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Everything posted by mwynn05

  1. Well, weather you think JJ is a good in game coach I have noticed from his interviews that he seems to be doing things the right way...like a quote from last night "they have to know how much you care before they care how much you know" and being in the dance can only help...I really think with JJ's philosophy he can make something of the program
  2. they dont have that dominant big man though...yeah joseph jones is good but he isnt a guy who is just going to kill us down low like a darrell aurther kevin durant or greg oden etc and i realize it means absolutely NOTHING as far as the actual game this but we hung with them last year so that could possibly give us a little confidence that we can win this game.... i hope you get what i mean by that
  3. I'd like to play a&m i dono if we would win but i honestly think we could push them
  4. if we win a game we will....a LOT more exposure too....because the new orleans bowl really isn't that big of a deal nationally
  5. I can almost promise you the school will get an allotment.....
  6. It's great to see the Mean Green getting some quality air time tonight....also did anyone catch the mich mustain comment....one of the guys said that north texas is mitch mustains mothers' favorite team right now.....that was great
  7. what impresses me as much as going to the dance is how much better some of our players got specifically quicy williams , sturns, and howerton improved a lot and could very well be a good contributer by the time he graduates johnny got it done this year on the court as far as results go and with the over all improvement of the team and players
  8. 20 years ago i would say 85-90% of students aren't old enough to remember
  9. wow at the rate of some of the comments on this thread people will be complaining if we make the NCAA tournament because it will make the football team look bad
  10. 'Everyone bashes Johnny about not winning in the tourney like he doesnt care or hasnt noticed well he realizes they havent gotten it done did anyone see that the guys who weren't suited up had shirts on that said FINISH....i saw collin mangrum this morning and he had one on as well....and i agree with the props for Johnny he had them ready..those shirts show us what he has been preaching recently
  11. ESPN.com shows the game as "delayed" any one know why or if this is accurate
  12. im not so much singling you out the topic being discussed seems to be that sturns should play more than bell
  13. what you dont understand though is if sturns started it takes touches away from kd calvin watson and the bigs.....that and hes just too erratic.....there is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more to the game than #'s bell sets more of a pace we want to play sturns does good to change the pace as a spark off the bench....once more NUMBERS DO NOT TELL THE ENTIRE STORY
  14. this just shows more and more people on here dont know basketball......
  15. On espn saturday they said that WKU was the last team left out of the tourney last year or something to the effect....sun belt isn't as bad as you want to believe it is
  16. Anyone who says Sturns' turnover tendencies are overrated doesnt watch many North Texas basketball games....he is doing better but he plays so out of control it isn't even funny
  17. didn't we wear these in an exhibition
  18. it's going to be really tough for us to win the regular season title....we need some help.... but it doesn't really matter either
  19. umm watch college basketball on tv and you will see it i cant put a number on it because it is what the situation dictates not just something you do.....with a guy like mccaleb i do what JJ did....except not call the time out
  20. your leaving out one thing....the guy throwing the ball in can run the base lineif he puts a quick move on the guy guarding him he can still get a good pass off and with mccaleb's quickness he has a good chance to be open.....what yall dont get is there is no right or wrong in that situation....there are a lot of coaches who put someone on the inbounder in that situation there are a lot who will do what jj did....if he made the shot and he had someone on the inbounder yall would still be bitching..i do agree he shouldnt have called time out after the freethrow and that that was a big mistake and cost us big time.....and ill say it once again we were lucky not to get beat 15 or 20 in that game i find it somewhat impressing that we lost by 2 when we shot as poorly as we did yeah we made some mistakes but jj made some good decisions as far as running the offense and working the posts when we werent making shots....and i think im on record as saying johnny hasnt done a good job in a lot of games this year
  21. the guy he is throwing to is double teamed what more can you ask for if you guard the inbounder he will make a quick fake run down the baseline and with as quick as mccaleb is he will get open when guarded one on one and probably get a better look than he got....he just threw up a fade away falling down prayer with two guys in his face that went in
  22. personally i feel we were lucky we even had a shot to win that game....we didn't play well enough to win and probably should have been blown off the floor...to play as bad as we did we did a great job to even have a chance to win that game
  23. okay lets ignore the fact we had 2 people on the guy they were throwing it to and still let him catch it
  24. You people saying putting someone on the inbounder is a general rule must not watch a lot of basketball....it's a philosophy some coaches do some coaches dont....i see you all bitching about not about the fact that we had TWO people on Bo Mccaleb and let him catch the damn ball.....that is on the players not Johnny....if i were coaching in that situation since NO had no timeouts i probably wouldn't have called time out though...you shouldn't have to call a time out there if your doing a good enough job coaching your kids should already know what to do in that situation
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