A money game does not have to be a "body-bag" game. The BCS team is paying us to not have to return a game in Denton. Why can't we go somewhere, kick their ass and still walk away with half-a-million ? This WILL happen, only question is when and who will it be. I am curious about the K-State deal, though. I'm thinking it's a 2-for-1. I'm wondering if we're getting a half-money-game fee (say 250-300K maybe) for each appearance at K-State. That might not be so bad....2 years of 1 1/2 money games with one Fouts sellout in between. Alabama would have to be my favorite SEC place to do a money game. There are more winnable venues in the SEC, like Vanderbilt or So Carolina, but they won't pay as much as the top dogs. And the visiting fans don't have to avoid Molotov Cocktails (college football version) like at LSU. That might be why they're paying 700K now.