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The Fake Lonnie Finch

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Posts posted by The Fake Lonnie Finch

  1. Losing.

    Other alternatives very close to UNT and the state.

    Better conferences.

    money spent on athletics.

    While UNT has improved in several areas over the last few years, it takes a while for it to have an impact or the word to even get out.

    There are some who still does not know UNT is D1. Some that do not know UNT is in cusa. Dont know that there is a new stadium. Dont know UNT went bowling last year.

    Other than location, what advantage does UNT have over the comp?

    Cool new helmets.

    • Upvote 1
  2. The reason you haven't heard about the defense is that, unlike with Dajon, poster didn't get on here to three weeks in a row saying the defense was going to be our Jesus Christ, okay? But, we already knew the defense was poor and we were stuck with whatever bodies the coaches could stick in there.

    But, many of you got such hard-ons for Dajon that everything else was an afterthought. As if it was Greer's fault that the defense was playing like sh*t, and it would all go away if Dan and Mike would just stick Dajon in as the starter at QB.

    It's team game. Just like Derek Thompson, Dajon can't play offense and defense, too.

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  3. 1). Our kicking game has been pretty solid. Keena boomed a 69 yard punt and the freshman kicker has been perfect thusfar.

    2). Special teams is still doing a pretty decent job of covering kicks and punts.

    3). Derek Akunne has been very good and got his.

    4). Jim-Jim seems to be coming on strong albeit mostly in garbage time. Also has been pretty good about protecting the pill lately.

    5). Zero Wallace seems to be improving as noted in Vito's article

    6). Weather seems to be cooling down should make for good tailgating

    7). Tight End Marcus Smith has done some nice things.

    We got the helmets we wanted.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Tulsa did not to a search for either an AD or a head coach when both of those positions opened up a few years back. The AD was hired from within, then fired amidst a gambling scandal. They head coach was simply elevated from within the staff without even so much as a hint of a coaching search.

    In short, Tulsa got what it deserved by being lazy and simply elevating from within.

    Southern Miss got what it deserved when it tossed out Jeff Bower. Imagine this, your a C-USA team, you've been to six consecutive bowl games, and 10 in the preceding 11 seasons...so, you fire the coach.

    No team deserves more of the hell it is going through right now than Southern Miss. They should be on their knees at Jeff Bower's doorstep begging him to return. He took the school that is #3 on the food chain in a state that isn't highly populated and somehow turned them into a very consistent winner.

    And, for all of that, what did Bower get from USM - a kick in the nuts.

    Screw, Southern Miss.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Y'all are both way off.

    TFLF is actually a deflated basketball speaking to a Native American mother.

    It is true that I'm part Cherokee. And, yet, I do not oppose the Redskin moniker. And, neither do the vast majority of what you call, "Native Americans." In fact, many of their own schools use names like Redskins, Warriors, Apaches, etc. for their mascots. They have magazines called, "Redskin" and whatnot. It's only an issue to people who have walnut-sized brains. In other words, yankee carpetbaggers with nothing better to do but find fault in anything anyone else in the world outside of their kitchen is doing

    But, look...you're not addressing the quarterback and coaches issue. I'm going to tell you what I saw this morning while in the office of a client. On one wall of their offices, they have a sign hanging up, quite probably by a little nail behind it, and most certainly driven into the drywall. Nonetheless, this sign reads:

    "If you do not control you attitude, your attitude will control you."

    It's akin to this advice my dad used to give me when I was a young man, "Shut the f*ck up and get back to work."

    Both Dan and Dajon need to take heed that message. If Dan is sulky about his lot, he needs to not make it public. He's a man, so he needs to be a man. This isn't Texas, where it can be mismanaged for years and still be a bowl team. He knew that coming in. The whipping to UAB surely stung. But, hell, World War II wasn't won in a day.

    And, it carries over to Dajon. He's already man enough to reproduce other human with his private parts, he needs to man up emotionally. No one without the last name Kennedy, Bush, Rockefeller, Du Pont, Gore, Koch, Walton, Perot, etc. gets an easy road in this life. And, sometimes, even some of those guys f*ck up their easy road with poor choices and bad attitudes.

