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Everything posted by gruu

  1. Oh man... looks like SMU might win this one... 21-10 in the 1:08 left in the 4th.
  2. I have no ties to TCU and I was one Horney Toad Fan today! Way to go TCU!
  3. Ah, as much as I don't like TCU getting a lot of attention... I will trade TCU getting a lot of it if it comes at the cost of Sooner/BCS arce wooping. Today, I'am a big Horney Toad. Only today.
  4. Very freekin' sweet!
  5. iTunes you fools... itunes
  6. My friend... don't show your vast amount of ignorance... Bill is one of the greats. Everyone gets old and his style may not appeal to your taste. He has trained so many of the best people you hear on the radio and see on TV today. If you want to hear one of the "worst broadcasters", just turn on your radio to most stations today... where their content is missing and their standards are gone. You want some T&A with those fries?
  7. Agree... lets get a new 8 track tape with -some- new tunes on it! And don't let it loop too much...
  8. Well, that is standard operating procedure in the capital...
  9. I agree with you completely... minus the 3 Super Jamario TD's, and the 3 receiving TD's... wait a minute... how the frog do you expect USM to score more than 21 on UNT? Are the Big 12 officials going to be there?
  10. Great idea guys... just make the UNT/North Texas Script or what ever logo on the front BIGGER! Keep the shirt designs simple like the examples you have here... this sounds great now... will sound better at the games!
  11. I work in Lewisville and the extra 35 minutes (with a 7:35 tip off) would help get me there more often. I've had BB season tickets for about four out of the last eight years and driving up 35E to Denton is a Whip at 6pm. It gets a little better at 6:30. I don't have season tickets this year do to: 1) I have not gotten season ticket info from the Athletic department, 2) The 35E traffic is a whip, 3) The 35E traffic is a bigger whip for a 7pm tip off, I had thought that maybe the tip off was moved to get the "local" TV stations more time to get the footage back for the 10pm newscast... Hmmm. Indiana was in town and Dale Hansen at CH8 didn't even mention it on the 10pm. All they had to do is roll some tape off of ESPN to get highlights. Hmmm...
  12. 'At least Fouts is a real football stadium and playing football in it was its intended purpose. Playing basketball at Texas Hall would be like UNT playing Bball on the Auditorium Bldg. stage.' I agree with UNTLifer. It is apples and oranges... Fouts is not a parking lot with turf on it. UTA plays in a theater. It is very weird. This is not big timing them. They can come play us at home.
  13. I've been to a game on their "stage" too... we should not go there again until they have a real facility. The TWU basketball team plays in a nice but small court. If UTA wants to contunue to play D1 BBall, then they should get off that stage.
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