreen for helping out.Thank you Harry for letting me do this. Herb will talk to you personally.
  6. Talked to Herb last night for over 30 minuts.It's gettting tired of me trying to explain to everyone how "moved" he is.I'll say this.He is even more "moved" 3 weeks later then when the 1st letters arrived.Last night talking to him has me in tears.Whe he gets all his equipement together he will have to e-mail you all and thank you personally. His TV arrived yesterday.He's waiting for the wall mounts to arrive.Billy has a friend who lives near Herb who will install it for him.When UPS arrived and bought the TV up to his appartment the guy said" look what Santa has for you".Herb said he just sat there and thought this isn't a dream". Herb had his eyes on this TV for 3 months watching QVC.After the 'angels" had delivered the letters ,QVC ran the TV commercial again.Without calling Billy he and his attendent ordered the TV.I think I mentioned Billy was a little taken back because he was going to sit down with Herb and look at some TV's and computers and discuss how he wanted to spend the money.But Billy always said "herb is very independent". It was like a kid going to the candy store for the 1st time. I pasted the TV he bought.As soon as the wall mounts come they will set it up. Hypervion and Billy have talked and Hypervion is looking into what type of computer Herb needs.There is no need to rush and I'm sure they will get one of the best. Billy is going over Herb's today. We have $ 3007 plus Hyper's $1,000.[ Herb has 10 unopened letters also.The total cost of the TV,Wall mounts is around $1600.So I think thats more then enough to get a nice computer. Again I cannot thank you all.With all the terrible news we hear all around this world,9 US soldiers yest die in Iraq,The West Vir miners,floods in New Orleans,Miss and Bama,tsunami's,etc.. you all came together and contributed to a total stranger on Elder Ave. in Flushing,NY. Thank you all here in the gomeangreen that helped Herb.He has promised to respond here and thank you all.Once he gets his computer going I'm sure he will be a great addition to this site. em Number E0922 Dell 32" Diag.Widescreen LCD HDTV w/SRS TruSurroundXT Retail Value $1898.00 QVC Price $1648.00 Introductory Price $1498.00 Shipping and Handling $0.00 Picture the thrills, excitement, and drama as all the action plays out on this Dell 32" diagonal widescreen HDTV. Delivering amazing, lifelike sights and sounds, it features a 1000:1 contrast ratio and 15W black satin chrome-finish stereo speakers for virtual surround sound. Measures 31"L x 22-1/4"H x 8-1/2"W. A high-definition converter is required to access HDTV programming. HDTV may require a subscription to a digital cable or satellite service and a high-definition converter to receive HDTV programming, where available. Contact your local cable or satellite provider for details and costs. UL listed. 2-year LMW. * 32" diagonal flat panel LCD screen * 1000:1 contrast ratio * two 15W 22-1/2"H virtual surround sound stereo speakers * ATSC/NTSC coaxial connection * two component A/V ports * composite A/V port * two S-video ports * optical digital output * VGA audio port * two HDMI connectors * subwoofer output * PC audio port * coaxial, audio, PC, PC audio, component cables * speaker mounts * remote control * 3 AAA batteries E0868 E0868 • $95.00 Rhino Mounts Flat Panel TV Wallmount
  7. Not sure what days where in.This was Billy's e-mail last night. Twenty four envelopes and 259.00. The total is 3009.00 and I will put the money in the bank tomorrow. -----Original Message----- Before that total a person at another site donated $1,000 for Herb. So the total is really 4009.00 I think Herb ordered a flat screen TV and is looking for a computer with voice controls. Will keep you all updated here.Again,thank you all here for helping out.It is like a "miracle" for him.You all made his life a little better. Everyone have a safe and Happy New Year.
  8. This was Billy's e-mail tonight. Todays numbers are 20 envelopes and 192 dollars. That makes our total 189 envelopes and 2750 dollars. Herb said that it feels like GOD moving through people to give out of their hearts. He said it is a blessing and a lesson. Will report to you tomorrow. I can see Herb saying that.He is so spirtual.Letters came from all over.Even one from Japan.Again thank you all here that helped.I'll be back tomr or the next day for another update.
  9. Smug..how do I e-mail you or do a private message.Can you e-mail me or private message me.
  10. [ Smug,you are 100% right.I am sorry.I don't have a right to do that.I'm upset at the wrong people.Not you people here.I know I'm wrong.What NT did 35 yrs ago has nothing to do with this site and you all here are trying to help. I didn't mean any disrepect to this site,Harry and the rest who have read this or posted here. I am sorry if I offended anyone.I don't want my name involved because I don't want Herb to know.I'll gladly e-mail you and give you my name and backround. But,your right...it does look like I'm bitching and moaning about something I have no right to do. Again,I'm sorry.I'm trying to do something right and I'm complaining. I guess I thought many here would remember what happened to Herb.But like you said,"you never heard about him either. I promise not to be negative just positive. I want to thank all of you that did send something out.I'll give you all an update later tonight or tomr. morning.