    If what Dajon gets out of tough times is, "The world is against me, screw it" then he will have a hard life; forget about football. Football is the least of a man's worries once he has other mouths to feed, other bodies to clothe and keep healthy, and other bodies to roof and shelter.

    Don't whine about your football lot, when it's a simple as throwing the damn ball away if no one's open. You don't win the ballgame with one throw in the middle of the game. Throw it away or take the sack and live to fight another down, okay?

    And, I'm going to tell you something that you may not want to hear: If Dan and Canales haven't already told Dajon what I wrote in the sentence above, they both need to be fired yesterday. Okay? I mean, I have the sneaking suspicion that they have. But, Dajon needs to learn it and live it.

    Surely it occurs to them all that if their opponent has as many points from their defense as you have with your offense, it's a problem. So, throw it away or take the sack. Get up, get back to the huddle, get back to the center, and play the next down. It's that simple. How the f'ing Sam Hill blazes do you think Derek Thompson was so successful?

    So, Dan and Dajon need to keep their dirty laundry and whining in house and work it out with each other and themselves. Otherwise, they will screw up whatever opportunities that have left at this level. Dajon only has three more years of eligibility, and Dan is no pup. It would behoove them both to hash out their differences, stick their chests out like men publicly, but keep their opinions to themselves.

    This Generation Selfie/Poor Me act that both of them have thrown down this week is putrid. Worse than having to listen to a full Lady Gaga song.

    • Upvote 3
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  6. Normally i wouldn't want to burn a shirt with not much on the line. But, the more I think about it... putting him out there will little pressure or expectations might be the perfect scenario to get some college experience under his belt in a developing year. If we are in rebuild mode, then it wouldn't be a bad thing to do this.

    It would also give Dajon time to get his head right with ball, study the playbook, watch film, and come out in the spring to battle Means - or, whomever else signs in 2015 - for the starting job.

    I think if anything else, Dajon now must realize he can't just put on the pads an run around out there. Okay, he can do that against Nicholls State. But, we don't play them 12 times a year. But, you get my point.

    Dajon can grow up and learn, and we can get Means some experience without pressure...

    ,,,of course, this is all based upon the assumption that we lay another egg on Saturday against USM. If Dajon pulls a rabbit out of the hat on Saturday and we wiin big, all of this hand wringing will have been for naught.

    (Sigh) Such is the bipolar existence of a Mean Green football fan.

  7. I'll say this in following untjim1995, who often makes the best points of all: Yes.

    If Dan McCarney cannot make this a winning program, then what? We've tried just about everything you can. High school coaches twice.

    Dan McCarney: FBS school position coach (Florida), head coach of a D I-A (Iowa State)

    Todd Dodge: high school coach

    Darrell Dickey: offensive coordinator of a D I-A mid-major (SMU)

    Matt Simon: offensive coordinator of a D I-A mid-major (New Mexico)

    Dennis Parker: high school coach

    Corky Nelson: defensive coordinator of a D I-A (Baylor)

    Bob Tyler: pro football scout (Dallas Cowboys), former head coach of a D I-A (Mississippi State)

    Jerry Moore: offensive coordinator of a D I-A (Nebraska)

    Hayden Fry: head coach of a D I-A (SMU)

    Rod Rust: defensive coordinator of a D I-A (Stanford)

    Odus Mitchell: high school coach

    What have we not tried? We've had former head coaches. We've had high school coaches. We've had offensive coordinators from mid-majors and majors, and defensive coordinators from mid-majors and majors.

    We've had coaches with and without Texas ties. Experienced in the Midwest, Texas, the Southeast, the West, and the Mountain time zone even. Dare I say, we go way out on a limb after McCarney leaves and hire a yankee position coach?

    We also haven't tapped any coach from whatever division has been lower than us...collegiate. I know we've dipped into high schools. I mean, when we were I-A, hiring a I-AA. When we were I-AA, hiring a D II.

    It seems like the only thing we haven't tried:

    -A position coach

    -From an Eastern seaboard or yankee state

    -Or, a head coach, coordinator, or position coach from an FCS anywhere.

    So, if McCarney leaves or is fired, just to be different, I say make a hire from the staff of an ACC school. Or, hire an FCS coach whose star is rising.

