Hey everybody. I'm very excited about MT's win. North Texas has been a thorn in our side since 2001 and it was nice to finally remove the thorn. It really wouldn't bother me to come to your board and gloat, but there's no need. We all saw what happend and I'll leave it at that. I just wanted to give my opinion on the whole coaching controversy. If you remember, last year after NT beat us our message boards, fans, etc. were always talking about the merits of keeping the coach vs. the merits of bringing in a new coach. Many of the things that are being said on this board are the same things we had going on our boards a year ago. Here's my advise: 1) Support the players. These are young men who are students and they are trying to make their way thru school. No matter what you think about the coach, these kids have spent some very long hours and some very hot days preparing for this season. College football has now become a year around sport (spring practice, summer workouts, fall camp, etc.). Make sure to appreciate the sacrifices these guys have made and give them all you support. Also, do not withold your support just to make a point (i.e. "I won't go to another game until we get a new coach") 2) Do not let the opinions of others divide the North Texas fans. I'm sure some will be loyal to Dickey and some will want to see him go. Ultimately, everyone of you wants what is best for your university. Just because you have different ideas about what is best doesn't mean that you have to disagree in ways that causes a huge divide. 3) Remember that all coaches, players, administrators, etc. are humans. Of course this is obvious, but I think sometimes on these message boards we act as if these people are just objects. We forget that they too have families to feed, feelings that get hurt, etc. One of the things I hated when were were going thru this is what happend to the kids of our coaches. Several of our coaches kids had other kids making fun of their dads and saying thing like "You dad is no good" , etc. Basically they were just repeating what their parents were saying. A couple of kids got into fights "defending their dad's honor". No kid should be put in a situation like that. Also, once the old staff was relieved of their duties, many of these kids lives were uprooted due to their dads taking new jobs. I guess what I'm saying is to keep everything is perspective. As much as we all love our universities sometimes it's easy to loose perspective of things. Just my 2 cents worth.