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Texas Stranger

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Everything posted by Texas Stranger

  1. Don't spoil the ending ! (I haven't seen it yet)
  2. Except going out and paying for Brett Hull and Eddie Belfour. That never would have happened with the previous ownership regime.
  3. I always liked the earthquake hit
  4. Winters, TX was the hometown of Baseball Hall of Famer Rogers Hornsby (speaking of spring...)
  5. Ryan will play one 2-year cycle in 5A, then back down to 4A. By that time, there will be even more Metroplex schools in 4-A. I'm wondering if the UIL will go ahead and bite the bullet next time around in creating class 6-A for the mega-schools (Planos, Duncanville, etc) and move the cutoff for 5-A down a little to about 1700 or so.
  6. The Green "team" will THINK they're playing against Deion Sanders. And Roy Williams. And Junior Seau. etc.
  7. pay no attention....that's just the beer talking
  8. got a six-pack that says I score on DEFENSE.
  9. 2 questions: 1. What if he DIDN'T ? 2. Does anyone truly believe this was unprovoked ? (not meant as an excuse because it isn't....just wanted to point out where the source of the problem lies).
  10. Name: Curtis Garner Shirt: White XL (I'm guessing they're 100 % cotton) Number: 29 Name on Shirt: Texas Stranger
  11. 8 on 8 is standard, typically only 3 are allowed to rush the passer. All offensive players are eligible receivers. Also, a common penalty included in flag is some sort of roughness, generally knocking someone down. Most flag orgs use a criteria similar to basketball, either a offensive (charging) or defensive (tackling) foul. Some just call it a player-control foul, and apply it to both sides. Short version is there should be some sort of declaration on amount of contact allowed.
  12. Name: Curtis Size: 6'2 , weight varies, currently at 215. Speed: 4.6 in High School. (No longer in High School, as will become obvious shortly after kickoff). Reflexes still good. Demeanor: Completely Jekyll-and-Hyde. Very nice guy off the field. Extremely competitive (not to be confused with effective) onfield. Knowledge: Extensive, possibly superior. Will be the only player on the field to know more about the rules than the ref. Anyone challenging his knowledge will get beaten down with lecture on Post-scrimmage Kick Enforcement rules. Will use said knowledge of football rules to devastating effect. Intangibles: Has jumped out of airplanes that were working just fine. Doesn't scare easily, this is both a positive and a negative. Will tell you what he thinks. Doesn't care if you wanna know or not. Will be graduating this semester, hard to say what impact this will have. Knows a lot about the sky, and all that that entails.
  13. I can confirm that she plays First Base on the APO softball team.
  14. Let's hope studying for finals will keep them distracted. Should they even be playing Saturday night ?
  15. I'm thinking that this thread gives Cerebus the warm fuzzies. and I agree that Data would trash Neo. Don't forget that Data punk'd The Borg. Twice.
  16. Why is it beating on the Siamese Twin dots ?
  17. On tonight's card, we have a Title Bout: Gandalf the White vs Yoda (the Green, I suppose). and on the undercard, Neo vs. Lt. Cmdr. Data Capt. Picard vs. Capt. Kirk Spiderman vs. Wolverine Buttercup vs. the red Power Ranger and an 11th-level Paladin with a +3 Sword of Sharpness vs a Griffon, 3 Orcs, and a Gelatinous Cube. place yer bets.........
  18. Wanna make it a REAL dork thread ? If Yoda, Gandalf, and Neo were to duke it out, who would win ?
  19. If McNair's not 100 % , I would go with Engram instead of McCareins.
  20. I'd like to see more teal incorporated in them
  21. It looks like the wrongful breeding of a Phoenix Coyote and a Houston Texan
  22. Agreed. Illinois almost won a Nat Champ in 1989 without a starter over 6'9
  23. That should be "mealy-mouthed" and "Yes-man". You don't mind being corrected, do you ?
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