I am a fan of Cuban. I met him years ago and he came and sat with our group for a quarter. Its always impressive to turn a team that is a laughing stock of a league into a contender year in and year out. In fact, he is the reason the mavs are the only Dallas team I actually rooted for while spending 6 years up there. Like others have said, he brings a positive energy that is really cool to see. You almost can't help but be excited about the team. I think he will go down as one of the great owners. And as the case in almost every Dallas team conversation, inevitably the Houston bashing begins. So I have to do my part (since this is a North Texas board, not a "Dallas fans or else" board) and throw in a line or two in defense. I would contend that Houston is not in fact an awful sports town. Of course, most people on this board will not listen as the feel it is their duty to spew the same garbage that they have been force-fed since they learned to walk and talk. Come down to a game sometime. Any of them. Downtown is something to see, something Dallas would love to have anything resembling (and thats not just me, thats coming from friends who live in uptown and downtown Dallas who have visited recently). All of our stadiums are actually in the city limits. Novel. Oh and both the Rockets and the Astros have enjoyed more success than their DFW counterparts. The Cowboys superbowls are nothing short of impressive. I think its great, and I hope to someday see one for the Texans. I thought Id see one for the Oilers, but we all know what happened there Also the Dynamo games are a blast and have been packed every game. I guess this is where I say, "fire away". Or you could just try to see it from someone elses point of view ...