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Everything posted by LongJim

  1. I think if he violated any organizational bylaws prohibiting that type of behavior or attitude or whatever, then he should face whatever consequences the violation specifies.
  2. I was going to reply in order to illustrate the difference between constructive criticism and bitching even when good things happen, but I don't care enough to.
  3. Takes a lot to fall below apr 3 consecutive years. UCONN managed it too, I believe.
  4. Some of you guys are hilarious. If Tulane and Rice students are scholastically good enough to get into the school, shouldn't they be pulling commensurate grades? It's a great achievement for UNT. Why on earth people would damn it with faint praise is a real head-scratcher.
  5. Raspberries--Go All The Way Cheap Trick--Auf Wiedersehen
  6. Dude found--and RAISED--the Titanic. You can't hold that against him. Plus, he fired the kill-shot on the evil-doers. Everywhere. With one eye. That's saying something, and something I think he should be proud of and trumpet.
  7. Nope. Yep--but he's got to over-sell it. Too much competition, and the sound bites are too few. Maximum impact.
  8. This is pretty much it. Mac is not talking to us. Since he got here, everything out of his mouth has been to say "UNT is not small-time/half-ass anymore. Things have changed, and we are serious about this." He uses hyperbole all the time--but he's not speaking to us. He's letting people know that things are on the way up, and spinning everything as postively as possible to try to get the perception--by the public, student body, alumni, etc.--that UNT football is a joke completely turned around. More power to him. He toots his own horn to let people know "I know what I'm doing. I'm not a HS coach...etc." Let him do it. It's working.
  9. Yeah. I'm good with that. It's what I subscribe to.
  10. No, you should always be wary of *any* entity asking for funding from the government. You should always ask what the agenda is, and what the end game is. You should also ask where the money is going. And there is always an agenda. Much more difficult to remove government funded research once it is in place. If government provides for it. We must need it. And, if we don't find a solution with all the research $ expended, well, we just need to throw MORE $ at it. After all, it works for the department of Ed, right?
  11. I don't want to speak for Mike, but I believe this is what sticks in his craw the most. And, it is definitely what sticks in mine. Also, those of us that have been around more than 2 decades have seen this type of charade before, and are rightly skeptical about a "scientist" predicting dire consequences about the earth's climate. Why? Because it allows for a never-ending funnel from your pocket to the government to try and "solve the issue" with "more study". When--oh when--has that EVER turned out well? And, when did our elected officials become authorized to do this type of work?
  12. Terrible.
  13. New edition of Sniper Elite runs $50. Students will drop that coin in a heartbeat.
  14. You want the job? Earn the job.
  15. A power running team that can throw when necessary while keeping the opposing offense off the field as much as possible--will win more games than it will lose.
  16. You never met my grandpa after a dinner at Joe T's. Come to think of it, solid and liquid apply also.
  17. LOL at this thread. Health care worked pretty damn well when doctors could charge what people could pay. But no, we HAD to get "regulation" into place so everyone could "afford" health care. That was over 3 decades ago. That didn't work, so now we have OCare. You know--so people can "afford" health care. Yes, the solution is to throw MORE taxpayer money into a system created by the people that screwed it up in the first place. Carry on.
  18. Almost TOO oblique, but still nicely done. LOL...
  19. Again, I don't see any mention of cupboards, recruiting classes, Apogee, Fouts, "how great I am", or anything of the kind in the article. Only "We have to keep the momentum going and not slip back to where we were." I hope he says that every day, on the hour, for the rest of his contract. I hope every player does, as well.
  20. I didn't get that from the quote.
  21. It works in Aieeee.
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