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Texas Stranger

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Everything posted by Texas Stranger

  1. In before the lock
  2. SLC's main runways are parallel to the Wasatch Range, so they don't have to do any sort of aggressive takeoff/landings. On Saturday, I was flying home from my cruise and got stranded at my connection point in Tampa (I was on AA) when DFW shut down. I immediately asked the AA person at the counter if Continental was still flying to IAH. Yep, they were. I had them re-book me on a Continental flight to Bush, and I was barely able to reserve a rental car to drive up to DFW. About 30 minutes after I got finished transferring my flight, there was a mad rush of folks from the AA counter to the Continental counter as they finally figured it out for themselves how to get to Texas. Lesson: learn where each airline hubs. The really corny thing is that I was humming the 'Amazing Race' theme song in my head as I was hustling thru the Tampa airport beating the crowds.
  3. They should have a Whataburger eating contest. Let's act like we're in Texas, dammit !
  4. I give Craig a "free pass" for OU support, since he's from Oklahoma My Free Pass rules: You can follow a "Big State U" if you are really from that state. City and regional schools (such as Louisville) fit this also, if you are actually from there. You can continue to follow a school that your parents or spouse attended and you were exposed to following them. You can follow a service academy. You can follow a religious school (BYU, ND, Baylor, etc). You can (and should) follow your alma mater. Unless it fits one of these categories, it's front-running.
  5. He burned FAU for 80 yards or so on a play that was called back.
  6. "Hey man...don't pass me the ball in the second half"
  7. In before the lock
  8. They should be asking themselves "Why can't we get a message board without popups....like those North Texas guys ?"
  9. I'll never forget the one that soared lazily around me at Pedernales Falls SP last summer. I was hiking up the river bed, and it flew over from the right cliff walls, about 20 feet off the ground. It was huge. It simply soared slowly right over my head about 10 feet above me, as if were mocking me. After almost a full minute of this, it got bored of me and headed off back toward the cliff. Bastard must've known I left my camera in the car.
  10. It's simple, really. Do you live in the past or the present ? The present's not bad at all, you're welcome to join us if you like.
  11. Owl fans' take This is what it sounds like, when nerds cry
  12. I'd like to see Jeremy Pearl added. He's got my vote as the most under-rated player of the SBC era. Craig Jones deserves some GMG love, too.
  13. replace one of the Riveras with Pete Carroll
  14. The "Pizza" thread was truly magnificent. The "Mega-Dork" thread involving the Battle-Royal featuring Yoda, Neo, Gandalf, et al was good, too. I think those and others should be unlocked and bumped to give the new generation of GMG'ers a chance to participate in Greatness.
  15. They're also UA brand which means you will pay 2 or 3 times what a similar item would otherwise cost. I believe the bookstore ones (you can also get them at games) are about 35.00
  16. SMU is in no position to veto anything in CUSA. If the other CUSA schools decided on NT after an evaluation process, any Pony bitching would be answered with a "STFU....you should be nice to your new travel partner."
  17. Think of a WAC minus Boise State and see if you still want to do it. If so, fire away.
  18. C'mon, Emmitt....you've been around enough to know that Wins are no longer enough at NT...you have to have #@*$!& Style Points now.
  19. Swiss and American cheeses are quite different and require different dressings to complement. For Swiss, it's gotta be mustard; American can work with mustard or mayo effictively, unless it's with roast beef, which calls for mustard always.
  20. Link to story Anyone that was around back then remember this?
  21. At this point, it looks like it is intentional, not merely ignorance. See if it stops when we quit playing games in Arkansas.
  22. It's a watered-down version...sorta like their beer and casinos.
  23. Come on, Plumm....the "five-and-dime" is now a "dollar store". Try and keep up ! On logos, i see nothing wrong with the white SoW eagle on a green shell. Can do without the white center stripe, though. The Exes-style logo could be improved, IMO, by emphasizing the N versus the T (currently, the T is larger). While the N is depicted in the foreground, it is dominated by the T in the logo, and thus the "T-N" remarks. A logo like that that had a foreground N larger than the background T would be great. It would be more horizontal than vertical, but that would look good on a helmet. and have a Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah Krazy Kwanzaa Freaky Festivus Rousing Ramadan
  24. Pete Incaviglia as hitting coach ? Isn't that like having Cecil Fielder as baserunning coach ?
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