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Everything posted by GTWT

  1. My hat is off to you. Still, I'd bet you were one of a very small percentage of Texans who remembered that day & the heroes who made it possible..
  2. But we will. How many of you last March 2nd gave a thought to what that day meant?
  3. I'm not a big fan of Baylor, but it does seem that once the Board became involved they responded correctly. The Head Coach is gone, as is the AD & the President/Chancellor. Within a few months a lot of small fish will follow them out the door. This was a sorry episode but it happens. Hopefully Baylor will learn from it.
  4. Find a way to win in football & basketball. And that means giving our coaches all the funding support they need to hire top assistants, to recruit anywhere they need to go. To make sure that every recruit, their family, & their highschool coach perceives UNT to be first-class. Reestablish good relationships with supporters - big or small. Talk to the media & be honest. Get to know UNT's President & BOR on first names bases.
  5. First, I want to personally thank Rick Villareal for the good things he did for UNT. Second, I want to second all of you who said it was time, or past time, for a change. Third, I want to congratulate '90. Now go change your undies dude. Last, may good fortune continue to Bless UNT!
  6. "They were backed in a corner & forced to act." BS. They passed the legislation because the bigots they represent wanted them to. Contrary to their self-professed preference for local rule. Kinda like the Texas legislature's over-riding of Denton's local ordnance concerning fracking. Conservative are all for local rule until it contradicts their ideology. "gender identity as a biological matter" Yes, And sometimes the biology screws up. And most biological (by which I assume you mean genetic) matters is influenced to some degree by environmental factors.
  7. Yes, a lot of ambiguity was cleared away (said sarcastically). What the legislation did was to make a statement the legislators thought would be popular. Neither the original ordinance nor the legislative response had any practical effect. Do you really think a cop is going to stand outside public restrooms checking gender identity? Good luck. As for the obviousness of a 'Newsweek' cover, I'm ashamed to say I missed that issue. Not that I would have read the article - another person's sexuality is none of my business. I really find, that when it comes to bathrooms & sex, that I'm happier not knowing.
  8. If the Charlotte law was unconstitutional the NC Supreme Court should have dealt with the matter - there was no need for a new law from the legislature. Second, "our nation's self-appointed homosexual-in-chief", is a really bizarre statement. Don't like President O'Bama? That's okay but give an intelligent reason - don't accuse him of being Moslem, being born in Indonesia, or being homosexual. Such silliness says more about you than the President.
  9. Last time I checked, Mac's gone.
  10. It all depends on what you want from an education. If you want to work for The Western Company Harvard or Rice may not be where you want to go. Remember though, education is about preparing you for life - not just getting a job. Harvard is mentioned a lot not just because it's old (& near media centers) but because so many of its graduates have accomplished a great deal in life.
  11. '90 hates the University of North Texas. And he will until Rick Villareal quits or is fired. Then '90 will smugly take credit for removing RV's ugly shadow from the university he has always loved and supported.
  12. You only want people who agree with you to reply to your thread? It doesn't work that way.
  13. Don't like RV? Write a letter to the President or the Board of Regents. They can do something to address your concerns. Posting your hatred of the AD on this board only stokes your ego, AND gets old, especially when you do it every thread.
  14. I can't speak for anyone but myself '90. But I'm sick of the whining. It's no secret you hate RV - that's fine - but you d turn every thread into an attack on the man and the university. You're worse than the idiots from SMU who visit to say something nasty about UNT - their motivation is at least reasonable - and sooner or later they go away.
  15. Read this thread. Then you will understand why UNT supporters are beginning to avoid this board.
  16. Yes. There are lot's of us who need to get a life. Me included. Maybe I'll attend a Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders rally this weekend. That should take my mind off of '90, RV, & whether some 18 year-old kid is going to commit to NT.
  17. I like the alternating series of Army & SMU. They're both names that are recognizable by the average fan & they both should be beatable. In addition SMU is an easy away trip & Army is an opportunity to thank our veterans. I don't think this is bad scheduling at all. Thanks Rick! (He says with synchopanthic (is that the right word & spelling '90?) fervor).
  18. Memphis is a mid-level school with whom UNT shares some history. I'm fine with this series.
  19. '90 has morphed his hatred of RV into a hatred of all things UNT. Sad.
  20. It's not really grammar, '90 - you used the wrong word. As for the quote below, What in the heck are you trying to say?
  21. Actually, I'm not a strong supporter of RV. He cost us what I think is our best coach since Hayden Fry - Coach Dickey. I do think RV has been a big part of the improved infrastructure at UNT (Apogee et al.) & I think he should get credit where credit's due. I don't think he'll be AD much longer, but I don't think it will be because of a bunch of loud mouths on GoMeanGreen. It's nearly time for RV to move on. When he does we should thank him for his efforts on behalf of our university, and then find someone who can take us from here. Unless you have something other than conjecture to back up this statement, it's an inappropriate thing to write. Also, I wonder if by 'roll' you meant 'role'?
  22. I don't know, but I wonder if this list that has '90 & his minions all worked up is comparing apples with oranges?
  23. I gave a +1 to Video Eagle not because I agree with everything in his post - I don't, there are other reasons to pursue the Mountain West - but at least he's trying to find innovative solutions, and not just farting in the general direction of RV.
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