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Posts posted by RETSO

  1. I just don't see it. Central Florida was attractive because of their geographic location and the talent that resides in the state of Florida.

    Troy Alabama is close to the Florida panhandle and right next door to Georgia...great recruiting base, but I agree they are not going anywhere anytime soon...at least I hope not!

  2. Are you black...or white? I ask because this may show some pertinence and help qualify your statement. A lot of times, white people may not notice racism from another white person. However, those of us that are a minority have a greater opportunity to translate tendencies into racial bias. A look here...small aphorism there...doesn't matter. The point is, these young men found reason enough to accuse their head football coach of being racially bias. Thus, and unfortunately, these accusations must be investigated appropriately and justly.

    I think these young men have a problem with discipline. They can not separate the differnce between racial bias and a stern "sit your dumb a$$ down and shut up! "

  3. You can't get away with screaming cuss words in front of customers in the real world. Dodge might as well teach his players that lesson now. If the NBA makes its players wear suits, I don't think it is a big deal to ban UNT players from wearing hats. Keep encouraging UNT football players to behave like gentlemen, Todd Dodge! I support your efforts!

    C'mon Cuz, thes just kepin it reelz

  4. You are an ass.

    Dodge's offense has racked up 400 or 500 yards consistently. The defense has underperformed to say the least. Many excellent coaches have taken their lumps their first year on the job. Dodge and NT football will be fine.

    You might be happier at a Stanford or Utah State message board.

    Apparently I need to lay off the sarcasim, but I will not lay off the criticism.

    Those Offensive #"s would be great if Dodge was our offensive cord, but he is our Head Coach and with that comes Off/Def and SP teams.

    Off has been fine, but DEf and Sp Team have been horrible and that sir is the responsibilty of the HEAD COACH!

    I am not calling for Dodges head, he will turn it around, however his selection of a DEF cord along with inability so far to adapt and change at halftime leads me to think he is overmatched and outcoached at this point in the season. Some College experience on the coaching staff would have been nice.

  5. I fault Dodge for that. It was a rookie mistake not to surround himself with proven talent at the college level. It is the one thing that has bothered me about Dodge thus far. I hope (sooner rather than later) his idea works out...

    I agree 100%....he should have hired a DEF cord with college experience!

    mendoza should be making lesson plans for 9th grade world geography class, not making a game plan for Monroe!

  6. I understand that TD is still winless, but I still don't think enough time has past for anyone to be able to compare TD to anyone, much less DD... Please feel free to let me know if I am wrong.

    Bring back Dickey was sarcastic, however i think Dodge has looked outcoached and out matchced in EVERY game this year......two halftime leads lost.

  7. Just returned to Kansas City from the game. Our defense lacks great athletes/playmakers and these kids are playing without confidence. But Mendoza (coordinator) does not belong on the college level! First year or not this guy does not have the skill to coach or motivate players at this level. Mark my words!

    I think he should be teaching 9th grade World Geography this year instead of running a Def.

    79, 45, 30, 66...this defense would be great at Kino!

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