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About GreenEyedMonster

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  1. I have 2 for you steve...just clal me and let me know how to get them to you Adam
  2. From what I've been able to read, and talking to some Tulsa Alums....They have GREAT fans. Very football savy and don't have their head in the clouds. They know they are in for a tough game, but it could go either way. I think that we will be impressed with their fans attitude and hope that they bring a lot down to enjoy what will be a great tailgating day.
  3. Been waiting too long for this....if I am not there by 12:30 there is a big problem. Even if I just get to sit in an empty parking lot for a while, waiting for everyone. Superstituos about my parking spot. It's been working this long, why break the mojo?
  4. Gloom and Doom....."so sorry for them" blah blah.....this is crap every year teams win and lose just like this....nobody "hands us the game" heads up play and good effort by young players won this game. WE EARNED EVERY BIT OF THIS GAME... The better team won....let's let it carry over to next week.
  5. OK....wasn"t worried about you to begin with...but thenaks for the tip
  6. it is what is it... i don't feel sorry for them in the least. if they had earned it,,the score would have reflected it. They are the same losers they were the last 4 times we beat them. Earn my respect first...then and only then will i feel anything for you.
  7. Agreed......this subject has been beaten to death...but I love the new logo and a guy can always dream. If we were to keep the 'North Texas" on the helmet....might as well have stayed with what we have.
  8. My Turn....My Turn..... I will select Derek Mendoza.....I spent the better part of the first 3 games last year cursing this kid. I suppose I just wanted to see Casey or Spencer out there. As a Freshman he really came into his own, and made some important plays. It was great to watch him mature on the field and become a real force out there. I have never forgiven myself for being so hard on him (I mean HECK he was a Freshman). Now I have championed his NT career and he is one of my favorite players...Can't wait to wear my #51 Jersey this year. He's also awesome when I play as him on NCAA 2006 (PS2)
  9. A K State victory may turn a head, and Tulsa would be a nice blurb in the DMN, but a win over MUTS is expected and should give us no great thrill. The only conference game we have that will generate any good nationl pub is the Troy game. At least that game is pitting 2 bowl teams against each other.
  10. I think it is a great idea, but I'm not holding my breath. I have repeatedly offered pretty darn good money(upwards of $400) to several people in the department for just a helmet (not historic....just a helmet) and haven't got anywhere. Personally, I would go even higher on the scale for the final pieces to my collection. I just have to be patient and watch E-bay and hope.
  11. yawn.....like talking to a monkey.
  12. Pardon us MT....BUT we are the 4 time defending champion of this conference. Please excuse our attitude as we have consistantly shown the nation what a joke your pathetic school offers as a football team. I'm sorry that you have NEVER beaten us. It's terribly hard to take someone like you seriously, when you have never offered anyone, anything to make us think differently. I'm going to excuse your little jab as fun pre season banter....because there is absolutely now way you could be serious. Here in MEAN GREEN country we actually have games to worry about (LSU, Tulsa, K State) rather than re hash this old arguement.
  13. Trust me when I tell you...I would pay a lot!
  14. I'll take 2 as soon as they are ready to go!
  15. It got my blood stirring too Steve!! It was great to see a kid smiling his butt off, showing everyone his new UNT ID card and pestering me about times and locations of tailgatring events. Whatever they were saying in those orientation meetings was really working. I offered him $30 for the shirt off his back and he actually told me that it would take $50! ( and this is from a somewhat starving college student!! ) THAT is some school pride that I haven't seen in quite some time....North Texas or otherwise!
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