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Everything posted by Aquila_Viridis

  1. What I'd like to see is a team show up that is worthy to play a game scheduled by NT administration, but that will not be seen. Instead NT goes and schedules something like this with no commitment to deliver a competitive team when the time comes. It is so terribly inept and thoughtless.
  2. Thanks a bunch for posting those images. Being 8 hours away, I really appreciate being able to see the progress. That update in the heart of campus was sorely needed. I have been on a lot of campus tours the last few years with my son and daughter. A facility like that is expected now. It looks like they have done a great job at NT. I don't know how they can do so good with it and so bad with a football team. I am very down on NT especially right now working with so many Tennessee grads, but at least the new Union is something positive.
  3. Thanks for posting the pictures. That is the kind of attendance you could expect if the promotions said "All attendees are very likely to be tapped in the head with a brick." Still it is rather amazing that even that many people are willing to tolerate that risk.
  4. It is not so easy as 'we all just need to step up'. You are talking about a small group on this board. Many of us have stepped up. The school must have staff who go get MANY people to step up. They have not done that and apparently don't think they need to or that it's not their responsibility. The program needs THOUSANDS of people writing $1,000 checks every year, not just a few writing $1,000,000 checks occasionally. But that would be a lot more work and they'd have to be creative and desperate about it. Instead they just like to hope all those people will magically step up on their own. It is either the most careless or most ignorant management possible. I have said it before. All those citizens in your area deserve a far, far better local public university that is not managed that way.
  5. It looks to me like if el presidente really cares, he has a lot to learn. I understood his comment about engagement to mean that if we do not stay engaged then the situation will not improve. The problem is that they have not engaged with enough people, only a tiny fraction. They have leaned on a handful of us over the years. Unless he wants to preside over a UAB-type disaster, he better take initiative. But it seems like he has bought into the idea that it is us who should be taking initiative. It does not work that way. I do not hear anywhere in that pile of crap that 'The University of North Texas will not tolerate this problem and will fix it.' For me, the University of North Texas is turning into one escalating gigantic disappointment. Great job! Those #%^*& administrators need to take responsibility. Yet that garbage content they spewed out there has NO responsibility. Absolutely sickening! Puke!
  6. Here in west Tennessee, some people support the University of Tennessee who have no other connection than they live in Tennessee, and it is six hours away. Now they are down but we would happily trade places with that program. The broad support you describe would only come from people who live in the North Texas region deciding they should care about the University of North Texas. I have not seen much evidence of outreach from the university to capitalize on that connection. There are a lot more North Texans than there are Tennesseans. This is the basis for nearly all of my frustration with the university.
  7. I have come to realize that a North Texas football or basketball event is designed for people who don't care whether the team wins or even if there is a game played. I don't think there are very many of those people though. I would say, 'maybe the "Establishment" doesn't realize how many people do care or could be made to care', but I also think it is evident that the Establishment is in the 'don't care' set. So unless a frightful army of concerned and embarrassed North Texans stages a sit-in or something over at wherever the Establishment makes its fortifications, no significant change is gonna come. I should clarify. There are many people who don't care. I am saying that there are few of those who would attend a football or basketball event, yet the events seem to be targeted at exactly those few people. And as for a sit-in, it is not to show them about the numbers of caring people, but more to make the Establishment feel uncomfortable. They seem very comfortable.
  8. He will eat all the other candidates.
  9. It is mystifying why anyone who contributes enough to have sway, would tolerate this ridiculous athletic program and director. Surely the reason for making such contribution is because you deeply care about the reputation of the university and desire to see it advance. So you see advancement in a facility? To do what, put on the sorriest show in it that severely tarnishes, not improves, the reputation of the institution you care so much about? Maybe take a step back and think about what you are doing and why. This situation is so hopeless I don't have time or money for it, for a banner or otherwise. Congratulations you RV insiders. Enjoy whatever it is you get out of this idiot production.
  10. Hey now, that looks like some "pretty good" tile.
  11. RV's legacy will be the best Traveling Comedy Football Troupe in the nation. We are nearly there! Once we've recruited some new cast members - I mean players, who are fully on board with the new vision, RV will have created a whole new category of entertainment. What better way to make a mockery of the insanity of $$$ that college football has become? "Something Completely Different!" And wow those Subarus run forever!!
  12. If there's a Guinness World Record category for Worst Division 1 Football team, we got it. I had pretty much given up on the program anyway, having not renewed my season tickets this year. But now it's to the point where I can't even mention that I went to North Texas. What a bunch of clowns! Those of you who have talked about dropping down are wrong. Whoever is running North Texas will lose at any level you throw at them so it won't make any difference. I wish they would either make a commitment to winning or just stop playing. North Texas is bigger than most SEC schools by student population. It is the worst underperforming athletic program of all time.
