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Everything posted by foutsrouts

  1. I think I prefer to go with the 10% chance of showers at weather.com in this instance. Nicholls and rain don't mix. http://www.weather.com/weather/weekend/USTX0353
  2. Happy. Just cracked open a Heineken myself in celebration.
  3. Nada x 3.
  4. I suspect we go back into the Bottom 25, but hopefully I'm wrong.
  5. I thought the thread's intent was to send Greer on a 3 hour tour with the Skipper and Gilligan.
  6. In short, I think that Greer has some physical talent, but he's just not a D1 QB between the ears. Not talking specifically about his brain, but you have to have mental toughness along with physical toughness at this level. Just not seeing it here.
  7. "We don't need any of this Johnny Manziel type stuff on this team."
  8. I was just channel surfing, and there popped up Ginger and Mary Ann. Definitely Mary Ann in those 60's hot pants.
  9. Yeah, around 70% are on financial aid of some sort, and the student body is pretty diverse. Many of the old stereotypes fit much better in the last century, and now the rich kid douchebags are in the minority for the most part. Not that they aren't still there and very visible of course.
  10. Nice write-up, except that for some reason they seem to be obligated to mention the all-time series record in practically every other paragraph. I'm one of the few who still takes home delivery of that rag.
  11. Bring a few thousand with ya next time, will ya? We'll certainly reciprocate.
  12. Idiocy by UTEP. They need to take a page out of Mac's playbook next time, and pound it in when they are winning in the trenches. Stupid loss for UTEP.
  13. We were pretty much rivals back in the mid-80's or so when we dropped down and joined you in the SLC, so there was plenty of animosity and lack of civility going on between us in those days.
  14. But they will cheat on you.
  15. OK, I'll go with Saturday morning liquor. Easier on the waistline anyway.
  16. I guess he's referring to the couple of thousand angry smu fans who watched the game at home, because I sure didn't see much red in Waco last Sunday. With the proximity of Denton and their band showing up, maybe that will help them bring more than a few hundred.
  17. I agree with all but the "elite academically" aspect of your post. They've certainly improved over the past decade or two, but a couple of high quality programs is short of "elite" on a national scale IMO. Good school, but still WAY short of a school like Rice in the category of smaller private universities. Certainly no "Harvard of the South" by any stretch.
  18. With all of the future games scheduled between us, this is going to be a rivalry whether any of us like it or not. Unless of course someone plays the coward and backs out.
  19. I fired the only Cox School of Business grad. that ever worked for me. He just couldn't cut it. I hear that he is now working as a clerk for his daddy. True story.
  20. We did used to be a private school ourselves you know, before we wised up.
  21. No. Especially when this OL was advertised as the second coming. I went to Austin, and then to Waco last night, and I reserve the right to still be pissed despite the 24 hour mourning limitation. Although I do admit that the smu stomping did help a little bit.
  22. Hope he/they recover, but at least they are acutely aware that we were there.
  23. I'm all for starting someone who will throw more balls to the green shirts than the red shirts. Did we set some kind of obscure NCAA record last night?
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