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The Fake Lonnie Finch

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Posts posted by The Fake Lonnie Finch

  1. So if Means plays next year and makes mistakes, does that mean he is not a D1 QB and should hit the road too?

    Making mistakes is one thing; not knowing the position or working to learn it is another.

    If Means doesn't learn the playbook, doesn't make workouts, won't lead, goes on twitter and pouts, then yes, he should go.

  2. I'd say that Williams faced the worst defense - Nicholls State - not Greer. SMU was bad, but they'd probably beat Nicholls State.

    The point is, again, Dajon had opportunities. People here still believe he wasn't given a chance. He was given ample opportunity and he played very badly.

    He is not a true freshman. He is a redshirt who should have long ago learned the system. He didn't. He turned the ball over more often than Greer and McNulty; and those turnovers turned into opponents points several times.

    There's no defending any of the three. I'll say it again. None of them have FBS-level talent. "Talent" doesn't mean just running around with the ball to "make things happen" when you don't understand how to read defenses or can't get the ball out quick enough or can't go past one or two reads.

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  3. Greer had three opportunities to start, as did Dajon. Both were 1-2.

    In Greer's two losses, against Texas and Louisiana Tech, we trailed 0-7 after the first quarter in one game and were tied 0-0 in the other. He wasn't giving the game away in the first quarter the way Dajon did against Indiana and UAB.

    Now, on to McNulty, who is 2-3 as a starter this year. Again, I don't not think he is any better than Greer or Williams because, as stated before, I don't believe any of them are FBS-level quarterbacks.

    The only difference with Williams is that people think he has some sort of magic ability to run the football that would stun and wow our opponents. Well...maybe it stunned and wowed FCS patsy Nicholls State. But, when stacked against two bad defenses in Indiana and UAB, Williams was a disaster. He didn't stun or wow either of those porous defenses.

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  4. You guys are all forgetting about Brelan. Add just him to this year's team and we win at least a couple more. He was a true game breaker. We have NOBODY like that this year. Even our terrible QB play would look better if we had Brelan creating short fields with his punt and kick returns and all around playmaking ability on offense. The only consistently good receiver we have now is Carlos Harris. Add Brelan and now you've got 2 receivers, instead of one, and one that's a true deep threat. Not to mention your run game opens up as teams have to at least worry about Brelan taking one to the house on any given play. Also, our TEs last year were a much better group overall than we are fielding this year---their blocking ability definitely stands out as something we've missed.

    No knock on DT, but he had a more explosive group of skill players around him last year.

    That's not even getting to the defense, which last year was one of the one or two best defenses that we've fielded in 20+ years. I think we're looking at 8-9 wins again. We'd still lose to Texas b/c Greer and McNulty were just completely inept in that game. We probably can't outscore Indiana, but outside of that there isn't a team on our schedule that would have moved the ball on that defense we fielded last season.

    Indiana has one of the worst defenses in college football. We couldn't outscore them because we didn't have a quarterback who know how to play the position. Our choices for that game were Greer, Williams, and McNulty. We went with Williams and we behind 21-0 after the first quarter due to his turnovers, and 42-10 after the third.

    Indiana's defense in 2014: 97th overall, 103rd against the pass.

    Anyone with a decent QB has diced Indiana this year.

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  5. Yes, but Williams has much more natural ability than McNulty, who has proven in every game that he has ever played that he simply isn't a FBS QB.

    The season is done. Why not see if DW can do anything with that natural ability?

    The fact that DW isn't playing leads me to believe that he won't be with the team next year. So long BB, I mean DW, we hardly knew ya.

    QB recruiting has sucked (for those living in the Congo).

    You have to admit, though, that the difference between the two is that McCarney had enough sense to not put BB in the game to let him prove he didn't know the playbook. He was forced to put DW in...and the turnovers fell like rain.

    I think McCarney, and the rest of the world, saw enough of DW's "natural ability" in the blowout losses to and Indiana team doing so poorly that it will likely fire its coach after the season and UAB, whose defense is awful.

    UAB's defense:

    6th worst in the C-USA, giving up 30.5 a game...worse than UNT

    7th worst in pass defense, giving up 412.1 per game...worse than UNT

    UAB's defense has forced 18 turnover this season - five came courtesy of Dajon Williams.

    Total defense: UAB, 76th; Indiana, 97th

    Pass defense: UAB, 65th; Indiana, 103rd

    Against two of the worst defenses we played, Dajon couldn't dent or even threaten. He was horrible. His "natural ability" had us behind 21-0 at Indiana before we scored and 28-0 at UAB before we scored.

    Dajon isn't good. It's laughable to write that McNulty "isn't a FBS QB" when Dajon was worse against FBS competition when he was given the opportunity to start.