  8. Baby Momma Issues?

    With my own organ and clusticles, I've fathered two children. And, I can say from experience that diapers, baby wipes, and formula are expensive. To say nothing of the doctor visits for checkups and shots and whatnot.

    Did the NCAA change rules to where the schools can now help their student/parent-athletes with such expenses? I'm sure the Criminal 5 are way out ahead of the G5 on this issue as well.

  9. I'm afraid those days are way back in the rear-view mirror. I think schools at the top end of the P5 most years can keep a younger coach around for awhile if he wants to stay--like OU has with Stoops. But even at those schools, very few have been at their school for 10 years or more. Usually, they are the ones hiring the G5 coach to try and turn around their programs...

    It's the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup approach to coaching. You get one that you like, then you eat him up quickly and throw away the wrapper. Then, you are hungry to win (eat) again, so you buy another one (buttercup/coach).

    On and on and on this vicious cycle goes until, years later, Type II Diabetes set in and you begin to vote for Democrats because your poor life choices which have destroyed your health and driven your health care costs up are now too high for you to pay for yourself, so you need them to force more responsible people to subsidize the skyrocketing health care costs associated with your sickness and unwillingness to control your appetite and make healthier choices.

    Instead, take the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup that you bought first and put it in the freezer, thereby preserving it for longevity. You mention Bob Stoops. Many times when he speaks, he sounds like a junior high school kid, getting his words and phrases mixed up, seemingly unable to grasp the simplest of grammar rules and traditions.

    It's because they haven't fully thawed him out yet and his brain is still half frozen with thoughts of past gridiron glory, fifth grade spelling tests, and memorization of the 23rd Psalm all mixed together and trying to come out of the mouth part of his face at once.

    They won't let Stoops fully thaw out in Norman because they know a fully thawed Reese's Peanut Butter Cup will be eaten up quickly. Instead, they just thaw him out a little at a time and take a tiny piece of bite out of him every season. He will not soon be used up, then.

    More likely, he will be forgotten, pushed behind frozen hunks of ground beef, vegetable bags, and bits of ice that have fallen out of the automatic ice maker so that he can't be gotten to. Then, when they need to buy a new refrigerator/freezer, they will discover him again, frozen solid and no longer edible. Then, they will throw him away...after a long, successful stay: safe in the freezer.

    We did the opposite with Dan McCarney. We opened the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, devoured the inviting chocolatey peanut butter treasure inside, licked and sucked the wrapper clean, then began to eat the wrapper like a three year old child or small canine, confused that the chocolatey peanut butter delightfulness is long gone and not coming home again. In our belly.

    And, so our moms have to grab up the half-eaten wrappers away from us and say, "No, no, honey...don't eat the paper, sweetie!" And, she makes a yucky face at us. And, then we cry. And, then she buys us another one, thinking that this time, she'll keep a closer eye on us.

    This is what we've done to Dan McCarney. We've made him into no more than formerly chocolate and peanut butter-filled, half-eaten piece of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup wrapper.

    What is wrong with us! Dear God! What is wrong with us!

    • Upvote 7
  10. Look, Ben means as well as anyone else on here...

    ,,but, he took the hard, hard stance of Dajon being Dajesus based on the Nicholls State scrimmage. The thing is, the seasons are won, largely, in two ways:

    (1) In the offseason: prepare, prepare, prepare - which means, loosely, run your ass off in 100 degree weather and study your playbooks from spring

    (2) During the season: the offensive and defensive line

    (3) Post season: recruiting battles

    Of the two items needed to be a successful winning program, Dajon was only responsible of one - offseason preparation. You can't hold him accountable for the lines. You can't hold him responsible for the talent around him (or, some would posit, the lack thereof).

    If I could say just one thing to Dajon for the betterment of his career, I would say this:

    (1) Watch Tyrone Swoopes' game against Oklahoma (psst...it's on youtube). He only threw one touchdown to the opposing defensive backs. The rest of the time, if he didn't have the throw he wanted (or needed), he quickly threw the ball waaaaaaaaay the f*ck out of bounds to the point where not even the assistant towel boys could catch it.


