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Everything posted by greensteve

  1. Do we have a timeline on spring drills...times, locations, etc
  2. Move the thread... music dept, jock sniffers!!!
  3. It official!!!! Hell has frozen and the spin was on at the grammy's!!! congrats to John Mayer and John Legend. Someone push the Chicks back under the rock they slithered out from under.
  4. 15 year old humor is the best...cant wait for the next pic
  5. "Great christian education and fan base they have down there. Outstandingly low class." Rice is not a religious institution!!! One word desribes that pic. FUNNY!!!
  6. Where has Mitchell been all year? Bad Joke/Pun coming... We didnt see Mitchell this year and we wont have to see Flanni next year!!! YEAH!
  7. Good Observation, but we may need to look at like the number of sports? Does NT have more sports than these other uni's...i'm not saying that I know, just wondering.
  10. I would like the kinda of coach that would make it a law not to have polls such as the one i just participated in.
  11. the green team should have played the entire season, quote is the dumbest thing i've ever heard, since the last coaching list that came out on this web site. yall are funny, i love laughing...please keep'um coming!
  12. BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH!!! We won a game, be frickin happy for atleast 15 minutes!
  13. With all due respect...there aint enough money in Denton to hire "ANY" OC/DC from an SEC school. Look at the Head Coaching at NT: It is not a desirable position, it could be, but at this time its not. Hell, Dickey could'nt even get a better job after winning 4 conf titles. Unfortunately this job is perceived as a Dead End job. And as for Todd Dodge, why would he leave Carroll a year before his son graduates...he will have 20 NT like programs knocking on his doorstep...I fully expect Dodge to end up as a coach on the OU staff by spring of 08. This job comes down to money...who will we get for $250,000?, or will we raise the stake...if we are only going to offer that amount of money, we may need to look at an older coach who may/may not have gotten in to some trouble int here past or had was in a bad previous situation. I dont have any names to throw out, but it will be fun to watch the ridiculous dreams of landing Newheisel (sp?), Fry, Greene, and all the other long shots...I have mixed emotions about the removal of DD, and may can point to his OOC record or last season and this season, but the truth his he delivered 4 consecutive championships to a school (at that time) was best known for the music dept (no offense to music people). He had little to know funding, and got to watch his teams get the shit kicked out of them for the first few games of every year in order to fund the athletic program. So, I will reserve the right to make judgement on if this move was good or bad...because we dont know which direction we will go. Have fun naming all the "NEW COACHES"...I cant wait to see what you come up with!
  15. As someone who has defended DD every chance I get...this is ridiculous!!! If this is true I will be very disappointed in the program and DD stock will drop in my mind. Philips is an average QB at best...he's a sitting duck and the SMU defensive line will surely get to him quick. We need a multi-diminsional QB to win this game. Wilson will surely see action, I just hope it's not to late.
  16. YUMMY BEER TALK!!!!! 1) DIET MILLER 2) THA HI-LIFE 3) SHINER I really like free, too....it doesn't even have to be that cold---just free!!!!
  17. CADDYSHACK Dumb and Dumber VACATION
  18. Since he failed..does this mean that he cannot participate in practice at all??? He can run the "DUMMY" defense!!! I'm so sorry.
  20. For everyone who has Gritched in the past about the marketing dept, or lack there of, we need to take the time to issue an acknowledgement on a job well done for the 2006 renewal form... looks good, nice to have the schedule on the outside...never know who is looking at that schedule, may, I stress may get a couple extra people at the game that way...nice incentive to re-up early. Good job!!!
  21. There is, never has, and never will be any pizzazz when it comes to THE BELT!!! There is nothing salty about those teams...the only thing salty about anything is we get our Football Program back on track, get competitive quickly in Baseball, and build that frickin stadium and leave the BELT behind.
  22. Akron excluded...I love the way RV has directed this program to regionalized!!! With the MAC and CUSA as some of our OOC opponents...I am assuming that we will still be forced to play atleast one money game a year...UT, OU, etc. I also thought that I read somewhere that we had Miami on our schedule in the next few years, something like 08? Is that true? We should focus on the Rice's, UH, SMU, TCU, TULSA, TULANE, UTEP's of the world...they are regional and relatively inexpensive to travel for the team and the F'IN FANS....sorry about that, I love DD!
  23. What a waste of time, money and resources.
  24. Hey is the flag a sticker...metal...or is it a magnet. I have seen those before...guess i've been living in a cave.
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