  11. island I agree.It doesn't matter where it came from.I know of at least 10 Texans that sent something and have nothing to do with NT. But if only 10 people from this site send money and 9 of you put NT down[excluding you] and 300 letters come from all 50 states he might assume that all 300 are from North Texas grads or alumni .Granted it doesn't make any difference but why give him a false impression when North Texas did absolutly nothing for 36 yrs. The NJ Nets and Lou Carnesecca raised the money for his van in 1982. Coach Robbins wouldn't even send me some game film of him[16 mm] in fear he might use it as part of a law suit.When I requested some old games NT's officials said you have to contact the coach.I tracked Robbins down in Oklahoma I think coaching HS ball.But he never sent one single film. NT gave him a black and white TV. And it was 12".They paid his bill only in Dallas for 3 months.They didn't pay his telephone bill.Don't get me started. And the reason he never sued NT was he was also dealing with depression and a few others things.By the time he got his act together statue of limitations set in.[think it was 5 yrs or 7] I'm sorry..I'm bitter and you people are the wrong ones for me to sound off on.My bad. I'm not telling Herb where it came from.And your right in what you said.He's going to get something to improve his life.It doesn't matter... but please send a donation ..it's not to late... and I'm sorry again about this post..My bad..
  12. this was part of Billy's E-mail I think Herbs mom has added to Herb excitement. Today he said that he found this whole thing as being awesome. In todays mail a number of people were from NorthTexas and it made herb feel that North Texas is a major player in this This whole thing is so spiritual and magical that if you saw what you have created it would bring tears to your eyes. -----Original Message----- The irony of Billy's message is North Texas is not a "major player".The three other sites that I have posted are the "major players". I messed up and told you here to put NT down in your letter.But in the other sites I gave firm instructions not to mention anything.Just "from a guardian angel". So some of you here have responded and Herbs only clue is from the NT people here in "gomeangreen". Over 540 people read my plea in "everyone read" post back on Dec 20th.Another 245 read my "plea to harry". Only a few of you responded and several of you explained why.I do understand that.But if you read my posts you can see I'm writing from the heart. I'm not sure how many of you just sent out envelopes but don't post.Hopefully some of the 780 people that read my story just did that.If it wasn't for a few like Plumm-Mean green-UNT lifer,UNT girl,and Greenbat this post probaly would of died. Herb has received around $2400 dollars so far.About 99% of that came from other sites.[i think} North Texas State or UNT is the place that 99% should be coming from. He was one of us.He blood was "mean green".He left his dorm room at Kerr to practice,stopped at Maple to see his girlfriend,and 30 minuts later,never moved his arms or legs again.That's 1970.Many of you weren't even born yet. Please send him $5.00 or more.And just maybe there are many of you here that are silent and sent out your donation. And if thats the case I humbly aplogize. Thank you again UNT lifer,girl,greenbat and Plumm. I'll give you an update today..
  13. Billy just e-mailed me. So far.....drum roll.... The days number is 97 envelopes and 1675 dollars plus 58 envelopes from Friday and Saturday which total 743 dollars give us a grand total of 155 envelopes which equal 2418.00 dollars. -----Original Message----- He didn't give any details about Herb. I;ll get them tomr. Again thank you all...
  14. Billy's late e-mail... , Herb turn red in the face watching me open his mail and seeing all the money I kept pulling out the envelopes. His day time home attendant got so emotional that she had to leave work early. I had a great time watching his eyes grow when it went one dollars to five to tens twentys than fifties and even a hundred. ..... tell everyone who sent something that there is truly a Santa Claus. -----Original Message----- Plumm-Green..thanks for responding.I knew Ronnie Shaklin.Met Abner Hayes at homecoming one year.I knew Ronnie pased away and so did the best quarterback I ever saw..Steve Ramsey.What a shame. Last night I talked to Billy.I posted part of his e-mail [above].I also posted this "Herb needs your help" in a few other web sites this week.The response has been unreal.The response here has been very little and I do understand why.At the other places they know me and respect me.I don't give my name out and I shouldn't. But the irony of this whole "guardian angel" movement is that Herb actually thinks it's coming from North Texas.One of you that sent out money to him mentioned North Texas.That is his only clue.And I do apprecaite those people from this site doing that.I think I even suggested that but I shouldn't of.He has already recieved over $700 and that is nothing compared to what is coming. And he thinks it's all coming from North Texas.In a way he's right.It is coming from North Texas..I'm the messenger..NTSU is my school..oops UNT. Plumm..thank you.. Have a Merry X-mas
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