  13. The whole thing is a mess. Why are we having a thread with one guy's name in it other Dan McCarney? I'm more concerned about missed tackles, inability to cover, and guys not getting off blocks. We didn't see much of that last year. The head coach is ultimately responsible for all this. Maybe some players aren't so great, but who picked and trained them? Maybe they're not giving all they can; who motivates them? That recruiting rant could have been written by Dickey and made me sick. At least the nut up there at OK State said 'I'm a Man!!' Then I see smu waving around $4 million. Even if we had that, does it make any sense? Would it even make sure we never got beat 82-27? It's madness. I live over here in the middle of SEC country. It's madness. I think it IS a real pain recruiting from the bottom of a long totem pole that includes Big 12 and SEC schools. We had an up year. Now we're having a really down year. Continuing the parade of QBs isn't going to change it. I don't even know what to expect anymore. Maybe next year will be better. Over the long haul we have a terrible program, with occasional - and relatively brief - runs of success. It really would take 'transformational leadership' to change that. I don't see it coming. Don't be putting all that on one player or position.
  14. Since we have a new president it's hard to tell if he cares, but it's been evident over the years that there is not a lot of caring by some who steer the university. I mean they don't seem to care about what these embarrassments do to the brand. And I think they have done a poor job overall of building the brand in other ways. They have done some things right, but then stupid stuff like only selling eagle logo merchandise that has the 'North Texas' attached to it. Do you see any other schools where you can't just get the logo to put on stuff without words on it too? I even see that Texas State bobcat on cars all over the place. It doesn't say 'Texas State' on it but I know what it is. I don't want the item to say 'North Texas' cause it doesn't look like what big schools do and it de-emphasizes the eagle which is a more recognizable symbol by itself. That sounds petty but it exemplifies the sort of buffoonery we've consistently had to endure even during the rare good times. Getting blown out by LT, Indiana and UAB is a clown act. They may as well play that 'yackety sax' song at the games. Comedy football, but I don't find it funny. That's how I feel.
  15. Probably it is now presiding over a crawfish boil in Thibodaux.
  16. Kudos to Canales for putting together a structure that allowed NT to get a big win over SMU without downfield accuracy. Kudos to Holtz for quickly dismantling that structure. If that gets sent out again and Nichols watches the LT game it could be an all time low. I don't know what attitude issue or what is keeping Dajon from starting, but unless he wants to sit for a team with a losing record it needs to get fixed.
  17. Careful! It's a sexual reference. You can google it. Things can get pretty crazy in there!
  18. Thanks for sharing that. I was born in Baltimore so I sure hope he has a lot of success for my Ravens. Definitely need a win tomorrow there too.
  19. To answer the question, yes. Though I'm optimistic because Greer made good progress and looked more in command. Yes the smu defense was in disarray but I think we can move the ball against LT too. I am glad our team is not traveling for the short week. I wish I could make it back down but can't do 2 thousand-mile round trips in a short week. In 30 years of being a Mean Green fan that game Saturday was absolutely one of the BEST experiences I have had as a fan and I am very thankful and proud. So many things are going right. I think the coaches can figure out how to win this game and the players will do a great job executing it. I was really encouraged by our kicker Mr. Moore's success. That guy knows what he is doing; that's going to make a difference especially with the defense playing so well. Onward and upward. Go Mean Green!
  20. That is an NT tradition since Dickey, the elusive screen pass. It may as well be alien technology. On this night when balls were being tipped up by receivers etc., there was a fear of any pass. Apparently justified and maybe kept it from being 76 points against. However to win NT must pass so it might have been better in the long run to get some actual game work in on it. The defense is good now. As little help as they got from the offense I would say they did alright so NT should take some risk.
  21. That makes sense but that means frequently you have to not hand it off. NT just kept handing it off that way so the defense knew.
  22. I am just talking about holding the ball way out there for the RB to see for three seconds. If the RB needs that the RB is doing something wrong.
  23. This player's statement makes a lot more sense to me than the coach saying the QB competition is open. I do not want the competition to be open going into the second - and far more important - game. I accept that the QB success depends a lot on the success of the players around him at their jobs. Nobody is going to step in there and make up for it by themselves if there are a lot of other things going wrong. I would say this specific to the QB the other night: change the way they are doing handoffs cause you are giving the defense several extra seconds of telling them exactly what you are about to do. Now maybe there were a bunch of failed exchanges in practice or something but you may as well risk it. It looked like middle school football. If that's where we're at let me know so I can spare myself the 500 mile trip this week.
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