I think the important thing we realize in all this is that had George W not rigged the elections and we didn't go to Iraq, UNT would already be a tier 2 university, much to the chagrin of GO_UTA. Which of COURSE would grant easier access into the conference of our choice. Unfortunately, now we're saddled with rising gas prices making our souped up Camaros unrealistic daily drivers, which only means the future stadium is that much further away. Which brings me to the Jews and SMU, which both share equal responsibility for the sorry state of affairs in this rock we all inhabit, which was created by the big bang in just a hair under 7 days. Meanwhile, the Unites States is climbing into bed with Mexico and Canada to share currency and create a North American Union- not sure how that will affect Denton beer prices, but I'm guessing it won't be for the better. I figure next we'll just take over Central America... then the rest of the world with a jingo jingo and two shakes of a lamb's tail. The 12 Madhi and Jesus will return hand in hand on a starship made of guitar riffs and good intention to take us all to our scores of virgin grapes and cash that we'll use to live happily ever after on Southern-style plantations in high-demand real estate hot-spots on planets made of gold as we say our nightly prayers to Tom Cruise who will ultimately take UNT to it's rightful place as the leading University of the Milky Way (with ambitions of someday being the "universe"). I'd say the future looks green and good.