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Everything posted by ntmeangreen11

  1. Charley is a special player who will play a big role in our future.
  2. My high school runs the Wing-T and we're darn good at it too.
  3. 33-19 FAU. We are going to get 3-8 and dissapoint almost everyone.
  4. The onside kick was a good call and almost worked, I liked it. We got good things on the way, Dickey has done okay his few years here, if in the next two years he cant make this great, then he can be let go, one bad season, and everyone jumps on the fire-dickey bandwagon, I think it's a bit ridiculous.
  5. After the incident, the man said something along the lines of we've been outcoached the whole damn season, its not like Im wrong here, >>Hes right<< Then said, I have supporting this university for 25 years, I am entitled to speak my opinion>>Hes even more right there<< Is this brave man on the boards? RF should get a TO-like suspension for this.
  6. My friends and I sat one row in front of it and saw the Rick incident as well as this happen. Ramon was on row one, about to leave when the man yells we're being outcoached, Ramon blows up, gets real angry, turns around and says,who said that!? He goes to the row, right to the man who said it, and says say it to my face, keeps repeating it, the man says it again, and ramon is restrained, not a good incident at all. If you can't take that critisism(which is absolutely correct) you shouldn't be coaching, that was ridiculous. My first time to sit on the alumni side(I had free tix) was a very crazy one, fun game though.
  7. Actually our school got 6 transfers because of the hurricane, and you can just tell the education system over there is horrendous. One quick question:have you ever been your own country? Seriously though, your state's better than Massachusetts & those northerner micheal moore states, so enjoy that.
  8. The people of Louisiana are slow. Im politically incorrect here, I know, god forbid someone have an opinion other that whats politically correct.
  9. I think a good way to settle all of this is to keep all BCS, and if there is 4 undefeateds in the top five, then 1 and 3 play, 2 and 4 play, winners play for national championship, everything else remains the same.
  10. We have got to get it more balanced like last night. It worked well at around 60/40 run/pass.
  11. We're going to do it, and get a rematch with Tulsa, and beat them too! BTW, colonyeagle, kick-ass avatar, I love the office.
  12. Score was 56-3, seems more like 38-13. We played good, having our team actually drive the ball, and get some confidence was great, look out Lafayette.
  13. hell yes. I would not think twice about it either, pick up a OOC win we need so badly and are so ridiculously overdue for especially a team of this magnitude would do wonders. Losing the next week is bad, but ten years from now, we can say, atleast we beat LSU.
  14. MAN! I did not see that one coming. Kick-ass way to lighten the mood about how bad this season has been.
  15. Its not really the chicken, its the mashed potatoes.
  16. None man. 1.Taco bell 2.KFC 3.Wendy's 1093059.Mcdonalds
  17. Does anyone know where I can get some cheap mean green shirts? I have two, but I grew to about 5'11 over the summer and they no longer fit me. Weird thing is niether of my parents are over 5'4 Shirts in the 5-7$ range with the new logo, or is that going to be impossible to do?
  18. Phillip is hands down my fav player this year. If everyone played like he did, who knows where we would be?
  19. We'll get 5-6 most likely.
  20. They ruined his redshirt, Meager hasn't been performing up to hype, why the hell wouldnt they put him in there and see what hes got?
  21. I forgot about it because I have been so busy, and went from tied to the top to 16th.
  22. It was 8 bucks. I sat in GA as well.
  23. UNT 13 TROY 19 Attendance:17,313 and BTW, I do not like baseball very much anymore, but baseball is very popular in Texas(football is more popular)
  24. Hopefully my friends and I will be there by 6, thats a slim hope though.
  25. Just got back from the game. Boring game, heat was tretcherous, seats on the very top of stadium. Overall-Very,very,very freakin impressed with Baylor. By my count, It could have been 37-10 BU. So many dropped picks, one muffed punt return, two missed field goals. I got a moderate reaction to my mean green shirt. Some people thought I was a baylor fan though This game really under-whelmed me. I heard you couldn't even hear the person next to you when the opposing team was on offense because it was so loud. That was not true. Mcneal is way overrated. Bad throws all day. Baylor seems to be a legit bowl team this year.
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