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oldschoollefty last won the day on April 24 2011

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About oldschoollefty

  • Birthday 05/07/1958

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  • Home
    Carrollton, TX
  • Interests
    Bowling, golf (not enough), travel, celebrating SMU failure.

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  1. Then their stadium must seat 70K since it was about half empty. lol
  2. I haven't seen this brought up yet but given how talented this FAU team is (legit top 25 material), shouldn't they be seriously embarrassed by the weak turnout at today's conference CHAMPIONSHIP game? I know this sounds strange coming from an attendance challenged program like ours but I can't help but believe if Apogee was the venue for today's game, there would have been a lot fewer empty seats to play in front of.
  3. Any possibility of a Playoff berth?
  4. I really liked the creative camera angle from Ford making the hundreds in attendance look like a much larger crowd.
  5. 4th quarter...time for the defense to sack up and get off the field. Ok, was there really need for trickeration when we're moving the ball pretty well the conventional way?
  6. The HOD is what it is...not a top tier bowl game but yes, less crappy than the NO bowl.
  7. Combine or no combine, if I'm a GM on any NFL team, I use a 4th or 5th round pick on Lemon and give thanks he fell into my lap. Lemon is something special and will show it on Sundays for many seasons to come.
  8. Y.......M........C.........A........
  9. The Broncos might be a good fit since one of their receivers, Wes Welker just suffered his third concussion in barely over a year.
  10. Keep voting...the rout is on!!!
  11. Speaking of said Star Telegram...Have they done any kind of pre season preview and were we included?
  12. If we don't have stickers on our helmets tomorrow, the whole experience is EPIC FAIL. We might as well go back to FCS. ...or not GMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Would the Steve Williams in the picture be the one and only Stone Cold Steve Austin?
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