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Everything posted by GTWT

  1. We should make sure we're choosing the best for one of the most important jobs in society and, once selected, we have to make sure they receive the best training.
  2. You're right. There is a huge difference The police are the good guys. Terrorists are evil. You expect them to do evil. We expect police to be well trained, strongly motivated - and they usually are. Some though, should never have been entrusted with their badge. Some few aren't intelligent enough or motivated enough. Even fewer are racist, xenophobic, or sexist. Those bad cops are a curse on their pledge to 'protect & serve'. They're an embarrassment to all to dedicated, well-trained, hard-working members of their brotherhood. They shouldn't be protected by poorly conceived notions that every cop deserves our respect & defense. Some few don't. Now, what has this got to do with gun control?
  3. What do you judge the 'intent' of a bad cop to be? To break a sacred trust?
  4. No, but it does have a lot to do with judging the many based on the bad behavior of the few. But you knew that.
  5. Yeah, we should also remember that's it's a few tens of thousands of radical Islamics out of hundreds of millions of decent members of that faith who you never hear about. A few criminal thousands out of tens of millions of urban minority youths who you never hear about. A couple (maybe) of radical Middle Easterners out out 3,500 desperate migrants. You get the idea.
  6. Saying that" McNulty wouldn't be the starter in 4 (or 5 years)" was ' critical' of the player? Jesus. If that's the worst thing you've found looking back through 9 years of my posting I must be a saint. You have way too much time to waste on the web.
  7. I doubt I'm the only poster on GMG who feels it's inappropriate to be negative towards individual players. As far as I can tell this kid is trying his very best. That's really all you can expect of an amateur athlete. Don't like the coaches or administrators? Fine, tear them new posterior portals, they get paid to take the heat. Leave the 19 year-old kids alone.
  8. Brammer is big, athletic, and has a great deal of 'try'. I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt before we dump on him.
  9. I don't think you can say the California laws had no effect. The POS used a handgun instead of an AR15 & his limited magazine capacity apparently allowed some of the kids to escape. Other posters are right that gun control will never be all the solution - there are too many nuts out there & they will find a way to hurt people. Gun control can make it harder for them. I think some changes such as limiting magazine capacity & requiring back-ground checks for all purchases (and thus limiting private sales) are no-brainers. The real solution, in my opinion, is a change in culture leading us to value our children more than our guns. We don't seem to be going in that direction.
  10. I bet Mason Fine is thankful to have an athlete with as much potential as Brammer protecting his blind-side next season.
  11. Relative to Oklahoma the California gun laws are strict but in a real sense - not really. A legal sale to this guy would have had to have been through a licensed dealer & a background check would have been conducted. However, if he had no convictions for felonies the sale would have gone through. Twelve innocent people died because this jerk exercised his legal right to own a gun he didn't need. We need to get our priorities right.
  12. This shooting suggests that limiting magazine capacity would help. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/calif-bar-shooting-witnesses-describe-escaping-as-gunman-reloaded/ar-BBPtrb1?ocid=spartandhp
  13. It would be really tough to monitor & enforce. The DNC funnels money to state groups who then contribute to O'Rourke. Sam Smith sends money t6 his brother George (who lives in Houston) who then gives that amount to Cruz.
  14. I'm glad to see the great participation. I wish it wasn't because we hate each other.
  15. Some of those contributions came from national political organizations such as the DNC, some from advocacy groups that agree with O-Rourke's agenda, and some from private individuals who support that agenda. Question - Did Cruz receive contributions from similar groups?
  16. Yeah, there's something we can count on. I think it boils down to whether we value our firearm rights more than we value our children.
  17. and again..... https://www.foxnews.com/us/massive-police-response-after-reports-of-shooting-at-california-nightclub
  18. As you have suggested, the problem is complex. We have nearly 300 million people in this country & some of them are nuts. We also have incredible availability of guns. That's a dangerous mixture. We'll never get rid of all the nuts. That leaves doing what we can to reduce the availability of guns & to make the guns that are out there less deadly.
  19. I agree with much of what you've said. There is already such a culture of violence in our country and so many weapons circulating that anything we do legally or culturally will have little short-term effect. What I want to do is change our mind-set. Change the idea that anything having to do with guns is sacrosanct. Pass rational laws. Enforce them as well as we can. Given enough time our attitudes will change. I do think clip limits are reasonable. You don't need maxi clips to protect your home or to hunt deer. I do think banning private sales is reasonable. If a dealer can't sell to someone on the 'no-buy' list you shouldn't either. As for 3D programs that's a no-brainer. I want our country to get beyond the idea that the occasional Sandy Hook is a reasonable price to pay for unfettered gun rights.
  20. That's a start: Stop demonizing police, and increase their presence in high-crime areas. I agree with both. It will help if we make sure our police are well-trained and well-adjusted. Too often the rare bad cop deso things that taint the whole profession. Screen prospective cops wisely, hold the police to high standards, and reward the good cops with high pay & high status. Allow teacher/administrator concealed carry on campuses nationwide. I can live with this too. Providing that again you heavily screen those teachers who desire to be licensed, and you provide adequate training (much better than what you or I would get in a concealed carry class). Eliminate cell-phone use in public schools completely. I can see how this would hinder team shooters (such as Columbine) but it might also make reporting of suspicious activity more difficult. Increase incentives for fathers to stay in the home with the kids they father, instead of incentives for them to leave. Okay. Seems like a societal benefit but I suspect the immediate effect on gun violence might be limited. Stop glorifying and pushing video games, music and entertainment that encourages killings, executions, assassination, mutilation, drug sales, cannibalism, rewarding extra points for blowing someones head off, etc. Again, it would benefit society to reduce this kind of garbage but I don't think this is the real problem. Now, why do you think it would be "worthless" and "ill-advised" to reduce clip capacity, ban private sales, & getting 3-D blue prints off the web?
  21. So what will you support? Aside, that is, from banning "mental defectives".
  22. So, let's discuss specific proposals. How do you feel about limits on clip capacity for semi-automatic weapons? For the sake of discussions lets say maximum capacity should be 8 or less in both rifles & handguns. How about banning private sales? Make it where every sale has to go through a licensed dealer. How about banning programs for 3D production of guns?
  23. Mostly Liberty, and God knows that is worth a lot.
  24. No. We only want 4-star recruits.
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