    (2) You held me down, but I got up (HEY!); already brushing off the dust. You hear my voice, you hear that sound like thunder - gonna shake the ground. You held me down, but I got up (HEY!). Get ready 'cause I've had enough: I see it all; I see it now. I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire. 'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!

    • Upvote 1
  11. After many years of reading this board, last year I decided to join in. It did not take me long to get sick and tired of all the negative posts. Last year from the start, many on here were blasting DT about how he would bring the program down for yet another year and did not deserve a shot at QB for this team as a senior. Guess we all know how that turned out! MVP of the HOD Bowl as I recall. At the end of the year we graduated 22 seniors, many of which were impact players. If some of you thought for one minute that there would not be some let down from a year ago, especially starting an inexperienced QB at best, you are only kidding yourself. Sure we have had a couple of rough games the early part of this year and it hurts. But it hurts the kids and the coaching staff more than one might think. Take a look at Texas, they have had their share of adversity this year as well.

    So, as some will have it, you will take out your frustrations on coach Mac, after you take some of his comments from a recent Vito article out of context (you know who you are) and go on to say that the players will now bail on him. These are some of the same folks who have posted on this board that they themselves have already given up on this season. Think the players won't see that? And let's not forget the RV bashing that takes place on this board. These two men and coach Dickey have done more to put this program where it is today than any others in the past 30 years. Remember, many on this board loved to hate Dickey.

    Coach Mac is right, it will take time. Look at Baylor, Grant Teaff started building that program in the 70's, and that progarm has set backs for sure. Only recently has the Baylor program become a consistent top 25 program. Think it's bad at North Texas? Take a visit to the Hilltop. We could have worse problems than taking a step back from a 9 and 4 season with a very young team. There is a lot of football left to play this season. Why not help the progarm get to where we all want it to be instead of going out of your way to tear it down with constant negativity. Coach Mac and staff is the best thing that has happened to North Texas Football in a long long time. GMG

    Please, dear God, not Grant Teaff references. He was the father of the "both socks not pulled up rule" in the 1990s once they released the old man to the NCAA rules committee.

    Just...it's good enough to say, "Don't bitch about Dan" without bringing up Grant Teaff. Yuck. Baylor would still be sucking biscuits out of the proverbial doughnut can if he were in charge of anything more complicated than letting his own dog out to pee in the morning.

    • Upvote 2
  12. Ugly football... u mean old school power football? This helps with the lack of talent not the otherway around... spread attacks reveal the lack of speed and speeds up the game putting our often times less talented defense on the field more...

    Yes. That's true. But, the fandom here...some of it...want "exciting" football, yes, even to the detriment of winning football.

    I give Dan credit for sticking Dajon in there to see what would happen. The blow out at Indiana? Not surprising. Kevin Wilson, former Big Ten OC, back in the Big Ten after a stint at OU...you knew his 2014 team would be better than his initial 2011 group.

    UAB? This is a whole different story. They have been just flat out awful. They just changed coaches for the second time in what, three/four seasons? And, yet, they whipped us like Adrian Peterson in a pecan tree grove.

    That ain't right.

    Now, Southern Miss is worse than a bad case of asian persuasion. If they give us the Peterson Pecan Grove treatment, I fear a Jonestown scenario in way of donor check writing.

    One: Something's got to give.

    Two: Something's got to give.

    Three: Something's got to give

    Now: Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the flooooooor!

    • Upvote 2
  13. There is six games left people....get rid of to in the last two games and theyre different.. maybe not wins but def more entertaining... if we can keep from shooting ourselves in the foot i think we can compete and win in most of these games...

    You're not wrong. So...get out there and kick a little ass! Do it for Johnny!

  14. UAB, I'd wager, is the toughest FBS football job in North America and the Western Hemisphere.

    Texas State...2nd. You've got no chance to keep the players' attention with all of that bikini mess along the rafting thingy right in front of the school!


    "Welcome to San Marcos, son. Grab a locker and try to find your playbook. F*ck it. Just show up at practice every once in a while, okay? And, if you're not going to wrap that rascal, mix in a little penicillin for the cause."

