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Everything posted by Crip*TeamKATT

  1. Let me be able to thank y'all for all of y'alls help and prayers on behalf on my fellow louisiana brothers and sisters.
  2. Well if you were told you were gonna get a fine for doing something or that you would be shot. Which one is gonna make you think twice.
  3. That is why the have instated Marshall Law, to let everyone know that there will not be any distinction between the two. And things are getting worse and they want everyone to get to the Superdome so they can be airlifted out not stealing crap. OH and a sports store was broken into and the gun and ammo supply has been wipped out. But I guess its a good thing they got all of it since it was gonna get ruined. And you are right there are bigger fish to fry, so why defend the people that are adding to the things need to be fryed.
  4. Its not just about your tv, its about the fact that when they go in there to take it they feel the need to destroy stuff. The should people taking the STORE FIXTURES. Taking out shelves just because they could. What sense does that make?
  5. They are just not looting stories they are going into peoples houses. The are TRASHING things not just taking stuff. OH AND IF YOU THINK SO HIGHLY OF THEM LISTEN TO THIS. WWl just reported that a COP was shot in the back by a looter while confronting another looter. Still think they are not so bad. I have no problem with taking food from a store to survive thats not what is being said, but they are laughing about it, taking pictures of each other doing. This is people taking advantage of the situation. The Superdome is now being used as an AIRLIFT site because that place the highest place in New Orleans is about to take on water, and all these idiots care about is taking stuff. If the water doesnt get them, I hope the cops and military do. BUT I GUESS YOU STILL BELIEVE THAT THE MEDIA IS MAKING THIS WORSE THEN IT REALLY IS, RIGHT?
  6. I put my leave in and I am leaving tommorrow to go and help my family and friends and anyone else that will allow me to help. I hope that we will have the game and that I can share a beer with all of y'all that make it down. Thank you and behalf of all my louisiana brothers and sisters for your prayers, we are gonna need them now more then ever. Have a safe and pleasent trip, and keep in mind that if your driving traffic may be bad with people trying to get back home.
  7. LSu powerlines are all underground and LSU hardly ever looses power. As of yesterday afternoon, my brother called and said some of the power in BR was back on. And from a couple of other guys on the Tigerforums board they have power also. Power isnt gonna be the issues, its gonna be the question of is it in good taste to have the game when they cant figure out why the lake is still flooding the city, even today.
  8. They said they think that when the top layer came off the superdome the tiles became missles and took out the windows.
  9. Check out Fox News. They have a copter flying ove the city
  10. Give em a few days bro. The storm just went through this morning. Once they get an idea of all the damage sometime tommorrow I am sure they will make an annoucment.
  11. The levee has broken in the French Quarter. And while it isnt all doom and gloom this is the WORSE disaster to hit New Orleans in modern times.
  12. I hate being here in Texas. I know there is really nothing I can do to help my family and friends, but this helpless feeling sucks.
  13. Levee has broken in the french quarter. The pumps have shutdown. The water is already up to the curbs on the streets of the French Quarter. The Superdome is leaking but only because the outer shel has peeled off the structure is still fine. A buliding has colapssed with people in it somewhere in the Garden District. And the thing is it want as bad as it could have been. Power is out in B.R. and from my brother, they have gotten alot of strong gust and some rain.
  14. It is 0723 and after pulling staff duty all day yesrterday and all last night. I was able to watch the storm coverage all night. And while New Orleans will not take the hit that originally thought we are not out of the woods yet. The eye should be making its way past N.O sometime between 8 and 9 this morning. At that time the winds will be blowing from the north on Lake Ponch. and this is where they are worried about the levees breaking down and flooding the city. BR seems to be just fine having only gotten alittle wind and some rain. I'm gonna try to sleep for about an hour and get up and let y'all know more as to what is going on.
  15. I got a feeling that if they do play the game, which is a HUGE IF, keep your eye on the LSU boards because there are gonna be alot of people that may not be able to get back into the homes so they will be getting rid of their tickets.
  16. 35 feet above sea level and the surronding area is the same. It was built that way to act as an ark for people to go with a flood. Evrything else will be underwater except for that area.
  17. If the city loses power the dome will too. The mayor or n.o. came on and said if you have a way of leaving you better do it becuase the superdome is gonna be crowded and HOT. And when they open it up like this you can only stay on the ground levels and not go up into the seats. LAST I heard there was 30,000 people seeking refuge.
  18. The superdome and the area right around it is built to act as an ARK. The problem is gonna be the surge. All of the above ground crypts will be destroyed there will be coffens floating everywhere, the sewers will back up. This would be horrible. As far as the New Orleans bowl goes it would more then likely be moved to Tiger Stadium so that it can still be played.
  19. I posted this in the Katrina thread but will do it here too. This what I have got so far. My dad works for the Shell plant in Norco which is right outside New Orleans. They have not begun to shut down the plant, which takes HOURS to do, because their weather people have said that it is gonna turn east before it makes landfall. Which puts it in Mississippi. BUT even if it does hit New Orleans Baton Rouge should only get alittle wind and some rain. LSU draws its power from underground lines so even if Baton Rouge loses power LSU will be up and running. I dont think the game will be played on another date because I have looked at the scheldules and neither team has an open date together, and since it is OOC it is not that big of a deal. However to all you fans that may be flying into New Orleans or staying in New Orleans I would keep an eye on this thing and be ready to change your plans.
  20. This what I have got so far. My dad works for the Shell plant in Norco which is right outside New Orleans. They have not begun to shut down the plant, which takes HOURS to do, because their weather people have said that it is gonna turn east before it makes landfall. Which puts it in Mississippi. BUT even if it does hit New Orleans Baton Rouge should only get alittle wind and some rain. LSU draws its power from underground lines so even if Baton Rouge loses power LSU will be up and running. I dont think the game will be played on another date because I have looked at the scheldules and neither team has an open date together, and since it is OOC it is not that big of a deal. However to all you fans that may be flying into New Orleans or staying in New Orleans I would keep an eye on this thing and be ready to change your plans.
  21. The town that y'all are in is called Denton right? Is that the same Denton that is in the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show? Do y'all have freaks running around y'all town?
  22. Well since I am in Texas thats kind of HARD!
  23. Yeah I screwed up on that one. But if you are gonna rag on a team at least get the name right. My only fault is that my keyboard is sticky. J/K
  24. UMMMM where you born stupid or did you have to work on it.
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