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Aquila_Viridis last won the day on August 1 2010

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  1. Absolutely! As for the bridge, I don’t care what it looks like. I don’t want anyone to get run over and the current situation is a traffic hassle. It’s a hazard especially at night. Make it easier for people to get in there, and safely, and maybe more will come.
  2. Maybe having a ceiling other than jet black would make it lighter in there.
  3. There are never many people in the upper; shutting it won’t make much difference. And the upper never shows on tv. I like the cheaper seats, extra space and higher perspective. They should make a pedestrian bridge from the lot up to the entrance level.
  4. I wish I could have got a photo of Atin's face coming off the floor. Sheer pride and joy! To see that and his performance made me feel the same.
  5. Best things to say about this are I don’t think anyone got injured, and we can hit outside shots. Lot of tentative ball handling, timid defense and bad shots taken, mainly due to getting into dead ends. Glad as always to see a win, but much different will be needed to get a conference tournament win. Seemed like quite a few shocker fans made the trip.
  6. We should do everything we can to keep State down, the way others have done to us.
  7. As someone who's taken my share of bad looks over the years, I can say with authority that, no matter the history, at this point it's a bad look to dunk on the dude. When he made that steal the other day, it was exciting. If nothing else, he's in there giving a starter minutes that help to reduce fouls on them.
  8. Ha! North Texas has for decades vastly appealed to young people who not only don’t give a hoot about sports, but for whom the idea, of sitting close together in an enclosed space singing the same songs in unison and wearing the same clothes, sounds like absolute torture. Those young people are not ‘losers’. Some of them will change as they move on and mature. Efforts would be better spent finding those.
  9. I enjoyed Mavs night more than expected. Was surprised as many showed up in the cold as did. Impressed by the big man and defense. Great night!
  10. Thunderous second-half beatdown!
  11. The other day I scanned alot of game attendance numbers. Outside the power conferences and a few historical basketball powers, there doesn’t seem to be alot of attendance. For us and comparable teams, I think unless the winning consistently for a long time goes into the postseason, there’s a fairly low ceiling on it unfortunately. I’d have been at the women’s game today but for a medical emergency, that thankfully has been resolved. I really respect what they have done this year. I’d just not get worked up about attendance, unless there is solid evidence we’re underperforming on a relevant comparative basis.
  12. Very important win!
  13. I guess I had no idea what was at stake! Really it was just that I was vomited out of the arena by the bad feelings from watching our team act like they were playing the Washington Generals.
  14. Ridiculous. I've been a college basketball fan for decades and this is unprecedented in my experience. Your name calling would be better applied to the sad pass attempts etc.
  15. Score only 13 points in a half, I leave at halftime. Glad I did.
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