    • Upvote 1
  15. The point is a bunch of people said preseason we would be as good or better at the QB position without DT this year. The posts are there for anyone who wants to see. Several logical voices were shouted down when they pointed out that he absolutely would be missed. I was one of those voices and promised to check back in mid season to see if people felt the same way.

    As you can see, as illogical as it may be, those folks aren't budging.

    I guess they think DT would have had more INTs than competitions against UT. I guess they think DT would have had less than 100 yards passing against La. Tech. I guess they think DT would have given UAB 21 points. Obviously, completely illogical.


  16. Because this season is over, and 2015 has marks of being a rebuilding year. There is no sensible reason to take the redshirt off of Means. That would be a panic/knee-jerk reaction from a long-term point of view.

    That seems like a quitter's mentality to me. That means admitting that there isn't one QB on the roster that can make few enough mistakes from here on out to be competitive against the Murderer's Row of Rice, FAU, UTEP, FIU, and UTSA.

    And, as I've already written, losing to Southern Miss will be my threshold of panic.

  17. I know that many on here don't think this, but I do think Vito is right. I think we are seeing that recruiting here is a hard sell to Texas kids. All that their Texas HS coaches and their parents ahve known about UNT Football since the 80s is that we are losers. Plus, we are the school that allowed football to drop down to i-aa for 12 years. And when we moved back up, we were in the dregs of college football for so long and played at a facility that was way worse than any 4A high school in front of very few people. Even with Apogee as our home now and having a legitimate college coach in charge, we still don't play many teams that draw big crowds. We jump and down about a 25k crowd, but we sit in the 4th largest market in the country. I realize UAB is very poor and play in a dilapidated stadium, but their fans and alumni never saw them drop down to a lower level of football. Plus, in the southern states, where college football is way bigger than pro football, and where poverty is way higher than it is in other parts of the country, a scholarship offer to a school like UAB, Troy, USM, ULaLa, etc...is going to be rewarded by the kids in that state, where options are not nearly as high as they are in Texas.

    To me, the easiest FBS school in the entire country to recruit against is North Texas. All we are known for is apathy, being an alternative school in many ways, looked at as a commuter school still, and are just known as the team that is a bought win against the P5 schools. I'm not even counting the P5 schools in the area. SMU and Rice sell their private education and academic standing, plus the parents know they are well-thought of by the majority of parents. If you are UTEP, UTSA, or Texas State, you are saying that we will get better support in attendance and we have better opponents that will come here and play. In the last two years alone, OU, and Tech have played in El Paso. Tech and Navy have played in San Marcos. Okie State and Arizona have played in the Alamodome. We have played Texas Southern, Idaho, Ball State, SMU, and Nicholls State in Denton.

    I truly believe this, but if a guy like Dan McCarney, who is amongst the most positive and upbeat people you will ever meet, and has a track record of building a winner from the ground up, cannot win recruiting battles, then you really have to ask yourself if its the staff or the university. I'm not saying his coaching isn't part of it, because that wouldn't be fair. And, yes, you can find examples of Jamario Thomas, Brandon Kennedy, Gio Vizza, Riley Dodge, and others who were highly ranked out of high school and came here as a freshman, but they are clearly the exception to the rule. Otherwise, we wouldn't have such low ranked classes no matter who is the coach. Whether it was Dickey, Dodge, or McCarney, our classes are almost always in the 100s when they get graded against others. We were always told to wait until we get a more exciting coach in here or wait until we build a winner or wait until we get a brand new stadium and join a better conference, that will change everything. I've seen us win the SBC 4 times, I've seen us hire the top HS coach in the state and watched him bring his highly ranked son here to play QB, I've seen us build a new stadium, I've seen us join a new conference, and I've seen us build back up from the ashes to win a bowl game in front of 40k fans on New Years Day. And the recruiting never changes...

    To me, the only way you win at this school is to have upper classmen as the majority of your starters who have been developed into something. I think about our bowl teams in 2002, 2003, and 2013. Upperclassmen at key positions for the most part. Otherwise, you go back to years like we have seen this year. Until recruits want to come here--and what QB wants to come and hand off most downs here when almost every single Texas HS runs the spread, you are just going to have develop the talent. The hardest part about that as a fan is that you get a lot of blowouts like we got this past weekend while you wait for things to get better.


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