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NM Green

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Everything posted by NM Green

  1. It’s a nostalgia thing. They represent the good bad and influential of Dallas. People have an affinity for them even though they don’t want to necessarily be them. Further, staying ranked in the top 25 for over a month is more important and impressive than beating a downtrodden sec program. That is why I wanted us to crack into the top 25 so we would get weekly exposure. Mason has done his part to get us exposure now Seth needs to crush the end of the season to avoid us becoming an afterthought. GMG
  2. Mason’s offense is a fun watch and is what may very well get a 7-5 or 6-6 team into a bowl. You can sell that watch especially early in the bowl season where I am sure we will be if we finish strong. i will say that the season of blowouts to high stakes drama to albino squirrels to dinosaurs is making this one of the most memorable for a lot of strange reasons. I hope Mason and the team ball it the rest of the way and send our great ambassador out with a winning season! GMG
  3. I love this. I had no idea the questions, tone and vibe of the presser was going to be so serious. It was like he was sitting there with a bandana on his head or something just Repping like mason can but he was in a dinosaur costume! Hysterical. soak it up Mason. We Love what you have done for UNT and wish you all the success in the future! GMG
  4. Well, I’ll take a bowl win in Frisco please. Seeing my Mean Green in my FCD stadium conquering some demons would make me happy and send me into the holidays with a smile. GMG
  5. Do you check Seth’s rebuilding skills or do you go get graham back and turn the ship over to a new coach to build fresh from the front. It’s a rebuild either way and I am concerned Littrell may not have this in him. It’s a whole new ball game and does he have the stomach? Their are good recruits here and coming. NewDenton doesn’t tolerate five year slides and shouldn’t. Turn it around or turn it over. GMG
  6. It’s crazy to think about right! I mean as freaking bizarre this season has been I somehow see us winning against utep rice and uab and losing at la tech. We get invited to Frisco with a big crowd and win our first bowl game under Littrell. It’s the strangest ending for the strangest season in forever. GMG
  7. I will renew because Seth won’t take the patch with him. Plus I love the party in the stands. Witnessed horrific MG seasons and this is mild by comparison. Disappointing- disgustingly so, but can’t abandon my football team. I’m living through this nightmare in the EPL too but it only will make the future turnaround that much sweeter and the beer is still cold until then. down UTEP GMG
  8. Yeah listening to it on the radio at about 6 this morning I said, go to sleep. turn this off now. Mooney had just got his kick blocked and next thing you know Charlotte is at our 29. I opted to preserve my few hours of peaceful sleep without Trying to shed anger vibes before nodding off. Slept like a baby, but still a disastrous season. We are like in total rebuild mode. Not sure how this happened. Hello Miners🙂 GMG
  9. I like the icy whites. And I actually liked the really really different slightly strange uniforms we had last week. I've got to be honest I love them even more now that we got a W in them. GMG
  10. North Texas 35 Charlotte 17 I am hopeful the offense just plays keep away and scores on most possessions. The defense rests and makes some Continued progress. GMG
  11. Wish FC Dallas could have pulled off the miracle in Seattle a place they never win. But they fought hard Losing 4-3 in 120 minutes and have the youngest team in the league. Fun and exciting rebuilding year. Youngest and first year manager in Luchi. Future is bright in Frisco at Toyota Stadium. And the Stars decided to wake up and start the season! Great a Mean Green win. Nice cowboy rout update when we landed in HK. Left Sunday morning instead of Monday morning before the storms. Glad everyone is safe! Crush Charlotte GMG
  12. A pre party at scruffy mcduffies or blue martini on Thursday night would be awesome! let’s just beat Charlotte and keep this conversation going! GMG
  13. I do like that they picked up some of Houston’s rituals of playing right up to the snap. They mix up the routines too. I do miss the North Texas fight chant on 3rd downs but overall very happy with the renewed energy. They are finding creative ways to showcase themselves connect with fans and enhance the in game experience. Go Green Brigade GMG
  14. One at a time. The next challenge is consistency. Will this team show up with energy intensity and confidence in Charlotte. Even if they struggle or eek out a W I am curious to see how this team responds so late and with Virtually no room for error. beat Charlotte! GMG
  15. I really liked the space show and the pregame was solid too. GMG
  16. I have always wanted a game day shirt for our 6 home games every year. Beat xxxx. Get creative with their mascot pink in October homecoming....
  17. We play utep better in Denton so that is a W. i have looked at Seth differently ever since K-state. I lost some trust and emotional investment in this thing. If he doesn’t really want to be here why should I bend over backwards to get up to Denton or travel Across states to support his team. Sounds selfish because the players deserve my support and money, the Littrell is mentally gone. I need Littrell to reinvest in this program, my program and university. He’s learned a powerful lesson about loyalty, integrity, trust and reputation. We all learn it regardless of industry. He’s at a crossroads. Build this thing back up or depart. There is no room or tolerance for the job between in the Wren World. For that I am happy. GMG
  18. I think most Mean Green fans can drop themselves into where they were the day the team quit and the day the program led to today. I was in a Starbucks in Brisbane bummed and then laughing and eventually smiling knowing our program was about to make a big overdue change. I must have looked crazy with my headphones on rolling eyes, look of disbelief, taking to myself, shock and awe face... Every College football fan have that moment: unt - psu texas - ucla michigan - appy state tennessee - Georgia state smu - Houston Houston - army utsa - UNT GMG
  19. First of all tcu ain’t going bowling with that schedule they have remaining and how they look. They snuck in last year and had a good ending but this years squad wreaks of something fowl in Fort Worth. Next how does anyone ever project Hawaii out of Hawaii for a bowl game. If it’s now New Year’s Day, Ludicrous. Glad i’m An FC Dallas season ticket holder with all those Frisco Bowl projections. How many friends who buy beers do I have now! 🙂 beat southern miss GMG
  20. Except for that southern miss team this coming weekend. They are essentially US standing on the other side of the ball. Will this be another hard to tell game as to who we really are? Remaining games my thoughts: southern miss - edge USM better middle tn - edge UNT better charlotte - even. Us better but this game looks and feels like odu to me due to new environment away game. Utep - UNT better la tech - even. I think we match up well with them and play strong in Ruston. I think their edge is negated by our confidence and it comes down to the wire again. rice - edge UNT. This won’t be easy but we will pull out a victory in Houston and keep the owl near missing. Uab - edge UNT. See middle Tennessee. Home game masons last stand and all that jazz give us a nice W to end the year. 6-6 to end the year and hold our breath waiting for one more shot for Littrell and mason to go out on top. GMG
  21. Maybe BR needs his own quarterback. There seems to be a lack of chemistry between Fine and our new OC. BR might be solid but may just need to wait for his guy. Sucks for us because Fine is finishing like this, but relationship and chemistry between those two must be hyper synched. GMG
  22. Could an extension be on the way? GMG
  23. Yet they are 6-0. I think Boise could even lose one and still stay ahead of smu for the New Years bowl slot. Tulane and Houston gonna be tough games for them. GMG
  24. Michigan State’s version of their icy whites are darn sharp. Love the helmet. Meanwhile loving Tulsa playing great on the hilltop and things are flatlining in Fort Worth. MTSU gonna be a good game at home. beat bye GMG
  25. Glad we ain’t playing Temple too! They look big and overpowering. ECU looks like they are holding on by their fingernails. Temple looks like smu - lots o beef. GMG
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