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Everything posted by oldschoollefty

  1. You are on a roll today, sir.
  2. Oh crap, I just realized I inadvertantly started another helmet discussion and it's not the off season. I beg the moderators pardon...
  3. I don't want to play Oregon until we get yellow helmets with chrome feathers on the sides.
  4. Prediction: We treat Texas Southern like LSU treated us. (maybe worse)
  5. This is one of the VERY few "body bag" games we looked like we belonged on the same field as our ranked opponent. I'm guessing more than a few of the LSU players are licking their wounds and reciting that famous line from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid..."Who are those guys?"
  6. I thought the incredible punt return he had just before the 58 yard run may have sealed the deal for him. I think he could be a real contributor in that area.
  7. Maybe Mac caught him in the middle of some chelf gratification.
  8. fixed for us older alums
  9. I wondered as Harrison took his no no into the 7th and Beltre needed only a single for the cycle, has any team in MLB history ever delivered a no hitter and a cycle in the same game? I'm thinking, no way.
  10. My velvet Elvis and poker playing dogs on the wall make the perfect backdrop too.
  11. Yeah, but does yours have rabbit ears? I didn't think so... Mine does.
  12. Not only do I pledge to wear my colors proudly on Aug. 31st, I plan to visit either the Apogee Stadium store or a retailer that carries our products to add to my Mean Green wardrobe.
  13. I was at that Texas game when the "Hail Mary" half court shot went through. I will attest to the decibel level generated that moment. My ears are still ringing 30 years later.
  14. One liner of the year ^^^^^^^^^^ Solid gold!
  15. This really isn't an issue for us since we're going 12-0 and to the Sugar Bowl to thump LSU for the SECOND time this season.
  16. I sat one row in front of him at the LSU game last year....really cool guy.
  17. Don't know what he meant by "he's not a Plumlee" but good stuff anyway.
  18. I am SO there...
  19. Good to see a post player who plays well with his back to the basket. Didn't see many defensive highlights on those videos, so I'm hoping he can defend the paint as well.
  20. Score one for the troll... You got me on semantics there. The next dry cleaning of your pink polo is on me. My intended point was, half or more OF THOSE IN ATTENDENCE would be clad in green, whether it be 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 thousand. I think you saw my intended meaning but just chose to ignore it like you ignore other clear facts about your beloved little ponies. Still don't think smu needs regional games to survive? It's absolutely laughable that the only significant live gates that smoo attracted over the last 4 seasons were regional games where the visiting team supplied 30-50% (or more) of the crowd in attendence i.e. Texas Tech, UNT, TCU, etc. You still really think that your "fan base" turns out to support smu athletics? Enjoy that dream if that's what keeps you going. Now here's the shocking part of this post... I'm going to play a little devil's advocate here. I believe that UNT attendence will improve from 2013 forward also due to an improved slate of regional games on the CUSA schedule. I may drink the green kool aid but I know from which way the wind blows too. I sincerely hope we don't need the same 30-50% contribution from visiting fans that SMU does for a decent gate and I don't think we will, but yes, I believe improved attendence from visiting fans of CUSA opponents will help swell crowds. Lord knows our former Sun Belt bunkmates didn't travel very well. I believe even more strongly that the general direction of the program, vastly improved facilities, and a stronger conference affiliation will bring our fan base to new heights never before seen. If I'm wrong, well, we will be in the same boat as our friends in University Park, a lovely facility to play in and thousands of empty seats to play in front of. I have faith in our fans though, (myself included) that we will support our program to those new heights.
  21. This thread is worthless without pictures.
  22. I fed him one last much needed reality check (you know for Check Facts) lol. But you're right, the trolls need to be starved out. Can I score a plus 1 for my reformation? )
  23. Your assumption that 16,000 UNT fans will need to show up to half fill Ford Stadium is based on the dream that 32,000 will actually attend any game played in that facility. The last game played between UNT and SMU drew about 20,000, 7,000 of which were North Texas fans. Pretty embarassing for roughly 40% of your attendence to be from that "little community college" up the road and in the middle of one of the darkest periods of the program. You all must have been really proud when T Tech fans made up well more than half of the attendence the day they came to visit, but I digress. Now for your daily reality check... SMU has scheduled regional opponents at Ford for several years (Rice, Tulsa, Houston, Texas Tech). Don't you remember your glory days in CUSA? Anyway, check the attendence figures for those home dates and tell me how you think SMU "fans" will come out in droves for these. I can't wait to see the sea of maroon for the A&M game *giggle* but again, I digress... I have several other reality checks for you and other smoo trolls but, as an earlier poster mentioned, I should probably stop feeding said trolls. Enjoy your run in the new and improved BE. Hope that works out for you the way you dream it should.
  24. Ok, genius, you neglected to address the second part of Screaming Eagles last sentence, you know, the part about "someone to buy tickets". SMU has struggled...mightily...over the last 20+ years to sell tickets despite having a state of the art on campus facility. We all know outside of their painfully small fan base, NOBODY in the Dallas cares a whit about SMU athletics. Hell, drop them in the Big 12 and attendence might spike 10%. Do you get it now...? NOBODY cares about SMU athletics. In case you don't think SMU "needs" UNT, just wait until the first game in the upcoming series when half (maybe more ) of Ford Stadium is decked out in green. See, there's the appeal of regional games again, filling each others stadiums due to ease of travel for visiting fans. I doubt SMU will bring more than 3,000 to Apogee for the return game but no matter, we will fill the stands with our own fans and relegate the pink polos to the little visitors section. Speaking of "bleatings" please feel free to read your own posts sometime and then look in the mirror at that poor, shorn sheep looking back at you. I respect your right to voice your opinions on here, but your act has just become plain tiresome.
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