    Like I said earlier, neither of them are FBS QBs. To argue that one is better than the other is crazy; they are both bad.

  6. My son and I made it over now that his lacrosse season - as well as our daughter's soccer season - is done. We had fun. Stayed the whole game, even through the rain. It didn't really rain that hard at all, none in the first half.

    Enjoyed the game. Proud that the team regrouped after last week and made the great effort they did today. I think there is enough character on this team to do well in the future.

    Impressed that with two starting DLs out the defensive still did well getting pressure and making enough plays against the run, and when they were needed against the run. Bodes well for the future to have so many new kids on defense battling hard this late in the season.

    Green Brigade was fantastic as usual.

    • Upvote 5
  7. Many people here dismiss the greatness of Hayden Fry and his profound influence on those who coached with him. I am not one of those people.

    Some consider the glass half empty; others consider it half full. I just drink it and am thankful something was there in the first place.

    We could be like UTA students and supporters, without a football program and barely able to speak full sentences in English. But, we're not. UTA may have their intramural ping pong to gin up student interest. But, we at least still field an American rules football team for our students and supporters to observe.

    • Upvote 4
  8. And, what about Adrian Peterson-ing, -ed/Peterson Switch?

    "Alabama gave Texas A&M a healthy dose of a good, old fashioned Adrian Petersoning this afternoon, shutting out the Aggies, 59-0."

    "Chip Kelly's Eagles were once again Adrian Petersoned by a team with a winning record."

    "Baylor trailed OU 14-3 before it pulled out the Peterson Switch and whipped OU into a submission, 48-14."

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  9. Cute. Let's horsewhip our players into submission. That'll teach em'.

    This is something that should've been posted mid-season 2011, ya know in year 1. In year 4, posts like this are pointless. Mac is pouring the cement of his legacy at North Texas, next season that cement will harden up.

    You are wrong. And, when Dan McCarney's team proves you wrong in 2015, you will crawl up to him on your belly like a snake and kitten lick the practice field mud and grass from his sneakers.

    • Upvote 5
  10. ...and, I'm sure his former assistant coach, friend, and carpooling buddy, Dan McCarney, is applying them today as he prepares his team for the downpour tomorrow:



    "I didn't pay any attention (to the criticism) and I instructed my assistants to do the same," Fry said. "There are a lot of people out there evaluating and most of them have never had a jockstrap on in their life.

    "How do you handle a game (like Navy)? Real simple. Forget about it. You can't change anything. Take away the lessons you learned and forget about the game. It's over."

    All of you pin brains who never strapped on a jock strap who want Dan to obsess over the losses - sorry, it's probably not happening. He fell from the Hayden Fry coaching tree.


    "From a psychological standpoint, I had it easy," Fry said. "I inherited a group of players that had just had its tail kicked. A loser is the easiest group in the world to motivate.

    For the rest of the season, Dan is coaching a team full of losers who will begin 2015 being remembered as the 2014 team of losers to motivate to do better - so, he will. He fell from the Hayden Fry coaching tree.


    "I was raised on a farm," Fry said. "My father taught me a lot of great lessons. He'd take me behind the barn, grab the horsewhip and tell me to bend over.

    "He'd say, 'I want you to remember this the rest of your life.' He'd tell me to bend over and he'd say, 'I want you to remember this the rest of your life.' I said, 'Daddy, what is it you want me to remember?' He said, 'I want you to fill the pickup truck with hay and feed the cows."

    A horsewhipped person doesn't forget their responsibilities around the farm next time - so, Dan can horsewhip the players who blow assignments during the games. He fell from the Hayden Fry coaching tree.


    Fry said his family farmed, but didn't own, between 1,500 and 2,000 acres. How was he going to find the cows in that expanse?

    "My daddy said, 'Drive the pickup out in the middle and wait a while. Pretty soon, you'll hear a bell ringing. That's the bell cow. Find the bell cow and you'll find the whole herd.'

    "I used that lesson as a coach. I observed all the positions on the team. It doesn't take long to figure out who the bell cow is at each position. That's the guy you go to and say, 'This is the way you win. This is the way you lose. These guys will listen to you. You can help me.'

    "That's the way you find a leader. That's the way you develop them. The bell cow is the whole secret.

    One or a few of the players are wearing bells, and the rest of the players are following them to the feeding areas - so, Dan needs to drive his truck onto the practice fields and listen for those bells. He fell from the Hayden Fry coaching tree.

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  11. “It’s like a baby trying to lift a coffee table,” Diaco attempted to explain. “Did the baby get upset because it didn’t lift the coffee table? Probably not. But it’s frustrated…you can see it on its face.”

    Ummm, what? That is probably the most bizarre analogy I've ever heard from a coach. Do you think he just came up with that on the spot or was this something he worked on beforehand? Very odd IMHO.

    I like it.

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