Name: Curtis Size: 6'2 , weight varies, currently at 215. Speed: 4.6 in High School. (No longer in High School, as will become obvious shortly after kickoff). Reflexes still good. Demeanor: Completely Jekyll-and-Hyde. Very nice guy off the field. Extremely competitive (not to be confused with effective) onfield. Knowledge: Extensive, possibly superior. Will be the only player on the field to know more about the rules than the ref. Anyone challenging his knowledge will get beaten down with lecture on Post-scrimmage Kick Enforcement rules. Will use said knowledge of football rules to devastating effect. Intangibles: Has jumped out of airplanes that were working just fine. Doesn't scare easily, this is both a positive and a negative. Will tell you what he thinks. Doesn't care if you wanna know or not. Will be graduating this semester, hard to say what impact this will have. Knows a lot about the sky, and all that that entails.