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Everything posted by GTWT

  1. Our country shouldn't have validated NAZI Germany by playing in the 1936 Olympics. Our university shouldn't validate Liberty by playing them in football.
  2. I found this article interesting: https://www.chronicle.com/article/Why-Are-Black-People-So/243443?cid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en&elqTrackId=e975fdaf96f34b2c809d7c5e01ade60d&elq=d0a83d294c87425c835e943014d578de&elqaid=19131&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=8667 This is about an internal survey which asks members of the university community to respond to questions such as - "why are black people so loud?" or "Do Muslim women wear the hajib in the shower?". They intend to have members of the SMU minority community discuss the responses next Fall. The hope is that the discussion will make it easier to deal with stereotypes within the context of the SMU community.
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  3. "”This is a school you flunk out of when you get the answers right. —Bill Maher
  4. I hate that my university is associating in any way, shape, or form with Liberty. Schedule TCU, BYU, or SMU all you want. Those schools are religious but they're not embracing and advancing pseudoscience.
  5. If playing winnable games is the most important criterion let's just drop back to the Southland. Better still the Lone Star Conference would provide a great opportunity to go undefeated.
  6. Both. Army is a quality football program & a great academic institution. Liberty is neither.
  7. Thank you for that!
  8. Deep, I'm not sure we have been stuck in the mud for the last 15 years. We have a great new stadium and we're out of that slime pit called the Sun Belt. Let's hope we make as much progress in the next 15 years.
  9. Absolutely great article. My Mt Rushmore: Joe Greene Abner Haynes Steve Ramsey Byron Gross (after reading this article)
  10. And yet nowhere in that long article discussing violent crime in London does anyone suggest the solution is to increase the number of guns on London's streets.
  11. I'm not sure why you want to poop on the Football Board. If you really want to discuss the NOVA program or climate change in general the more appropriate forum would be the nest.
  12. Golly Gosh I hope we can beat Liberty. That's a match-up made in Heaven!
  13. The NCAA President, Mark Emmert, says paying football & basketball payers will end non-revenue sports. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/04/01/mark-emmert-we-cant-pay-football-and-basketball-players-because-it-would-kill-non-revenue-sports/?cid=eref:nbcnews:text
  14. Here's an article that links to advice on expected earnings for graduates. https://www.chronicle.com/article/A-New-Tool-Breaks-Down/242944?cid=trend_au&elqTrackId=769e7314dff44cfb92b838f649b572a5&elq=40309fbd3d804370bbf0e3ea4031da6b&elqaid=18371&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=8228
  15. Interesting stats: https://www.chronicle.com/article/Here-Are-the-Hottest-College/242951?cid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en&elqTrackId=1d771072e8c5433a986b546c0b534536&elq=4880e4e77c9f49298dd01cf2b2d9a5a5&elqaid=18380&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=8234
  16. If you read the thread again I'm sure you'll pick up on the topic being the reduced focus in universities on subjects like English, History, & Philosophy. The university is under increasing pressure to produce graduates with skills, employable skills - whether those graduates also are also educated is becoming unimportant.
  17. Wouldn't your company also prefer that their computer programmer be well educated? If not, you should consider hiring graduates of DeVry's not UNT.
  18. From the American Institute of Physics: Everyone has his/her priorities. Personally, I'd rather fund science & get along with one less carrier task force.
  19. We would probably agree that budget bills should only concern spending. This bill contains myriad riders and add-ons that make it cumbersome & unreadable. That still leaves questions concerning funding priorities. You don't want to reduce military funding, which is nearly 50% of the budget, that reduces our options for overall retrenchment. What broad areas would you reduce or cut completely?
  20. What budget items would you take out?
  21. I think one thing to keep in mind is that the applied majors aren't always what the employers are looking for. I used to have a good friend fairly high in the Human Resources Division of IBM. She told me that she often preferred to hire humanities majors, especially English majors, even for fairly technical positions. They're able to read & communicate and they don't come in thinking they know everything about computers & programming. They learn what IBM wants them to know, not what some computer instructor at UNT thought they ought to know.
  22. It's not just U W Steven's Point. Academia as a whole has become more and more concerned with the marketability of graduates. I think we would all agree that it should be the mission to turn out employable engineers, teachers, & MDs, however I think we would also agree that those graduates should be well educated engineers, teachers, & MDs. A graduate can be well qualified in business & still have an appreciation & understanding of Shakespeare, Darwin, & Goethe.
  23. The university is no longer an educational institute, its new mission is vocational training.
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