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About galojah

  • Birthday 09/20/1978

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    Raleigh, NC
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  1. I posted this on the C-USA message board, but wanted to share here. I think UNT will play much closer against WKU than some think. I compare your situation to WKU basketball in 2012. The players did not want to play for Ken McDonald. Our record was 5-11 when he was fired mid-season. We ended up 17-19 with a win in the opening round of the NCAA tournament. This could be a defining moment for UNT. I hope it is. I am sure the team will have some player-only meetings and this season will have some highlights still.
  2. Good luck, guys!
  3. So true.
  4. I could. Long term, we cannot continue to have uneven divisions. It is such a hassle. It would not make sense to have ONE non-football school.
  5. Denver is on its way out anyway. So was UNO. Neither play the require number of sports in the SBC according to the new conference rules. So in a few years they were going to be going anyway. The question now is do you keep UALR? They would be the only non-football team left in the conference. If we go to 10 teams, we could go to a round-robin 18-game basketball schedule with no divisions (or still keep divisions if it helps the egos of the 5th place team in the west or east not being called the 10th place team in the SBC.) That, to me, would be awesome.
  6. There is a choir of teams saying the same thing!
  7. It was a great atmosphere! I am sure had to look good on the tube. Great game! OMV is the man!
  8. Absolutely-- that is what I do from Bowling Green. Fly Nashville to New Orleans. Then, of course, you can stop and get some great New Orleans cuisine before you hit the road. God Bless Southwest Airlines! If SWA doesn't fly there, it's not a destination!
  9. Let me just say as an alumnus and a donor, I was greatly disappointed in the behavior of our guys down there and hope to never see something like that again, and I told Coach Elson the same thing. It was definitely a learning experience for our guys and young staff.
  10. Nope. Their is an equation... something like the cheapest ticket cannot be more than 1/3 of the most expensive ticket or something like that--- to avoid that very thing, handing out free tickets to get your attendance.
  11. So if you refund the ticket--- can you count their attendance in the NCAA figures? I doubt so.
  12. I've not read anything about Missouri State being interested in I-A. In fact, I know someone who works over there and they are not discussing it. They have a pretty good deal in the Missouri Valley Conference. So instead of Missouri State, say maybe Georgia Southern. I'd want the program to be good at ALL revenue sports. Our basketball has to improve. Although, I am apposed to a 12-team conference. We cannot support a conference championship game and it would only likely knock someone of out a bowl anyway. Also, you're looking at 2014 at the earliest. You have to look two years beyond the end of the moratorium.
  13. I don't think we need 12. I'd rather see us actually drop down to nine for all sports, through I am not in favor of kicking any teams out (including Denver, we invited them, we owe them a home), but if it happened that would be best. Then we could play single division, round-robin, basketball-- which is the best basketball their is. I smaller, tighter, conference is where we need to head. Expansion-- no.
  14. They may be able to raise the one-time monies to pay for the stadium, but they didn't tell how they intend to raise $10-$15 Million annually that they say they need above the $10M student fee income. That is no easy chunk to raise ANNUALLY. To give some perspective on Texas State: Their endowment balance: $42.3 Million; WKU's endowment balance, $102 Million Their annual fundraising total for FY 2007: $14.3 Million; WKU's total, $17.6 Million So not sure how they can expect to raise $10-$15 Million just for athletics when the entire University only raised $14 million. Obviously they can expect a little more in axillary services, suite contracts, increased ticket sales, etc., but not anywhere close to the numbers they need. Their plan is suspect.
  15. I don't see what is so funny about it. Every team sets goals before the start of the season. They usually are something like, 1) conference championship, 2) bowl game. For this season and next season, WKU cannot have those goals. So, to motivate your team you have to create other goals. At seven wins, (granted not the seven wins we had) a team becomes bowl eligible. So since we could not win a conference, could not go to a bowl game, we played for rings to celebrate a successful first year of transition. For seniors who won't have an opportunity to ever compete for a championship but sacrifice their senior year for the good of the program, I think it is a noble gesture by the athletic department. Sorry you disagree.
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